Predictions: Substantial Trump Win Likely With “Psychiatric Break on the Left, Particularly Among Younger Women”
“Every logical, analytical part of me says this should be a good year for Trump and Republicans, but there’s always that gnawing feeling that they’re going to pull something.” If Trump wins, “there will be major rioting and violence. We’re already seeing meltdowns over the fact that it’s even close; we’re seeing mental breakdowns.”

So here we are with our “final” election and election-fallout predictions.
This is an excerpt from our full podcast recorded November 1.
Transcript auto-generated, may contain transcription errors. Lightly edited for transcript clarity.
KK: Last and finally, predictions. This is our last podcast before we come back to chat. What that’s going to look like next week, I’m not sure—whether I’ll be buying more chickens or enjoying the fact that hopefully my dollar will be able to purchase more sometime in the coming years. But we’ll see. So, who wants to go first? What are your predictions heading into next week?
WAJ: Logic, reason, and analysis tell me this is going to be a very substantial Trump and Republican win. If you look at the early voting, the turnout, the polling—which is much tighter than it has been before—it all points in that direction. Now, it’s possible that this is an anomaly, that there won’t be a Trump undercount in the polling this year. Maybe that’s possible. But everything we’re capable of knowing points to a significant Trump win, with Republicans picking up the Senate, probably in the 52 to 54-seat range. I think maybe on the higher end of that. As for the House, I can’t put numbers on it, but if Trump is winning, and if he’s more or less even in the popular vote, then Republicans should hold the House.
Every logical, analytical part of me says this should be a good year for Trump and Republicans, but there’s always that gnawing feeling that they’re going to pull something. They’ve been pulling it for several days now—fakery, lying, just creating things out of whole cloth, manipulation.
So that’s my prediction. The rational part of me says Trump is going to win; the concerned part of me says somehow the Democrats are going to pull it out.
KK: Now, I’m pretty much in the exact same place. I would add that I fully predict that, regardless of the election’s outcome, the left and all their tribes are going to become insufferable in ways we’ve never seen. Whether Harris wins or Trump wins, it’s going to be rough. The media will either be crowing or in complete and total meltdown mode. In that case, they’re not going to accept responsibility or accountability—they’ll be looking to blame others, because that’s what that whole mentality is about.
[Dog barking interruption] A car drove by. We live in a place where that doesn’t happen very often. And one of us is making sure they know.
WAJ: That’s a sign of something—I don’t know what it’s a sign of, but it’s a sign of something.
Alright, well, I predict that if Trump wins, there will be major rioting and violence. We’re already seeing meltdowns over the fact that it’s even close; we’re seeing mental breakdowns. I’ve said this many times on Twitter (X) that we’re going to see a psychiatric break. We’re going to see a psychiatric break on the left, particularly among younger women, based on their behavior so far—something we may never have seen before.
Democrats and the media have whipped that side into a frenzy over what’s going to happen—Project 2025. They’ve whipped them into such a mental frenzy that I believe we’re going to see a psychological phenomenon unlike any before. People are going to lose it, and if Trump wins, that’s an absolute certainty.
KK: I completely agree. And I think it’s important, too, to remember—and I wouldn’t think that any of our listeners would be this way—that it’s fine to be glad if Trump wins. Unity is never going to come from the other side; it’s just not. They thrive on divisiveness. There has to be contentiousness for them to subsist. I’m not saying we should all run around hugging each other and saying “let’s all get along now, we’re one big happy family,” but I do think the burden of trying to mend anything—if it’s even mendable anymore—does rest on the other side.
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D cities boarding up for rioting tells you that those D Mayors expect Trump to win.
Let the rioting commence.
Really looking forward to the psychotic breaks also.
Their losing it is fine as long as they are destroying their own communities.
No public money should be used to repair any of their damage.
The psychotic breaks came long ago for most Dems, before Trump even.
What would be ironic is if Democrat cities boarding up ends up meaning Democrats cant vote.
