Scarborough Trashes Trump Voters: ‘Who are These People…Who Raised Them?’
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Scarborough Trashes Trump Voters: ‘Who are These People…Who Raised Them?’

Scarborough Trashes Trump Voters: ‘Who are These People…Who Raised Them?’

Get off your high horse, Joe Scarborough.

My goodness, these bubble dwellers just don’t get it, do they?

Stop insulting my parents!

These people don’t have to worry about the economy, as ordinary people have to battle every week over the bills. Grocery prices increase weekly, so we have to figure out what to cut or not add.

They also forget that former President Donald Trump faced two assassination attempts. The shooter in Pennsylvania killed one Trump supporter and injured two others.

We’ve seen Trump supporters attacked. We’ve seen VP Kamala Harris reporters spewing the left’s rhetoric, calling Trump supporters Nazis and fascists.

We’ve seen the left vandalize Trump supporters’ homes and signs. For crying out loud, my mom in Illinois won’t put up any Republican sign in her yard.

Get off your high horse, Joe Scarborough. You can hear the snobbery in his voice:

SCARBOROUGH: I will ask the question that I think is a fair question to ask. Who raised these people? Yeah, because they were not raised by anybody in my neighborhoods that I grew up, any middle class neighborhoods that I grew up in. These people were not there. They were not raised…I mean, they weren’t in the classes I went to growing up in elementary or middle or high school or college. They just weren’t there. That wasn’t the America I grew up in, where people would laugh at the idea of people, of press getting shot. Like everybody would sit around, “What’s he talking about?” Again…

PANELIST: Laughing at the Puerto Ricans.

SCARBOROUGH: Other things. Laughing at the Puerto Rican joke.


SCARBOROUGH: …said Puerto Ricans are a pile of trash. Are laughing at his 82 year old man being bludgeoned nearly to death. That’s an applause line? That’s a laugh line? Again, who are these people? Where are they coming from and who raised them? And how did Donald Trump twist their point of view so much in nine years That the brutalization of an 83 year old man is something to laugh about? Or the shooting of press members is an applause line?

ANOTHER PANELIST: Yeah. Laughs and cheers when Trump suggested the press should be shot, and my friend, the legendary photographer at the AP, Evan Bucci, who’s traveling with the Trump campaign here says that as each rally goes on, particularly last night in Georgia, the threats from the crowd to the press…they’re there in the arena only growing they’re really concerned there about the security situation…

Look, I don’t like Trump’s rhetoric. His phrasing can be way off.

But as a former far leftist, I know for a fact that the left’s rhetoric has always been way worse. I’m not excusing some of the crap I hear from the right, but man…so much worse from the left.

The left’s rhetoric is dangerous, even though I wonder how many people on the right are numb to it.

I’ve only been on the right since 2009. Honestly, I roll my eyes when I hear “Nazi” and “fascist” because I hear it all the time.

For those who have been on the right for a longer time, are you numb to the name-calling?

Something tells me the hatred of the media has gone on for a long time. Shoot, even when I was a leftist, I hated the media because I saw the bias, and it ticked me off!

These people act like no one on the left wished the shooter in Pennsylvania didn’t miss. They act like no one said they hope the second guy doesn’t miss.

They rant and complain about a Puerto Rican joke for days but barely spend time on TWO assassination attempts on Trump.

Trump isn’t wrong when he says the media hates you. They do. They always have hated the right.


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I grew up in the same town as this jerk and I am a Trump voter. Trump is a terrible speaker and uses childish name-calling as a political hammer but he never calls Dem voters names. He calls Harris dumb, low IQ, and a Commie but he never transfers that rhetoric to voters. Pick any subject like, car stickers, political signs, clothing, hats, and many other things that if you are a Trump supporter and do any of these things, you can expect to have damage or an attack by the left. If you are a leftist and do any of these things, you do not worry that a conservative person will harm any of your stuff or self. The MSM is part of this and they know it. If Trump wins this race he must get Congress to address the left bias of the MSM and how unfair it is to America and our way of life.

