Report: Jack Smith Wants to Resign Before Trump’s Inauguration
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Report: Jack Smith Wants to Resign Before Trump’s Inauguration

Report: Jack Smith Wants to Resign Before Trump’s Inauguration

Trump vowed to fire Smith as soon as he’s inaugurated.

The New York Times reported that Special Counsel Jack Smith plans to retire before President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration in January.

Trump promised to fire Smith right after he’s sworn in.

Smith asked the judge in his election interference case against Trump to pause it since Trump won the election.

“The Government respectfully requests that the Court vacate the remaining deadlines in the pretrial schedule to afford the Government time to assess this unprecedented circumstance and determine the appropriate course going forward consistent with Department of Justice policy,” wrote Smith. “By December 2, 2024, the Government will file a status report or otherwise inform the Court of the result of its deliberations.”

The DOJ cannot prosecute a sitting president.

Smith has faced numerous setbacks in his case. It’s doubtful everything would get wrapped up before Trump’s January 20 inauguration.

Trump’s victory put an end to federal cases against him:

As he prepares for his last act as special counsel, Mr. Smith’s ultimate audience will not be a jury, but the public.

Department regulations call for him to file a report summarizing his investigation and decisions — a document that may stand as the final accounting from a prosecutor who filed extensive charges against a former president but never got his cases to trial.

It is not clear how quickly he can finish this work, leaving uncertain whether it could be made public before the Biden administration leaves office. But several officials said he has no intention of lingering any longer than he has to, and has told career prosecutors and F.B.I. agents on his team who are not directly involved in that process that they can start planning their departures over the next few weeks, people close to the situation said.

Republican lawmakers already told Smith and the DOJ “to preserve all of their communications for investigators.”


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I see 40 iPhones being mysteriously wiped… again.

    mailman in reply to Oracle. | November 13, 2024 at 9:31 am

    Yes, let them as that then makes it an easy excuse to arrest, charge, try and jail everyone who destroys evidence.

    Let the accountability train come!

      stevewhitemd in reply to mailman. | November 13, 2024 at 10:19 am

      We’d all like to think that, but until I see the J6 committee staffers charged I don’t believe that destroying evidence is regarded as a crime by the DOJ anymore …

      … unless a conservative Republican does it, of course.

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to mailman. | November 13, 2024 at 10:45 am

      >>Let the accountability train come!<<

      Nothing happened the first time around Trump was in office so why do you think anyone will be held accountable the second time around. Nothing will happen to the democrats for their illegal acts & actions. Nothing ever happens to democrats. Even now, with wining control of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives, Republicans still lack the balls to actually push the issue of democrat accountability. So expect a lot of big talk, but little action. It’s what Republicans do.

        “…why do you think anyone will be held accountable the second time around…”

        Because Trump is on the warpath. Because he was personally attacked and is in a situation in which he can get revenge legally and justifiably. Because maybe he’ll keep his deck cleared of back-stabbers, foot-draggers, and other dead wood. Because he has a mandate, and both chambers of Congress.

        Like the last time, if he’s prevented from doing things it will be due to interference by Dems, RINOs, never-Trumpers, and unending lawsuits brought by activist organizations pleading before sympathetic courts. These are beyond his control.

        No one knew how deep the swamp was and it took Trumps election to reveal just how depraved they had become!

        This is the beauty of Trumps coming term in office as he comes in with full knowledge of everything Democrats and the old GOPe did to stop him from achieving anything.

        Payback is a bitch…and this time its gonna be glorious!

        Nothing happened the first time around Trump was in office so why do you think anyone will be held accountable the second time around.

        Because the things Trump needed to do, the heads that needed to roll were all second term actions.

        This is Trump’s second term after 4 years without having a president at all.

        So now he is free to act.

        That was before the tried to bankrupt, imprison and destroy his entire life.

        Because in the past six years, Trump has been legally, financially, and even physically bloodied by the people who are now in his crosshairs.
        No more Mister Nice Guy towards the Democrats. And they did it all to themselves.

        People change after their first ear piercing.

      MarkS in reply to mailman. | November 13, 2024 at 11:29 am

      Trump needs a Tom Homan clone for AG

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Oracle. | November 13, 2024 at 11:26 am

    Jack Smith is a flight risk, arrest and jail him now so that he can be held accountable. He should receive J6 treatment, be tried years after his arrest.

