Sharon Stone, Alec Baldwin Embody ‘Out-of-Touch Hollywood Elitism’ at Italian Film Festival
“Why do actors — people whose main talent is faking emotions — think that their opinions should be directing the course of political events in the real world?”

In Turin, Italy, for the Torino Film Festival, actors Sharon Stone and Alec Baldwin showed us precisely why we hate Hollywood. We’ll start with Stone who blamed President-elect Donald Trump’s victory on “Americans who don’t travel, who 80% don’t have a passport, who are uneducated, are in their extraordinary naivete.”
The “Basic Instinct” star spoke at a press event on the sidelines of the festival. She was asked to comment on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women which fell on Monday. Stone, who is clearly still reeling from Vice President Kamala Harris’s loss, responded with a tirade about politics and fascism.
Sounding quite a bit like Jane Fonda, either by design or for no reason at all, Stone began by saying, “We have to stop and think about who we choose for government. And if, in fact, we are actually choosing our government or if the government is choosing itself.”
You know, Italy has seen fascism. Italy has seen these things. You guys, you understand what happens. You have seen this before.
My country is in the midst of adolescence. Adolescence is very arrogant. Adolescence thinks it knows everything. Adolescence is naïve and ignorant and arrogant. And we are in our ignorant, arrogant adolescence.
We haven’t seen this before in our country. So Americans who don’t travel, who 80 percent don’t have a passport, who are uneducated, are in their extraordinary naivete.
What I can say is that the only way that we can help with these issues, is to help each other.
Good men must help good men. And those good men must be very aware that a lot of your friends are not good men.
We can’t continue to pretend that your friends are good men when they’re not good men.
And you must be very clear minded and understand that your friends who are not good men are dangerous, violent men, and you have to keep them away from your daughters and your wives and your girlfriends.
Because this is a time we can no longer look away when bad men are bad.
JUST IN: American Actress Sharon Stone says Americans elected Donald Trump because they are dumb and don't travel enough.
The comments were made at the Torino Film Festival in Turin, Italy.
Stone appeared to compare Trump to Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.
"My country is…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 26, 2024
Even by Hollywood’s lofty standards, Stone’s comments—delivered with an air of imperiousness—exhibited an astonishing degree of disdain for her fellow Americans. Unsurprisingly, the backlash was swift and intense.
Au contraire…we selected him because many of us actually have traveled.
We’ve seen socialist sh*tholes of Europe and Latin America.
And not from some luxury suite in the Sofitel.
— Implicit Truths (@CrayCrayBlocker) November 26, 2024
I guess she hasn’t heard. We don’t give a rats azz about Hollywood anymore, esp an irrelevant has been.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) November 26, 2024
You couldn’t script an entitled Hollywood celebrity better than this.
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 26, 2024
Alec Baldwin was also in Turin for the film festival. And his comments were equally as presumptuous, condescending and offensive as Stone’s. Baldwin told the group, “There is a gap, if you will, in information for Americans.” But not to worry, he said, because “that vacuum is filled by the film industry.” Heaven help us.
Here are some excerpts from Baldwin’s remarks:
Americans are very uninformed about reality — what’s really going on. With climate change, Ukraine, Israel … you name it. All the biggest topics in the world, Americans have an appetite for a little bit of information.
That vacuum is filled by the film industry. Not just the independent film industry, not just the documentary film industry, which are very important around the world. But by narrative films, as well where the filmmakers and the buyers, the studios and the networks and the streamers are willing to go that way.
I think right now is probably one of the most significant times in our history. Since film began, since the film experience began, it became an art form. It became a business, a huge business. Now is probably one of the most important times in our history for us to make films that will teach people what reality is around the world.
Alec Baldwin in Italy: After Trump’s victory, “half the people in the country are very unhappy, it’s a very difficult time … Americans are really uninformed about reality, what’s really going on — w/ climate change, Ukraine, you name it … Americans have an appetite for a…
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 26, 2024
I hate to break it to Baldwin, but none of us need or want out-of-touch Hollywood elites lecturing us on “what reality is around the world.”
“Americans are really uninformed about reality”
This from the guy who tried to argue that the gun went off by itself.
— AdamInHTownTX (@AdamInHTownTX) November 26, 2024
It should be noted he agreed to be the guest of honor at the Turin Film Festival ON THE CONDITION “Rust” not be mentioned at all. He’s censoring his own appearances yet claims Americans are “uninformed about reality.”
— RED2024 (@RED2024official) November 26, 2024
As Biden starts WW3.
Bro, just read the script and don’t shoot anyone again.
— DriveBy Geek (@DriveByGeek) November 26, 2024
We look to Hollywood for entertainment. That’s all. The golden age of Hollywood is long gone. There are now too many “celebrities” to count, let alone idolize.
We don’t look to Hollywood stars to tell us what’s best for America or who we should vote for. Living in their progressive echo chamber, they are the very last people we should listen to when it comes to politics. In fact, most of us wish they would stay in their lane and shut up.
Renowned economist and political commentator Thomas Sowell once asked, “Why do actors — people whose main talent is faking emotions — think that their opinions should be directing the course of political events in the real world? Yet it is a mistake that they have been making as far back as John Wilkes Booth.”
Enough said.
Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.

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Sounds like a party of joy
Alec Baldwin is so out of touch, he thinks he can get away with murder……………………….
He did in a way.
Und, der iss STRNGTH through joy!
I think Sharon Stone’s commentary was fantastic. She gave the most ignorant and arrogant diatribe, at the level of a 7th grader, if that, on how America is in its adolescence and is so ignorant and arrogant.