    Ghostrider in reply to inspectorudy. | November 4, 2024 at 5:36 pm

    Let’s take a time out, chill, and watch an uplifting video that should raise your spirits. One more note: vote, pray, and live your best life.

    Milhouse in reply to inspectorudy. | November 5, 2024 at 7:12 am

    If Trump wins this race he must get Congress to address the left bias of the MSM and how unfair it is to America and our way of life.

    He must do no such thing, and nor must Congress. The first amendment is our way of life. It’s what makes this country worth loving and saving. Compromising it gives away the whole game; even if it succeeds, there will no longer be any point in succeeding. If we’re no better than the enemy, then why should we want to win?

      inspectorudy in reply to Milhouse. | November 5, 2024 at 12:14 pm

      The established press is considered the fourth leg of our government and has special privileges that no other group has. They use the people’s airways and other government-supplied services that ordinary people do not have the benefit of. They are a business and are responsible for confirming what they project to the public. You are equating individual rights with corporate rights that operate under a license that has rules and requirements. The MSM KNOWINGLY publishes lies and misinformation. That is not free speech.

        Milhouse in reply to inspectorudy. | November 5, 2024 at 3:44 pm

        The established press is considered the fourth leg of our government

        Only by itself. And what it calls itself, ludicrously, is the “fourth estate”, even though not one in ten of its members can name the first three.

        and has special privileges that no other group has. No, it doesn’t.

        They use the people’s airways

        1. Since when do the airways belong to the people? How did the people acquire them? What did they do to earn them? Simply asserting public ownership is socialism, not the American way.
        2. Even if the people did own the broadcast airways, that only affects broadcast stations, which are a small and shrinking part of the news industry. It doesn’t affect print, cable, or the internet.

        and other government-supplied services that ordinary people do not have the benefit of.

        Such as?

        They are a business and are responsible for confirming what they project to the public.

        Yes, they are a business. And as a business they have the same first amendment rights as you and I do.

        You are equating individual rights with corporate rights

        That’s right. Corporations are made up of people. They are simply a tool that people use to do business. Legal Insurrection is operated by a corporation, because that’s how Prof J finds it most convenient to do so.

        that operate under a license that has rules and requirements.

        Again, only broadcast stations, and even that is constitutionally dubious. The cases from the 1930s upholding it were a product of their era and have about as much validity as Wickard.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to Milhouse. | November 6, 2024 at 4:51 am

      This is not so much about what they say, it is about what they do. It is about their poor impulse control.

Is there anyone to the right of Che Guevara that Scarborough doesn’t hate?

    guyjones in reply to Fred Idle. | November 4, 2024 at 12:13 pm

    I’m still confounded how this idiot was ever elected as a “Republican” in Florida, and, affiliated with the GOP. It makes no sense. He speaks like the dumbest and most fanatical 1960’s leftist radical.

      guyjones in reply to guyjones. | November 4, 2024 at 12:15 pm

      I suppose he basically pretended to be with the GOP, when it suited his purposes, and, he now identifies as a Dhimmi-crat, for the same purpose — to line his pockets with filthy lucre. A greasy, self-serving whore, who sells his “beliefs” for cash.

        RITaxpayer in reply to guyjones. | November 4, 2024 at 12:45 pm

        How long do you think he would last on MSNBC if he started conservative ideas it’s not his fault it’s the way he was raised by his parents he’s a phony all the way through

          guyjones in reply to RITaxpayer. | November 4, 2024 at 12:54 pm

          Exactly. Scarborough sounds like Jonah Goldberg, David Frum, Bill Kristol, David French and their vile ilk, all shilling for the Dhimmi-crats so they can receive a pat on the head, a doggie biscuit and a few ducats from the Dhimmi-crat media establishment. They are whores and sell-outs, plain and simple.