    REDACTED in reply to Oracle. | November 13, 2024 at 12:09 pm

    Jack Smith to step down so he can spend more time with Melanie’s undies

    diver64 in reply to Oracle. | November 13, 2024 at 1:20 pm

    If they don’t get the hammer

Don’t let the door hit ya where the dear Lord split yeah

You can hide but Trump will find you

Jack Smith and his entire ‘investigative’ team should be in prison regardless of fired or quit.

    MarkS in reply to LB1901. | November 13, 2024 at 11:30 am

    Speaking of,….if it is decided that Smith was not legally appointed and/or confirmed, he and Garland should be indicted for Conspiracy to Defraud the United States

      diver64 in reply to MarkS. | November 13, 2024 at 1:22 pm

      That is exactly why the Crazy Eyed Killa should not be allowed to leave. I want SCOTUS to rule on whether or not he was appointed lawfully or not to stop this from happening in the future

to quote Hillery ..
“at this point what difference does it make.”
if they destroy evidence or not ,,,
nothing will be done.

I think it’s ok to give Mr. Smith a little extra time to get fitted for some orange prison jumpsuits.

After the legal persecution of a former and to-be president, he deserves to do a VERY long stretch in the pen not only as punishment for depriving Trump of his civil rights but also as a WARNING to others of either party not to engage in shenanigans like this again.

BigRosieGreenbaum | November 13, 2024 at 10:49 am

Bye Felicia. I’m sure the Republicans will question you and your team, then they will immediately go to fund raise for their campaigns.

Improper illegal unusual appointment anyway so anything under his aegis is not valid. F hm

Five bucks says he’s in the Hague on Jan 20 and thereafter.

Lucifer Morningstar | November 13, 2024 at 11:43 am

So if Jack Smith resigns does that mean his case against Trump will be dropped and all charges filed will be dismissed? Just wondering.

    Cant see anyone else coming in to pick it up so expect it will just quietly disappear…or the Democrats who orchestrated this witch hunt hope it just disappears.

    Smith has already started filing motions in court to wind down the cases. The open question is if the dismissal will be with or without prejudice. (meaning, could a future Dem administration try to prosecute Trump after his term is over, or is the case truly gone forever)

    irishgladiator63 in reply to Lucifer Morningstar. | November 13, 2024 at 1:04 pm

    I would hope Trump pardons himself, just to be sure.

      Doesn’t work like that as there has to be an admittance of guilt first (there was a case during Trumps first term where the offer for a pardon was turned down because the Marine involved would have to admit guilt first…and he was not guilty???)…or something like that 🤷‍♂️

        Milhouse in reply to mailman. | November 13, 2024 at 11:43 pm

        No, there doesn’t have to be an admission of anything. Accepting a pardon is commonly seen as an admission of guilt, and therefore historically some people have refused them, but that’s not an actual law.

        A person can easily maintain that he’s actually innocent but is accepting a pardon because the jury gave a wrong verdict, or because he’s afraid they’ll do so, or just because he doesn’t want to invest the money and time in a trial.

        I don’t think Nixon ever acknowledged that he’d committed any crimes. He still accepted his pardon.

Many should feel the pain and the discomfort for their actions. Will they? We wait and watch.

Jack Smith on the Road to Nowhere says, “I have reached my destination.”

MoeHowardwasright | November 13, 2024 at 2:26 pm

This man is the poster boy for disbarment. Unless and until we go after these rouge lawyers it will happen again. Any prosecution that willing lies, suborned perjury, manufactures evidence should be automatically sanctioned and disbarred. It’s high time we take the penalties for lawyers away from lawyers. Just a clear cut set of laws they must follow to be a lawyer. The ABA is incapable of punishing/sanctioning left leaning lawyers. Therefore they should be stripped of their ability to license / punish fellow lawyers.

Hmm . . . I want him to resign before I finish typing this sentence.

“You can’t fire me! I quit!”

Some people really aren’t taking this election well …

Former DC Officer Fanone Hunkers Down in Blue Ridge Mountains; ‘Fully Expects’ Shootout With Trump Agents

“I’ll die right here on my f— house,” he said. “I’m not going to be in some ‘Apprentice’ f— military tribunal.”