Europe can have her. Please. Her useful days (which had nothing to do with her opinions about anything) are long past over.
A woman whose claim to fame is that she flashed her kitty on camera. I guess that’s a step up from s&cking and f*cking her way to the top like that stupid wh*re Kamala Harris. Come on ladies, surely you can do better than that. Let’s hear that roar!
“She was asked to comment on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women ” and attacked the USA but was totally silent on Muslim countries like Afghanistan. Looks like someone else needs to watch the news and get out of the Hollywood bubble.
It’s pretty disgusting for these smug narcissists to badmouth their fellow citizens while in foreign countries.
So stunning and brave.
Convicted ot of her own mouth. “Adolescent” is the main attribute of all leftists, but Hollywood takes that up to 11.
what can be said about these people ? a marginally talented actor, a coward and a liar joined by a marginally talented actress, also a coward and a liar and both light-years past their sell by dates
both coming to grips with the stark reality that they’re both irrelevant and have only their fade into obscurity left in this life
and no one cares
Alec Baldwin, or Quick Draw as he is known to his friends, may be out of touch, but is still knows how to shoot off his big mouth.
He does make a point, though. Many Americans have no idea what is going on around the world and if the youtubers and streamers they watch can respond with video, documentary’s etc then people might learn more.
As VDH mentioned somewhere on Fox last night, the USA is NOT an adolescent country. At more than 240 years, we are the oldest constitutional republic in the history of mankind. Sharon Stone can FOAD.
Limousine Libs from hollyweird think they should be able to pick and choose winners and losers in elections??
Of course they do.
“…this is a time we can no longer look away when bad men are bad”
Thank you, Kamala, for helping me write my speech.
In the immortal words of Alec Baldwin, how about I just shoot you in the face?
It’s hard to take someone that walks on stage with their zipper undone seriously.
Both Stone and Baldwin have mental issues that blossom from time to time. And they are serious aberrations. They are not fit to advise anyone on anything.
In industrial maintenance, to be called Hollywood is a slur. Hollywood is an actor that pretends for a living….all flash and bark but zero actual skill.
We you consider how many voted for Cackling Kammie they are 49% correct.
According to that douchebag Baldwin, we’re supposed to be informed by Hollywood… the same Hollywood whose stock in trade is the projection of fantasy and illusion?
Uh huh. Right.
People listen to them because they make hordes of money
Americans look up to success
Think they must be brilliant cause I’m at a 20.00$ /hr job and they make up to 20 million a pic and more…
We made them Americas royalty and they revile in it
But we are getting
When’s the last time
You went to a movie house?
Cut the cord yet?
Without an ounce of irony? Amazing!
Sounds like something Kamala might say.
Sounds like something Kamala might be.
Stones claim to fame is flashing her twat in a movie – real brains there.
“The peasants have no passports and know nothing of foreign countries.”
“Then them absorb 10 million illegal immigrants to learn about foreign cultures!”
Stone seems to occupy the same bubble when she travels in Europe as she does when living here. She’s the one who needs to spend more time somewhere – real-world America. Get out of her bubble and meet some “ordinary” folks who do the heavy lifting that built this country and keeps it running. They could teach her a thing or two.
She also needs to stay in hotels with very basic furnishings, no room service, shower stalls barely big enough to turn around in, and – heaven forbid – having to walk a couple of blocks to find a restaurant.
Poor Sharon had a brain aneurysm, so we must give her a break. I’m comforted that Alec now limits himself to shooting his mouth off rather than firearms.
Remember, what they say is what they are.
Stone is urging people to not only drop their conservative friends but to act out against them. MSNBC has some quack “psychologist” on saying shun your conservative relatives.
The party of unity.
“Americans who don’t travel, who 80% don’t have a passport, who are uneducated, are in their extraordinary naivete.”
It’s been my experience that people who gloat about their IQ as Stone does rarely live up to the hype. If she is going down the road of saying that Trump voters are uneducated, I might remind her that Trump himself has an Ivy League degree (have you ever worked for or with a Wharton graduate? My brain still hurts from my encounter) and for me personally I became more “educated” than Stone the day I passed my first college course. There’s no doubt that Stone can act but I’m pretty sure that’s all she can do. Critical thinking is to her a foreign language.
“It’s been my experience that people who gloat about their IQ as Stone does rarely live up to the hype. ”
A long time ago, I was very active in Mensa. Testing coordinator, proctor, wrote a monthly column for the chapter publication.
I then took a good hard look at the people around me at the TGIFs and the parties and gatherings. I concluded that the vast majority of them were intelligent but at the same time stupid as hell. Whether leftist (most) or on the right, they simply parroted what they heard; they barely had a thought of their own.
Oh, and, those who held doctorates in Styrofoam subjects made darn sure you knew they were DOCTOR So-and-So.
They were told back in 2016 that the wages of smug is Trump. They’ve only gotten worse.
Well, that’s how you get more Trump.
They let Baldwin out of the country?
My…… my!
Any of us in his situation, it would have been, “Don’t leave town.”
It’s been my experience that people with “A Left Wing WorldView” avoid learning about other points of view.
Like the plague.
Like a lethal allergy — they simply cannot hear another perspective. Too threatening.
I’d bet anything that neither Baldwin nor Stone has ever spent more than 2 minutes with, e.g., Thomas Sowell — writings or commentary.
Truly, they’re like children when first learning that, e.g., everyone dies. No matter what.
Now THAT’S the Alec Baldwin we need –head of the Film Actors Guild
AND Director of the Everytown for Gun Safety Creative Committee!