“Really looking forward to the psychotic breaks also.”
“Je suis Daniel Penny.”
Trump will cause mental anguish but I doubt there will be much violence.
Kamala would result in the goalposts being torn down, the concession stand looted, trash on the field and mayhem in the stands that would spill into the parking lot and beyond.
Rioters riot win or lose.
Trump wins: rioting because of temper tantrums and young people being urged on by their professors and outside agitators.
Mrs. Emhoff wins: rioting far worse because they won, meaning the government will REALLY stick the screws to those evil capitalist pigs who live in mansions and drive Bugattis back and forth to their mom and pop stores. Burn that b1+ch downnnn! Et cetera.
The beating odds narrowed over the weekend, Trump was still a slight favorite.
I think a Trump win would bring riots – in January.
Perhaps we’ll see the leftists burn their own property down.
Why not? The melanin-advantaged demographics did it for Gray and Brown and King (both).
Even now the Democrat faithful are finalizing plans to liberate a new Flat Screen and a case of cheap wine.
Feels like more than gnawing. The cheaters have been planning all along. If Trump does not win Tuesday, will he ever? Cautiously optimistic.
No, he’s 78 and we will be done as a republic
Think 40 million illegals are a lot
You haven’t seen anything yet
Tuesday means Tuesday night, not the election itself. The context was cheating. Granted he would not run again.
No because Democrats will control all the levers of power and bring California style voting laws to the rest of the country (where its illegal to ask voters for ID).
Jungle primaries, ranked choice voting.
By all rights the Democrats ( read Cultural Marxists) have the worst candidate in the history of the country and should get shellac. But as in 2020 I worry about the fraud, especially in Pennsylvania which seems to get hundreds of thousands votes than residents. But as in 2016 if Pennsylvania goes to Trump its all over. Problem is as I said not expecting a result until Harris wins maybe Thursday.
That is not true. There is no state, no county, no precinct that ever records more votes than it has eligible voters. Doing that is an amateur move, and the Democrats are far from amateurs.
You are saying one thing, discounting what you think people are talking about because that’s the point all Democrats and the left focus on.
But that’s not what the issue refers to.
It’s this–
No, that is absolutely not what Skip or anyone else is talking about. Anyone who does talk about such incidents and describes them as “more votes than residents”, or “more votes than eligible voters” is a fucking liar, like you.
The Detroit story is not about fraud at all, but about sloppy and incompetent poll workers.
As a poll worker you have to keep track of how many ballots you started the day with, how many you gave out, how many were returned and voided, how many you accidentally voided yourself, how many were scanned and counted, and how many you were left with at the end of the day.
Ideally these numbers should match exactly. It’s possible for a few ballots to go missing because someone received a ballot, and rather than voting he walked out with it. You can’t prevent that. But it rarely happens. Generally if there’s a discrepancy it’s because you weren’t paying attention at some point and forgot to log something.
Having reconciled closed out my own table I’ve spent time trying to make sense of someone else’s records, and sometimes it’s just impossible and you have to write it off and close it anyway. Some poll workers are just stupid. And some have done everything right but just can’t add and subtract properly, so their numbers don’t come out right.
But we’re talking tiny numbers. 4 or 5 ballots off at a table that handed out hundreds.
None of which has anything to do with more votes being cast at a precinct than there are eligible voters who could have done so. That’s amateur fraud, and the Democrats are not amateurs. They know how to stuff ballot boxes, and they know you never put in more votes than there could plausibly have been. And you don’t put them all in as Democrats; you have to throw a few Republican votes in as well, for verisimilitude.
They didn’t bother with verisimilitude in 2020. Ballot dumps in the tens of thousands with zero Trump votes were recorded and courts refused any investigation into it.
That isn’t true.
Occasionally you come across a precinct that reports no Republican votes; that’s a sign that that precinct hasn’t been fiddled with. The people who voted there genuinely all voted Democrat. Because when Democrats are stuffing the ballot box they make sure to put in a few Republican ones.
