NY Bakery Refutes Whoopi Goldberg’s Claim It Didn’t Serve Her Over Political Views
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NY Bakery Refutes Whoopi Goldberg’s Claim It Didn’t Serve Her Over Political Views

NY Bakery Refutes Whoopi Goldberg’s Claim It Didn’t Serve Her Over Political Views

Go visit Holtermann’s Bakery in Staten Island. Give them your business!

Jill Holtermann, owner of Holtermann’s Bakery on Staten Island, said the store couldn’t fulfill Whoopi Goldberg’s birthday order due to a boiler issue.

Goldberg requested 50 Charlotte Russe desserts for the November 6th broadcast and also for the November 13th broadcast to celebrate her 69th birthday.

“I said to Whoopi, ‘I can’t do it right now,” Holtermann told Entertainment Weekly. “We have so many things going on with my boiler,’ because the building is from 1930, so, when she called me, I had no idea [if we could] be baking everything.”

Holtermann did not “want to make a commitment that I can’t carry through.”

The bakery managed to fulfill the order on November 13.

That didn’t stop Goldberg from pitching a fit. Yeah, she whined even though the bakery made the desserts.

Goldberg blamed the bakery, which is New York state’s oldest bakery, for denying her order over her leftist views:

In the closing moments of Wednesday’s live episode, Goldberg celebrated her 69th birthday by sharing Charlotte Russe desserts with her cohosts.

“My birthday dessert today was one of my mom’s favorites from when she was a kid, she talked about these all the time, they’re called Charlotte Russe. It’s a sponge cake with whipped cream and a cherry on top. I should tell you, Charlotte Russe has no political leanings. The place that made these refused to make them for me,” Goldberg said, prompting panelist Sara Haines to spit out the dessert live on the air.

“No, let me explain,” Goldberg continued. “They said that their ovens had gone down, but folks went and got them anyway, which is why I’m not telling you who made them. It’s not… because I’m a woman, but perhaps they did not like my politics. But, that’s okay, because you know what, listen, this is my mother’s celebration. Pick these up and celebrate with me and my mom. Thank you everyone for celebrating my birthday today.”

What a self-centered and bitter woman. Good Lord.

Goldberg’s comments have caused such a hassle that Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella and Holtermann held a press conference today.

“It’s been here 145 years,” said Fossella. “They had a boiler that was 60 or 70 years old. And the first week in November, guess what? It went on the fritz.”

Has Goldberg ever worked in a bakery? I have. It wasn’t in an old building like Holtermann’s but man…you go into over cautious mode when something breaks down because you don’t want to make those commitments, especially for special occasions.

Also, Goldberg, the bakery fulfilled your stupid order. The bakery made your desserts, and you still dragged her through the mud with a lie.

Thankfully, the community came out and supported Holtermann’s Bakery:

“I think it’s ridiculous. Why would she come all the way to Staten Island for her cupcake? To make an issue? They’ve been here forever,” Deborah Bernaz, 68, said of the comic’s claims against the beloved 145-year-old Holtermann’s Bakery on Staten Island.

“I don’t think it has anything to do with politics. They’re a little Staten Island bakery. I think it’s bulls–t what she’s saying. Leave politics out of the bakery.”

Bernaz and her daughter Andrea have been loyal customers for over 40 years.

Customer Lucy D’Amato told The New York Post, “I’m not going to get into detail, but she’s [Goldberg] not a nice person.”

The spat made an unnamed teacher visit and give Holtermann’s Bakery her business by purchasing vanilla cupcakes: “I read she tried to order stuff and made a comment that she didn’t get served because of her political stance. That’s disgusting. Unbelievable, give me a break.”

The outpouring of support touched Holtermann.

“I’m so overwhelmed by the support between finding out yesterday, this even happened, getting phone calls and then people coming in and people from all over just supporting us in every way,” Holtermann told the public. “We had phone calls yesterday from Alabama. Guys, I’m going to give you $50, send it to a school, send them donuts, send them cupcakes. The support has been so overwhelming, and I know how hard my family has worked to keep this business alive.”

Holtermann’s Bakery has been in business since 1878. From its Facebook page:

At Holtermann’s, we are focused on providing fresh, delicious, baked goods. We are the oldest family based bakery on Staten Island, since 1878.

Our beginnings started in the Treasure House in Historic Richmond Town by Claus Holtermann, delivering bread to neighbors on foot. Many families remember our orange bakery trucks stopping at their houses providing sweet treats to the community.

