Scientists Officially Declare End of ‘Climate Emergency’ During Prague Climate Conference
Climate Intelligence Group (Clintel) “calls upon the entire scientific community to cease and desist from its persecution of scientists and researchers who disagree with the current official narrative.”

Legal Insurrection readers will recall that in my post on the United Nations climate conference in Azerbaijan this week, its president boldly declared that oil and gas were a ‘gift from God’.
The eco-activists attending the event were enraged.
The climate cultists will likely be working themselves up into even more hysteria because of another climate conference that occurred mid-November in the Czech Republic city of Prague.
The Czech division of the International Climate Intelligence Group (Clintel) organized a two-day climate conference in Prague on November 12-13, 2024, where climate scientists declared that the “climate emergency” is over. The conference concluded with a communiqué drafted by the participating scientists and researchers that targeted the climate hysteria promoted by the United Nations body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
‘The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which excludes participants and published papers disagreeing with its narrative, fails to comply with its own error-reporting protocol and draws conclusions some of which are dishonest, should be forthwith dismantled.’
This declaration supports the conclusions of the major Clintel report, The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC.
Moreover, the scientists at the conference declared that even if all nations moved straight to net zero emissions, by the 2050 target date the world would be only about 0.1 C cooler than with no emissions reduction.
So far, the attempts to mitigate climate change by international agreements such as the Paris Agreement have made no difference to our influence on climate, since nations such as Russia and China, India and Pakistan continue greatly to expand their combustion of coal, oil and gas.
The cost of achieving that 0.1 C reduction in global warming would be $2 quadrillion, equivalent to 20 years’ worldwide gross domestic product.
The declaration has 18 different point referencing climate science and facts that counter the narratives being pushed by the IPCC and those who want to push their green agendas. I have listed the first six below (which should be familiar to Legal Insurrection readers); there remainder can be found in the copy of the declaration.
1 The modest increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide that has taken place since the end of the Little Ice Age has been net-beneficial to humanity.
2. Foreseeable future increases in greenhouse gases in the air will probably also prove net-beneficial.
3. The rate and amplitude of global warming have been and will continue to be appreciably less than climate scientists have long predicted.
4. The Sun, and not greenhouse gases, has contributed and will continue to contribute the overwhelming majority of global temperature.
5. Geological evidence compellingly suggests that the rate and amplitude of global warming during the industrial era are neither unprecedented nor unusual.
6. Climate models are inherently incapable of telling us anything about how much global warming there will be or about whether or to what extent the warming has a natural or anthropogenic cause.
Though I have to say, #17 is a favorite of mine:
Since wind and solar power are costly, intermittent and more environmentally destructive per TWh generated than any other energy source, governments should cease to subsidize or to prioritize them, and should instead expand coal, gas and, above, all nuclear generation.
But, perhaps most importantly, the conference attendees demand the end of persecution of those researchers doing real science who struggle to share their reasonable and reliable findings whenever the data counters the political narratives.
Finally, the conference “calls upon the entire scientific community to cease and desist from its persecution of scientists and researchers who disagree with the current official narrative on climate change and instead to encourage once again the long and noble tradition of free, open and uncensored scientific research, investigation, publication and discussion”.
I would like to think that we soon will be able to reverse some of ideological capture of the sciences, especially climate science.

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And so the “climate emergency “ ends…not with a bang, but with a whimper.
Al Gore, please pick up the red phone.
I’m sorry! Al Gore is not available. He checked into a facility with Rob Reiner.
Yea the Bunny Ranch outside Vegas, LMAO
They were so desperate to have a formal treaty so that when the “climate change” didn’t happen … they would declare victory… just like with the ozone layer.
The idea that one can determine the “temperature of the earth” to a precision of one tenth of a degree centigrade is complete lunacy.
“Climate models” produce results which depend more on the assumptions upon which they are based than upon reality.
Science is wonderful. Scientists are flawed human beings.
What we have are activists controlling the purse strings to drive their narrative. Anyone who did not tow the line was starved into submission. This is another group who should be banished just like Deep State.
The telemetry devices that they use to measure the ‘global average temperature’ cover an average area in excess of 12,000 square miles each. Then there are the issues with where a lot of these devices are placed, calibration issues and the myriad challenges with remote data collection, etc.
As you say, the notion that they can even measure today’s ‘average global temperature’ accurately, much less predict it 100 years in the future, is outrageously absurd.