Trump has won voters.
Now the only question is whether he’s got more ballots than the Democrats.
IMO, this is where many folks are in their thinking about this election. It’s sad that we’ve come to this place where the question isn’t whether there will be shenanigans by the d/prog but rather how big/now effective the shenanigans will be. Worse is that this isn’t a fringe position of tin foil hat folks but one held by knowledgeable, very serious minded people.
Personally I suspect we may get a clear cut DJT victory on Tuesday before we go to bed. Harris is a horrible politician, Waltz is a buffoon and their sputtering campaign seemed to signal giving up based on few to zero campaign events down the final stretch. The polling is breaking for Trump, early votes show record GoP votes. Anecdotally the mood seems to presage a Trump victory and so especially with the economy, immigration and crime as top issues for voters.
That said, everyone should definitely behave like Trump is down. Go vote and drag your family, friends and neighbors to the polls with you.
My opinion is that the actual people that make decisions in the Democrat party are going to have a meeting at around 10 PM on Tuesday, and based on the degree of Harris’ loss, they’ll make the decision whether they are going to steal it or not, or just confine the steal to a few Senate seats to make sure they can hamstring Trump.
My own opinion is that they wouldn’t be doing the idiotic and public stunts in PA and GA if they thought they had enough steal banked.
TBH I think they’ve come to terms with a Trump victory, the d/prog bosses that is, not the rank and file d/prog voter who’ve been amped up to eleventy. I suspect the goal is to rinse and repeat as much as possible the ‘resistance’ by the permanent bureaucracy and if possible jam up the HoR which is probably closer than the Senate.
The second part is saddling an incoming 2nd Trump Administration with cleaning up the mess. True inflation is actually about twice what the official rate is. The BS stats put out by the BLS, show close to 900K aggregate ‘jobs’ claimed to have been created in the monthly numbers this year have been ‘revised’ away in subsequent months.
The economy is much worse than many understand but it has been papered over by compliant legacy media and sell side advocates. Commercial real estate crash is looming. The Treasury has been issuing mostly short term paper and about 1/4 to 1/3 of the $36 Trillion in federal debt must be refinanced over the next 18 ish months.
Punting all this crap onto Trump and the GoP + Middle east, Ukraine/Russia, BRICS forming a workable international settlement regime alternative, consequences of under investment in domestic oil/Nat Gas production, closure of reliable nuke/coal electricity generation in favor of windmills/solar farms…that’s quite a bit of stuff to keep a Trump Admin busy fixing with the d/prog and legacy media nipping at his heels obstructing and criticizing every step of the way.
This is also one of the things that HAS to go Trumps way. His win has to be so monumental and insurmountable to make any kind of Democrat cheating so incredibly obvious that they would be fools to dare to try (cause suddenly the media HAS to pay attention to their party’s illegality).
The larger the margin, the more reality the Dems will be forced to face. This will make the craziest ones go right off the edge, but hopefully will bring large numbers of the slightly nutty ones back to sanity. A good 49 state sweep might even make the Dem party toss out their nuttiest nutballs and run on their more traditional values.
A win *must* be coupled with fiscal pruning. The Dems have set up billions of dollars worth of cash pipelines to their ‘friendly’ NGAs and companies. These have to be tracked down in the jungle of the Federal budget and snipped out. That’s a Herculean task. The Dems will find one project out of hundreds and flood the airwaves, declaring the XYZ project is critical to the elderly diabetic pet food nutritional needs of the country and the Republicans are monsters for cutting it. Cut it. Cut more. Cut them by the score.
Courts didn’t care about “incredibly obvious” in 2020, why would they care now?
This is one of the things I take my hat off to Democrats over. They go ALL IN on everything as a mass blob!! They have discipline and understand what is at stake here AND do everything possible to ensure the right outcome for them.
