President of Azerbaijan Boldly Asserts that Oil, Gas Are ‘Gift of God’ at Climate-Cult Conference
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President of Azerbaijan Boldly Asserts that Oil, Gas Are ‘Gift of God’ at Climate-Cult Conference

President of Azerbaijan Boldly Asserts that Oil, Gas Are ‘Gift of God’ at Climate-Cult Conference

There are also other signs that the tide is turning against climate crisis promoters, including the lack of political heavy-hitters at CoP29.

The last time I reported on The United Nations Climate Conference (Conference of Parties, COP), the 28th session had officially wrapped-up in Dubai.

The 29th conference will be held in Azerbaijan, at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. This is an intriguing choice of location for an event that targets the fossil fuel industry.

The oil and gas sector is crucial to the country’s economy. In 2022, oil, gas, and related petroleum products accounted for 91% of its total exports. Not only that, but its fuels help sustain many economically critical countries (Italy, India, Spain, Israel, and Turkey).

So, as the conference opened, the president of the nation offered a few words in robust support of fossil fuels.

The president of COP29’s host country has told the UN climate conference that oil and gas are a “gift of God”.

Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev criticised “Western fake news” about the country’s emissions and said nations “should not be blamed” for having fossil fuel reserves.

The country plans to expand gas production by up to a third over the next decade.

…Aliyev said the country’s share in global gas emissions was “only 0.1%”.

“Oil, gas, wind, sun, gold, silver, copper, all… are natural resources and countries should not be blamed for having them, and should not be blamed for bringing these resources to the market, because the market needs them.”

Of course, climate cultists in attendance were apoplectic.

Ilham Aliyev’s fossil fuel glorification is “inappropriate” for the leader of a country hosting an international climate conference, Belgium’s energy minister told POLITICO.

…“I really think that’s inappropriate, as a host of a conference, to say such things,” said Tinne Van der Straeten, Belgium’s energy minister, in an interview on the conference sidelines.

“If you host the conference, if you are the presidency, then what do you need to be? An honest broker,” she added, noting that most of the countries represented at COP29 are “confronted daily by the consequences of climate change,” which is primarily driven by fossil fuel use.

But, then again, it was the climate cultists who opted to hold their event at a luxury conference center in a petro-state that has a questionable human rights record.

But that wasn’t the only CoP29 insanity. Elite representatives from various countries also want to craft a joint pledge to ensure climate action accounts for gender equality. Those talks, however, are on the verge of collapse after diplomats and European delegates walked out in a huff.

Saudi Arabia, the Vatican and Russia are leading a backlash against women’s rights at COP29, said five negotiators, granted anonymity to discuss closed-door talks. Two of the negotiators said Egypt was also among the nations blocking an agreement.

The European Union, which has championed gender equality at these talks, briefly walked out of talks in protest this past weekend, one negotiator said. The bloc also vented its frustration at Saturday evening’s public gathering of all COP29 countries.

“Women and girls are already suffering the disproportionate impacts of climate change,” said Hungarian negotiator Veronika Bagi, who co-leads the EU’s delegation at COP29. “However, we are concerned about attempts to backslide from agreed language from 10 years ago.”

One observation I have about CoP29 is how little I have heard from our media in the wake of the election. Joel Kotkin (expert on urban studies, demographics, and economic/social trends) recently also noted that most of the political heavy-hitters stayed away from this conference.

The tide seems to be slowly turning on the green elites.

The election of Donald Trump as US president only adds to the current woes of the climate industry. The wind-energy sector is increasingly beleaguered and huge numbers of climate start-ups are failing. Despite receiving billions in subsidies, green companies are recording big losses, declaring bankruptcy or avoiding new projects – even in China.

While I am glad Trump plans to make sensible energy policy a priority, I still would like him to attend some of the climate gigs…so I can enjoy moments like this.


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That fellow is an “honest broker”. Plant growth goes up with more CO2, otherwise known as “plant food”; and many more people die from the cold than from the heat. Finally the average human exhales 2.3 pounds of CO2 per day. Given all the Democrats who have promised not to have sex, perhaps climate models should be revised to reflect the saving in future CO2 emissions due to fewer children.

…“I really think that’s inappropriate, as a host of a conference, to say such things,” said Tinne Van der Straeten, Belgium’s energy minister, in an interview on the conference sidelines.”

Man, the world is full of snarky little students who are incensed that their teaching institutions don’t kowtow to their every ignorant whim.

It’s sadly unsurprising that the despicable CNN features a job title called “International Climate Editor.” Bloomberg features the same idiocy.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | November 21, 2024 at 4:20 am

    Wait until the leftists and Dhimmi-crats discover that Azerbaijan enjoys warm relations and substantial economic and military ties to Israel. Then, they’ll really get upset.

How the climate cultists thought they were going to have a conference whose goal is to shut down fossil fuels and keep poor countries in permanent 3rd world status in a petrostate and let the President speak without getting some truth bombs lobbed at them speaks to their arrogance.

“If you host the conference, if you are the presidency, then what do you need to be? An honest broker,”
That’s exactly what he was being, you biddy.

Preach it, brother! The world is God’s gift to us. We should use it wisely but we should use it.

“…“I really think that’s inappropriate, as a host of a conference, to say such things,” said Tinne Van der Straeten, Belgium’s energy minister,…”

–* I have a great idea! When we’re invited to another country for a conference, let’s talk trash about what the president of that country can and cannot say.

Yes, Muffy. Brilliant strategy. Sure to win the ol’ chap over to our side. *–

Good grief. The self-important entitlement of these Euro-weenies is vile.

Dolce Far Niente | November 21, 2024 at 11:25 am

I’m still waiting to hear how weather affects men less than it affects women, queers and the mentally ill.

Gender inequality of climate is a bold assertion; should be easy to substantiate.

Yes,CO2 mitigation is unnecessary at this time.
Resources should instead be devoted to adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its effects.
CO2 at this time, at these levels, has much more benefit than risk. First, because of the logarithmic decline in its GHG effect, with 50% of that in the first 20ppm. First discovered by Arrhenius, and the math is now correct (See MODTRAN, U of Chicago). So the next doubling to 800ppm will increase its GHG effect by less than 3%, in theory, with no chance of overpowering the other 8 major forcings. CO2 is not in control of temperature at this time.
And then, humans contribute less than 5% to the annual CO2 inflow, so we are not in control of CO2 in the atmosphere.
And then, while we struggle to maintain our fragile electrical grid overburdened with EVs and electric appliances and tools replacing the current ones, India and China go their way mouthing promises and estimates and building coal plants. Not to mention the REAL pollution of lithium mining, processing, distribution, and disposal.
And of course the benefit to agriculture increases arithmetically up to at least 1800ppm. At least 30% of agriculture increase since 1950 has been attributed to CO2.
The triumph of sentiment over good sense?