Prof. Glenn Reynolds: FEMA’s Outrageous Act Reveals Weaponized Government

President Donald Trump has an opportunity to use the actions of one federal official to demonstrate how weaponized the government can be against its citizens.

In his recent New York Post column, Professor Glenn Reynolds reviews the case of FEMA workers in Florida who were ordered to skip houses with Trump signs out front after Hurricane Helene. He argues that Trump can use the event to position reform as the responsible corrective action to take so it won’t happen again.

…But a federal workforce that turned over regularly would end up with roughly equal representation for the parties, so shenanigans like hers would be much less likely. Especially if federal employees were easier to fire.America has a runaway budget deficit and a huge national debt. Our bloated federal government has increasingly been prone to abusing its power in ways large and small. (Forget FEMA – don’t get me started on the Department of Justice, which was treating parents who protested at school board meetings as domestic terrorists.)In his second term, President Trump should slash the bloat. Some of these bureaucrats shouldn’t have jobs at all, doing work that’s either unnecessary to the constitutional responsibilities of government or that’s outright harmful.The rest of them should have to worry more about being fired.Make government responsible. Make government accountable. It’s time and past time.

As always, read the whole thing.

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