That’s 137 years of baking experience, knowledge and producing enjoyably classic treats for all ages.

Our baked goods have been enjoyed by many Staten Island families for generations, and has become a tradition for many households.

The family business continues to follow the same baking techniques using many of the traditional machines that were used when the business first opened. The bakery is now under the management of Bill and Jeff Holtermann, who are the 4th generation of family owners.

We make everyday classics such as crumb cakes, doughnuts, cupcakes, breads, rolls, danishes, Charlotte Rouse, muffins, cakes, cookies and much more. We also provide and special orders and gift baskets.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


What did she want the bakery to make?

A cake shaped like a Whoopi Cushion?


    PrincetonAl in reply to bobinreverse. | November 15, 2024 at 4:22 pm

    Beat me to it, 100% agree.

    “All bakeries are one DEI encounter away from being Gibson’s Bakery now”

    Milhouse in reply to bobinreverse. | November 17, 2024 at 5:21 am

    Nope. Gibson’s got extremely lucky that Raimondo was stupid enough to go beyond calling it racist, and made a factual statement that was not true. That one actual hard-and-fast lie was the only thing Gibson’s could sue for. All the rest of the vitriol that was poured on it all the name-calling and calls for boycott etc were not actionable, because they were protected speech.

    You can call someone racist with impunity. You can ruin their business and get away with it. Just don’t tell actual lies about them. Don’t say a specific thing happened, when it verifiably didn’t.

Whoopi’s is such a bitter black bytch

Kind of like Mechelle

They are rich, they made it, so why the bitterness?

They are as ugly inside as out

Their jealousy of being so unattractive must be at the core of their inability to see their gifts

The entitlement and narcissism of the leftists is something to behold. Everything ain’t about you. Sorry you couldn’t get a firm commitment from a small business owner who didn’t want to disappoint you b/c they knew their boiler was going in/out but who delivered on the damn order anyway when they could get it done. Slamming a small business using your national platform is petty and vindictive. It may play to the audience of Karens who watch your show but the rest of see you for what you are.

Whoopi is an insufferable b*tch. She would rather try and destroy a family owned business than consider for just a moment they might be telling the truth.

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from [The View] in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”
Tough shit even if it DID happen, Whoopi.
Your rules.

BigRosieGreenbaum | November 15, 2024 at 3:37 pm

So she saw an opportunity to setup some small business owner. Staten Island? Why couldn’t she have found the same baked goods in Manhattan. There’s a bakery on every freaking corner, right next to the bodega and smoke shop.

Even though Johnson did not name the bakery, she made it political by insinuating wrong. The bakery is justified to illustrate Johnson’s bigotry for what it is.

Obviously the bakery has a racist boiler.

Whoopie, when you, yourself, are a racist, you see racism everywhere. QED.

The vile Goldberg is an ugly, stupid, miserable, bigoted, evil and loathsome crone.

She possesses the shameful stupidity to claim that the German National Socialist slaughter of Jews in WWII was “white people doing it to white people.” This from a wretch who appropriated a Jewish last name, in order to advance her showbiz career. Disgusting and evil.

Like Oprah brazenly lying about being refused to be shown merchandise in an upscale Swiss handbag store (decades ago); or, the evil and vile Michelle Obama, lying that an elderly shopper who hadn’t recognized her during a visit to a Target store in Virginia while disguised in baseball cap and dark sunglasses and had asked for her help in reaching an item situated on a high shelf (to which Obama obliged, and, had related the incident on late-night TV for laughs, as a “feel-good” moment), had acted in a racist manner, Goldberg chooses to contrive a fake tale of alleged racial victimhood, to boost her sagging stock.

Contrived and fallacious narratives of alleged victimhood are the most prized currency, for the vile Dhimmi-crats.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to guyjones. | November 15, 2024 at 6:18 pm

    There hasn’t been racist victimhood since the Democrat Party stopped wearing hoods and lynching blacks. Now, most claims of racism are self inflicted.

      And on that timely note:
      Three People Indicted on Charges Related to Hate Crime Hoax (www.justice.gov)

      The 2023 Colorado Springs mayoral run-off election involved Candidate 1, who was Black, and Candidate 2, who was white. After the initial election but before the run-off, Bernard sent a message to the other defendants in which he explained he was “mobilizing my squad in defense. Black ops style big brother.” He also sent messages referencing a desire to prevent “the klan” from gaining political control of the city. Bernard then worked with Blackcloud and West to stage, at an intersection in the City of Colorado Springs in the early hours of April 23, 2023, a cross burning in front of a campaign sign for Candidate 1 defaced with a racial slur. The three then allegedly spread false information about the event through an email from an anonymous source to various news and civic organizations.