The Republican party is changing…slowly…but is that change coming fast enough to undo all the bad things Democrats have done? Come back to me on Wednesday and Ill let you know.
Yeah, definitely don’t take anything for granted. Complacency and/or overconfidence in the final stretch will sink the chances of victory. I would point out that the belief that d/prog are an unstoppable mass isn’t correct. Nor are they really unified, they are a collection of tribal interests which lots of cracks in their foundation. Latino vote is gonna be much closer to 55/45 than 80/20. Black men gonna go probably 20-25% to Trump, far less than black women, overall Trump likely to get 15%+ of total black vote. Then there’s smaller more concentrated voters such as Muslims in MI and WI breaking off. Heck I saw an article that Amish in PA are coming out in record numbers for Trump and 95%+ of them are new voters.
Overall I really think the electorate is done with bad d/prog policies and the constant gas lighting lies and that’s gonna mean a Trump victory… unless there’s some insane level of shenanigans.
They may be tribal interests but they seem to always be in lockstep. They do whatever their leaders and organizers tell them to do. This is probably because they have the Media, and the Narrative comes down from on high from the NYT.
See the border communities in the Rio Grand Valley voting for GoP Congressional candidates flipping seats held by d/prog since the end of reconstruction. See polling of black Men and their continual drift towards the GoP.
Obviously the foundation won’t crumble overnight. Are the whacky white wokiesta women with dyed hair and pierced sputum gonna vote pretty much in lock step for Harris? Sure. Same for lifelong boomer age d/prog. Same for anyone who makes a living off the grievance grift to include many govt employees.
I suspect in this election the exit polling is gonna show a much bigger drift away from d/prog within many ‘tribes’. The old certainties of the d/prog practically automatically receiving 90%+ of the black vote or 70% of the Hispanic vote are already gone.
I am not so sure I want most of my neighbors, co-workers and friends voting.
Meh. I learned long ago that nothing “transforms” your neighbors into gun owners faster than them learning you have one too.
Sounds as if you gotta do some voter outreach …or maybe consider a move to more sane place.
I am expecting an epic amount of fraud and a claim of 100 million D votes.
My prediction: Trump in a landslide a la 1980 but not quite so lopsided.
R’s take the Senate, explains their lead in the House.
Musk becomes the Deep State Grim Reaper.
Kennedy quickly wears out his welcome as his true personality is revealed and the nation sees that he is full of (excrement).
As long as RFK Jr is kept on a short leash, and remains narrowly focused on health and food safety, he should be OK. Otherwise, he can go into nutbag land and that could be disastrous for the health and food safety cause (for being associated with a lunatic – or whatever else he will be called should he go off-script).
They made him look rational because they lied so much about covid and the pseudo vaccines. He was already crazy on the subject of vaccines, many if not most of which are definitely more valuable that then non-vax. So definitely a short leash.
I pray you’re correct.
IMO the pandemic cast a veil over the fraud in 2020, which veil MAY not be there this year. My concern is still that if the electoral college is close there will be enough “faithless electors” over the convicted felon, “Hitler” and the riots that HE caused to create a big problem. The best outcome for the country is a 100 point EC win and a popular vote win for Trump. The consolation prize is control of the Senate and the “garbage” taken out in 2028.
The electors are unlikely to be faithless. They are chosen by the state party i.e. the campaign.
The temptation for faithless electors is greatest when the number is the closest to 270. One situation that almost guarantees faithless electors will be a 269-269 tie. If that happens, some Kamala electors might vote for West or Stein in order to complicate the process when the House elects the President, since the House must choose from the top 3 electoral vote getters.
Upvoted for 3 of 4.
You could be right about RFK jr, but a lot of what he’s saying re health needs to be said and out in the open.
Will Trump win? mWe will know in 3 weeks
The left keeps touting an Iowa poll with Harris winning Iowa
What do you say?
They don’t have the fraud game in Iowa they do elsewhere.