OMG! Another 19th nervous breakdown is upon us. Funny what a proper outcome of an election can do to stiffen the spine of the wobbly..
Inconceivable! The entire climate change ‘Scientific Community” all suddenly fell off their Segways on the Road to
DamascusPrague!Nice one.
This needs to be shouted from the rooftops!
Can someone now throw Michael Mann’s JUNK SCIENCE from a rooftop?
Mann’s lawsuit against Mark Steyn is one of the first things that came to mind when I saw the announcement. If Mann had included the data he omitted from his ‘study’ that produced the hockey stick, the hockey stick would not have existed. Mann is an outright fraud. Steyn should sue him, Penn State should fire him.
And him with it.
The very though that we can alter the climate is absurd
Mankind rising above God will do this and much more.
It’s not completely absurd, but it’s not done with carbon dioxide. The best example of man-made climate change I can think of is the the Aral Sea in Central Asia which was reduced to 10% of its former size because the rivers that feed it were diverted for irrigation projects for cotton plantations. Over the course of about 60 years, the rivers that feed the sea were diverted for irrigation projects and win those irrigation projects were damaged, they just diverted more water rather than repairing them. Over the course of 60 plus years, the climate has become hotter and drier in the region because of the lack of the moderating influence of that large body of water. Now the glaciers that feed the rivers are in danger of melting. And it didn’t take one ounce of carbon dioxide
This is why people should focus their efforts on environmental conservation instead of climate shamanism.
Once again the views of the smaller countries of eastern Europe prove to be the voice of reason in the room.
How much of the climate change agenda is another facit gambet to keep the public under elite thumbs? Look at who is promoting it, Bill Gates?
Because having lived under communism they know a hoax when they see one.
I was cruising 495 in my Yugo when the Czech engine light came on…
Is the paint old and faded, or do you keep it Polished?
Stop before I get Hungary.
Don’t be Bulgar.
I won’t now will I be slavenly.
Wow. You guys are Roman all over the place with this one.
Sweet news.
Have the cleaners gotten done scraping AlGore’s brains off the walls?
Record time. It wasn’t a major job.
What brains?
“Never Mind”,…
TERRIFIC = about time sanity prevails.
A ton of thanks to all those scientists and others who kept alive the truth! You are vindicated and and show integrity.
About time people started waking up from the mass formation psychosis induced by the “climate change” fearmongers.
Clintel? Sounds like a sketchy two-story dingbat motel in Mena, Arkansas.
It was never an emergency, it was always a scam. Those who took funds for this scam should have to pay them back, every dime.
Yes, including subsidies paid to the off shore wind folks and myriad solar panel arrays spread all over the landscape like a bunch of black, contractor trash bags. Both groups should have to make a go of their businesses without subsidies and be required to remove all their infrastructure as a part of any shut-down bankruptcy proceedings, with no government participation or subsidies if they fail
The “elite” are running for cover, abandoning their sinking ship like rats. Comcast is dumping MSNBC (Musk to buy it?! SHRIEK!).
CNN’s on the block . . . again.
Jack Smith recommends the government drop its, well, his, charges.
The climate change crisis is ended . . . er, “declared” over. (Whatever will John Kerry do?)
Judge Merchan(sp?) ponders rescheduling Trump’s sentencing decision.
Georgia drops its suit against Trump.
But wait, all is not lost: Jesse Smollet (sp?) is innocent, he’s not a racist, he’s not a conspirator. Hooray.
As was timely reported by The Babylon Bee:
Illinois Supreme Court Overturns Jussie Smollett Conviction Based On New Evidence That This Is, In Fact ‘MAGA Country’.
This Prague Climate Conference makes clear that the science is far from “settled”, as we have been told for years. One can draw their own conclusions as to whether the US has trillions to spare for something unsettled (the most charitable view) to create competitive disadvantage versus countries like China and India. Germany has already made itself a mess.
Only a moron could believe science can be settled.
It was always about advancing a Socialist one-world government and busting the USA down several notches. Putting us under a UN type authority and ending Capitalism.
Green on the outside, Red on the inside.
What about all the climate “goals” and “targets” they’re always yammering on about?
The climate emergency is “over”? How can that be, when there never was a climate emergency in the first place?
The climate emergency is dead. Long live the [fill in the blank] emergency!