        MajorWood in reply to henrybowman. | November 16, 2024 at 12:57 pm

        Reminds me of a similar incident in Balmer years ago where the campaign manager actually used his credit card to pay for false-flag racist signs at a copy shop. I believe it threw the election for his candidate. The problem with Balmer is that so much happens along those lines that the entire first page of a google search is just posts from this week. Forget 10-20 years ago ever showing up. 😉

She can’t get her dog biscuits @ Petco?

I am surprised that she did not pull the race card.

Please give Whoopi a break. She’s merely trying to get an honorary doctorate from Oberlin.

I thought it was because they feared she would no longer fit to go out the door…

Lee Plakas to the white courtesy phone. 😉

Because Oberlin failed to admit their mistake, they left the door open for others to make it as well.

Would a bakery unable to fill a cupcake order because the boiler is on the fritz or a Liberal celebrity alleging discrimination be a protected class under NY State’s expansive, yet vague, anti discrimination constitutional amendment?

Whoopie is concerned that RFK will ban her daily feeding trough.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | November 15, 2024 at 11:12 pm

“My birthday dessert today was one of my mom’s favorites from when she was a kid, she talked about these all the time, they’re called Charlotte Russe. It’s a sponge cake with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

Whoopi is raising a stink over something that simple?? She could just hire someone to go buy a sponge cake around the corner and pick up some whipped cream and cherries at the local market and make them for her.


In my opinion, Caryn Elaine Johnson (AKA Goldberg) behaves like a child throwing tantrums to get attention. For some reason, the media considers her newsworthy. Why is that? She has the IQ of a frog (apologies to frogs) and has nothing to say that’s in any way informative. The best way to deal with such people: ignore them. Don’t link to “The View” or Johnson and eventually they will go away. I guess she gets attention for some kind of entertainment value. “The View” is something akin to a circus freak show. People go to get shocked or entertained by the freaks. I hope the bakery has not suffered and should consider a defamation suit.

SCOTUS needs to revisit the Sullivan decision which gives a license to the media to defame people. The media will defame a unknown person and then claim immunity because now that person is a public figure. I hope the Trump people encourage SCOTUS to revisit Sullivan. Melania was defamed by the Daily Mail and some blogger by claiming she was once a high-end escort. A lot of people believed the story so she sued and won, both in the US and the UK. The blogger was an idiot and didn’t know the law, but the Daily Mail surely has lawyers. UK law protects the defamed more than US law and accusing a woman of being a harlot is a very serious offense in the UK. I guess the Daily Mail figured it was worth whatever they had to pay Melania to get a sensational story.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to oden. | November 16, 2024 at 10:12 am

    >>For some reason, the media considers her newsworthy. Why is that?<<

    She's not really newsworthy but Caryn Elaine Johnson (aka Whoopi Goldberg) consistently produces the clickbait headlines that gets the revenue clicks the media so desperately need these days.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Lucifer Morningstar. | November 16, 2024 at 3:22 pm

      As soon as advertisers notice that she no longer brings as many eyeballs to advertisements, she will be disposed of like a used Kleenex.

        “Here’s your new shirt, Guinan. It’s red.”

        Speaking of which, if I were sure they wouldn’t be offended, I’d send Holtermann’s owners some custom t-shirts saying JE SUIS GIBSON.

Oddly, that’s one form of discrimination still legal!

I wonder if “What We Do In The Shadows” will add a 12th ep to this season. I am certain that they could really run with this whole Bakery Story.

The Gentle Grizzly | November 16, 2024 at 3:23 pm

The thing I don’t understand is this: how is it possible for the bakery to turn her order down when it was the boiler that blew up? Everyone knows that you bake Charlotte Russe, you don’t boil it!

    I have never worked in a bakery but my thought was that the boiler was used to heat the ovens.

    Sounds like you’ve never lived in an old New England building. I grew up in a house with an oil-fired boiler that supplies all our heat. My dad was a boiler repairman (among other trade skills).

    Curiously, most of my favorite desserts involve boiled cream. Cassotte, Tres Leches cake, eclairs…