North Carolina is the state to watch.
I would watch NC, GA, and PA the most. They are the most critical states. Also, watch Ted Cruz’s reelection bid.
Why just those states? Lots of suspicious shenanigans went down in NV and AZ during 2020.
Iowa ain’t gonna go to Harris. It won’t be within five points.
I don’t gamble much but I would be willing to bet that Trump wins Iowa.
Our elections are designed to be unauditable, and nowadays non-credible. So there will be no winner, just counting, and millions of claims of observed fraud.
Unless there’s a blow-out well past the margin of fraud. With abortion on the women’s ticket that’s unlikely.
Professor, from your lips to Gods ears
has it occurred to anyone that the person designated to certify the election happens to be one of the candidates?
even if a landslide a la Reagan, can she be relied on to do her constitutional duty?
we’ll see
The alternative is to be an “election denier.”
Alinsky her with that like a pallet of bricks..
No, she is not designated to “certify” anything. The constitution says nothing about any “certification”. She is merely the chairman of the meeting at which the votes are counted. She is given no authority to do anything but call the meeting to order, order the votes to be counted, and report the result; she doesn’t even get a vote.
She can introduce a motion to disqualify Trump under 14A.3, and call a vote on it. It all comes down to the number of Democrats in the House and Senate.
No, challenges have to come from members, not from the chair, and each house retreats into its own chamber to discuss the challenge and vote on it.
Hopefully, hysterical paralysis comes back into fashion.
Even years ago, one of my liberal friends would refer to the need for Republican polls to overcome the “margin of fraud.”
Any leftist who calls in sick on Wednesday needs to be fired.
No real excuse needed to riot in CA.
When the dodgers lose… they riot.
When the dodgers win… they riot.
It’s like the old George Burns joke:
“I still chase pretty girls. I just don’t remember why.”
The California underclass still hasn’t realized they no longer have to riot as an excuse to loot, they can just… loot now..
The San Andreas Fault hasn’t faulted enough.
There is only one sane prediction –leftists are going to cheat.
Will they be able to cheat enough?
If they are, will the right actually fight?
Because this is it. The velvet glove is burning off the iron fist.
They want to steal this, with such an obvious incompetent, as a show of power. That they can do what they like and no one can stop them.
If we are not ready to fight, not tomorrow, but now, then…..
Ken Rubin tweeted,
” MAGA Peanut deserved to die. “
She of course deleted it afterwards. How can anyone possibly reason with a diabolical mentality like that?
And it was not sarcasm? (His name means nothing to me.)
misandrists are already mentally ill
I blame hormonal birth control.
Nope. Natural hormones wreak enough havoc. That said, most of us learned to deal with it rationally.
The Psychological Impact Of Hormonal Birth Control – Dr Sarah Hill
Assuming a Trump win, I think CU will declare a day of mourning and given the assumed fragility of students, offer mental health counseling. Trump derangement syndrome may show its ugly self in the urban areas with looting and burning. Even Ithaca may have problems.
I think we may have an inconclusive result Wednesday Morning. I expect Trump to overperform his polls in Blue States, and Harris to overperform her polls in Red states that have severe abortion restrictions. There is a reason Trump is doing his last events in NC and GA – those states are critical and too close for comfort. Ted Cruz could even lose, despite what polls say. One big question – will Trump overperform in any Blue state enough to flip it?
I believe they have destroyed the tradition of election day and will not bother with news Tuesday night. I do not know who will win but we know there will be ‘big ballot dumps’ in the middle of the night (likely from blue urban areas) that nullify whatever statistical noise was reported Tuesday night.
There needs to be enough poll watchers to prevent any ballot dumps after the polls close.
Maricopa county Arizona dispensed with all legal chain of custody,
I predict thousands of hidden cameras have been placed in key places. And hopefully, Musk has used some of his millions that he’s giving away to hire Dem poll workers to spy for him.