        CommoChief in reply to guyjones. | November 4, 2024 at 2:41 pm

        Scarborough didn’t really pretend when he was in office. He was part of the ’94 wave election for his freshman term in the HoR. The early to mid 90s saw the rise of truly competitive GoP across the formerly heavily d/prog Southern States.

        Back then he could run on strong National Defense/big defense contracts and generic chamber of commerce/county club GoP establishment policies. He abled out in early ’01 shortly after beginning his 4th term.

        IOW he is who he always was; a DC establishment, neocon globalist. These are same folks who had no problem shipping manufacturing jobs overseas to juice corporate profits. The same folks who want the US military to serve as world policeman in defense of the globalist order/agenda which wants more global govt and less power for Nation States and their Citizens.

          Crawford in reply to CommoChief. | November 4, 2024 at 8:17 pm

          He had an intern mysteriously die in his office, then became a leftist. Tells me the Democrats have something on him, something he cannot let become public.

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | November 4, 2024 at 8:59 pm

          Meh, that may explain his early resignation from Congress but not the rest of it. The truth is the old guard GoP country club/chamber of commerce establishment is far more comfortable with globalism, out sourcing US manufacturing jobs, forever wars with the US putting out fires, International trade ‘deals’ and treaties that skew against the interests of US workers than they ever were with the policy concerns of Joe the Plumber.

          The pre Tea Party GoP establishment was entirely dominated by folks who could care less about average Citizens. Remember that these same folks were very much pro immigration, pro putting China into the ITO and allowing so much investment into China. It was left to outsider/populist Ross Perot to raise hell about NAFTA and Federal deficit spending back then.

          The never Trump goons haven’t really changed their policy perspectives but the GoP has become far more populist in orientation with influence of Perot, Ron Paul creating the opening to start discussion, then the Tea Party then MAGA. The DC establishment got sidelined by MAGA and they are still PO about it. Look at the fallout of the ’90s early ’00s era writers at National Review to see this phenomenon. Almost all are backing d/progs today.

          Milhouse in reply to CommoChief. | November 5, 2024 at 7:27 am

          He had an intern mysteriously die in his office,

          There was nothing mysterious about it.

          First of all, Lori Klausutis wasn’t an intern. She was a regular employee at one of Scarborough’s constituent offices, not at an office he ever worked at.

          The autopsy showed that she had an undiagnosed heart condition. She told her co-worker she was feeling ill. Later that evening, after the co-worker had left, she experienced a cardiac arrythmia, fell, and hit her head on a desk, which is what caused her death. She was found in the morning.

          Scarborough wasn’t even in the state at the time, let alone in the same city as the office. And he had already announced his retirement a month earlier, so it could not have been related to the death.

      gibbie in reply to guyjones. | November 4, 2024 at 2:45 pm

      It may have something to do with his wife.

      henrybowman in reply to guyjones. | November 5, 2024 at 2:23 pm

      People with no principles are chameleons to their constituency,
      When Kirsten Gillibrand was a state rep from a district in upstate New York, she won awards as a “champion of gun rights.” Now that she represents NY State in DC, she’s a committed gun-grabber.

    ArmyStrong in reply to Fred Idle. | November 4, 2024 at 8:06 pm

    We ask the same question of Joe Scarborough all the time: who is this guy and how did he grow up? At one point he was a US Republican Representative, before he was smitten by Minka. He has lost his way and now he wants to show the rest of us the path to a future of lost liberties, higher taxes, non-stop wars, and chaos. I’ll pass Joe.

Keep it up, vile, arrogant and stupid Dhimmi-crat media shills/prostitutes/trained seals/lapdogs/stenographers.

See who has the last laugh, tomorrow night.

The Gentle Grizzly | November 4, 2024 at 12:19 pm

“Who raised them?”

In my case, staunch Democrats.

    Yep same here

      FenelonSpoke in reply to RITaxpayer. | November 4, 2024 at 3:49 pm

      Me too. I finally wised up after voting for Democrats for over 25 years and after reading alternative media to Pravda American style. This was not my mother and father’s Democrat party.

      henrybowman in reply to RITaxpayer. | November 4, 2024 at 4:16 pm

      ‘Who are These People…Who Raised Them?’
      James Madison.
      Thomas Jefferson.
      Locke, Smith, and Mill.
      Lewis and Clark.
      Bowie and Crockett.
      Audie Murphy and George Patton.
      Bell, Ford, and Tesla.
      Barry Goldwater.
      Ronald Reagan.
      And Johannes Gutenberg.

    To this day, I don’t know the party with which either of my parents (born 1914 and 1916) were registered in PA. From them, I learned that you vote based on candidates’ records and what policies/programs they campaigned on. They followed the news – for many years, “real” news – all year long and were well informed in their later years by seeking out reliable information so their votes were based on facts. They never supported someone because of party affiliation or the union endorsements that were so plentiful in the Pittsburgh PA area; neither of them responded to the pleas to support JFK because he was Catholic; we lived in a working-class neighborhood where my father’s political signs were denigrated by the mostly D neighbors.. That’s who raised me, Scarborough!

Speaking of bubbles, it was 8 years and $50M ago that Oberlin College thought that they were the only game in town.

On their reddit someone asked if Oberlin was a good school, and I posted “third best in Ohio.” They should be held up as the perfect example of where DEI-virtue signalling will get you down the road. In some ways, it has become like Portland, which is becoming a sanctuary city for misfits. Rather than addressing obvious mental health issues, people just move to Portland where they can live them out. And thus we are in a decline similar to San Francisco as other elements step over the lowered bar.

I’d love for my Dad to arise from eternity and answer that pussy to his face.
Of course, it will not physically occur that way but the consolidated frustration that has built in hundreds of millions of children born to frustrated parents will come to fruition tomorrow.
Careful with your questions, Joe.

This is a variation of who voted for Nixon. I don’t know anyone who voted for Nixon.

“Who are these people?”

I actually asked myself that question 8 years ago when Trump, not my first — or second or third— choice for Republican candidate, was winning all the primaries. I ultimately voted for him that November and the next 2 presidential elections.

Then on election night I had my answer. I looked at the electoral maps. State after state with the sea of red and scattered islands of blue in urban regions. Northeast Ohio, where I grew up, was in the “Red Sea.” Then I realized that I actually knew “these people.”

If Scarborough could see outside his elitist bubble he would realize he knows “these people” too, although he probably doesn’t spend much time talking to them.

irishgladiator63 | November 4, 2024 at 1:28 pm

I don’t ignore the names. Listen to what they’re calling you. “Nazi”, “fascist,” “bigot,” “racist,” “transphobic,” etc. They’re calling you evil things that need to be punished. They’re dehumanizing you and ramping themselves up to hurt you and your family.

Remember when they used to claim this condescending prick was a ‘conservative’?

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | November 4, 2024 at 1:39 pm

SCARBOROUGH: I will ask the question that I think is a fair question to ask. Who raised these people? Yeah, because they were not raised by anybody in my neighborhoods that I grew up, any middle class neighborhoods that I grew up in. These people were not there.


Is Scarborough saying that he was raised in a neighborhood of commies and Soviet Union fan-boys? Or were these Maoists that Scarborough allegedly grew up with?

E Howard Hunt | November 4, 2024 at 1:42 pm

Well, on the bright side, they haven’t resorted to calling us Falangists yet.

Too stupid to realize how stupid they appear on television.

I was raised by a working-class immigrant Mom and a USMC Pilot Dad. Both were very conservative, loving, and fantastic parents. They were also married for 58 years at the time of my father’s death. Bravest man I ever knew.

Got a problem with that Joe?

We are Peanut, the squirrel, to them.

OwenKellogg-Engineer | November 4, 2024 at 2:59 pm

Just remember: No matter how much you think you hate the media, you can’t hate them enough.

MoeHowardwasright | November 4, 2024 at 3:28 pm

I was raised by a middle class mother and father. Mom was an executive secretary, Dad was a union carpenter. My father became a contractor in Florida building mansions on Orchid Island in Vero Beach. My parents may been divorced, but I grew up in household that discussed everything at the dinner table. Politics, the Viet Nam war, taxes, sports, etc.. Let me tell you something Joe, you can GFY! One of their greatest lessons was don’t kill the person that you work with. Once again you commie bast/rd, GFY! FKH

destroycommunism | November 4, 2024 at 3:53 pm

he is a pos

McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 | November 4, 2024 at 4:06 pm

Whoever raised Joe Scarborough should be ashamed.

I reject the divisive violent rhetoric of Joe Scarborough or other Democrats

Hey, Joe. Who raised you to lie to the American people about what a cold stone stud our Dementia In Chief is? Who raised your squeeze Mika to lie about our great economy or what a great statesmen Kamalalaladingdong is?

Who? A man who left college to join the Army Air Force when WWII began and who from his B-24 cockpit saw the mushroom cloud on August 6, 1945 and his wife of 67 years who was at a much later time sniffed by Joe Biden at a dinner hosted by the VP.

I was raised by a strong single mother who taught me how to think for myself, to forgive but never forget, to judge people by their actions and the way they treat you and others, and to be nice, until it is time to not be nice. She is also in her 70’s now and I am certain that she could whip little Joe’s candy ass like a pants down spanking in the grocery store.

I was raised by great parents, and as a result have never had to explain a dead intern in my office.

    Milhouse in reply to Crawford. | November 5, 2024 at 8:28 am

    Scarborough has never had to explain that either. Lori Klausutis wasn’t an intern, and there was nothing mysterious about her death. She had a heart condition, she felt ill, she fell and hit her head. That’s all.

    Certainly there was nothing Scarborough could usefully say about it, considering that he wasn’t even in the state at the time, let alone in the office. So what could he have explained?

    SuddenlyHappyToBeHere in reply to Crawford. | November 5, 2024 at 9:40 am

    This is the sort of stupidity that gives Trump supporters a bad rap. Grow up.

I’m just hoping mika or whatever her name is goes over the edge into insanity on live broadcast for all to see. Have the dudes in white coats put the straight jacket on and lead her away.
I’ll have to find it on the net as I ditched cable tv more than a decade ago.

Insane that this elitist P.O.S. ever got elected as a Republican.

I was raised by a schoolteacher and a WW2 Army vet who fought in the Battle of the Bulge. Any more dumb questions, Joe?

Sorry to go ad hominem, but he looks and sounds like a used douche.

Wow, what a tough guy. Mica must have opened her purse and let him have his testicles for a few hours.

“For those who have been on the right for a longer time, are you numb to the name-calling?”

Mary, that’s a thoroughly dishonest question. What’s the alternative? If we say anything back, they just continue…. or they attack us and our families.

The only EFFECTIVE remedy is violence in return until they leave or die. Are you advocating for that EFFECTIVE remedy?

Let me tell you buddy that I was raised in a long line of patriots right back to the American Revolution. Men who fought in every war up two WW2. My father at 54 tried to re-enlist for Desert Storm. These men who saw war in WW1 and WW2 suffered greatly to ensure idiots like you have a right to say such deplorable comments about people. That is who raised me!

Hey Scarborough, time for you libtards to sit down and shut up!!! Guess us conservatives will have to show you the correct way again for the next 4 years!! Please pay CLOSER attention this time!!! Honor your country and the Constitution!!! If you cant, or wont do that then why are you here???

In 1968 I turned 21 sitting on a mountain top in Vietnam.
I hated Lyndon Johnson so much that I swore I’d never vote for a Demorcat the rest of my life, And I haven’t.