Musk, Ramaswamy Explain How DOGE Will Clean Up the Government
“The two of us will advise DOGE at every step to pursue three major kinds of reform: regulatory rescissions, administrative reductions and cost savings.”

Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy detailed how their Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) will reduce government waste in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.
Musk and Ramaswamy are correct: unelected bureaucrats passing “rules and regulations” have detracted America from what the Founders framed in the Constitution.
DOGE is there to stop it.
“The entrenched and ever-growing bureaucracy represents an existential threat to our republic, and politicians have abetted it for too long,” the entrepreneurs wrote. “That’s why we’re doing things differently. We are entrepreneurs, not politicians. We will serve as outside volunteers, not federal officials or employees. Unlike government commissions or advisory committees, we won’t just write reports or cut ribbons. We’ll cut costs.”
Might I suggest you start with the Department of Education?
DOGE will work with the White House Office of Management and Budget to target three reforms:
- Regulatory rescissions
- Administrative reduction
- Cost savings
Instead of new laws, existing legislation will lead DOGE to make the changes.
Musk and Ramaswamy will use the Constitution and two recent SCOTUS decisions:
In West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency (2022), the justices held that agencies can’t impose regulations dealing with major economic or policy questions unless Congress specifically authorizes them to do so. In Loper Bright v. Raimondo (2024), the court overturned the Chevron doctrine and held that federal courts should no longer defer to federal agencies’ interpretations of the law or their own rulemaking authority. Together, these cases suggest that a plethora of current federal regulations exceed the authority Congress has granted under the law.
DOGE will work with legal experts embedded in government agencies, aided by advanced technology, to apply these rulings to federal regulations enacted by such agencies. DOGE will present this list of regulations to President Trump, who can, by executive action, immediately pause the enforcement of those regulations and initiate the process for review and rescission. This would liberate individuals and businesses from illicit regulations never passed by Congress and stimulate the U.S. economy.
When the president nullifies thousands of such regulations, critics will allege executive overreach. In fact, it will be correcting the executive overreach of thousands of regulations promulgated by administrative fiat that were never authorized by Congress. The president owes lawmaking deference to Congress, not to bureaucrats deep within federal agencies. The use of executive orders to substitute for lawmaking by adding burdensome new rules is a constitutional affront, but the use of executive orders to roll back regulations that wrongly bypassed Congress is legitimate and necessary to comply with the Supreme Court’s recent mandates. And after those regulations are fully rescinded, a future president couldn’t simply flip the switch and revive them but would instead have to ask Congress to do so.
The government is the largest employer in America. That should not happen. It has over two million Americans.
The largest employers are:
- Department of Defense: 1.3 million military service members, 825,000 Reserve and National Guard members, and 600,000 civilian employees
- Department of Veterans Affairs: 371,000 healthcare professionals and support staff
- Department of Homeland Security: 260,000 employees
- Postal Service: As of 2022, 635,350 employees
“DOGE intends to work with embedded appointees in agencies to identify the minimum number of employees required at an agency for it to perform its constitutionally permissible and statutorily mandated functions,” explained Musk and Ramaswamy.
Honestly, when you cut down the size of departments and agencies, the jobs should also go away.
People think public sector workers have safe jobs due to civil-service protections. That only applies against retaliation. The government can reduce jobs if the firing doesn’t target specific employees, such as whistleblowers.
They also want federal employees to return to the office five days a week. Musk and Ramaswamy think the requirement would lead to “voluntary terminations.”
“If federal employees don’t want to show up, American taxpayers shouldn’t pay them for the Covid-era privilege of staying home,” they stated.
However, the men promised to help those who lost jobs transition into the private sector:
The number of federal employees to cut should be at least proportionate to the number of federal regulations that are nullified: Not only are fewer employees required to enforce fewer regulations, but the agency would produce fewer regulations once its scope of authority is properly limited. Employees whose positions are eliminated deserve to be treated with respect, and DOGE’s goal is to help support their transition into the private sector. The president can use existing laws to give them incentives for early retirement and to make voluntary severance payments to facilitate a graceful exit.
Then, we have the procurement process. The Pentagon failed its seventh audit.
The 1974 Impoundment Control Act states that the president cannot stop “expenditures authorized by Congress.” Musk and Ramaswamy implied that Trump will take the act to the Supreme Court since he has said it’s unconstitutional.
They think, though, they could target the spending without undoing the act:
But even without relying on that view, DOGE will help end federal overspending by taking aim at the $500 billion plus in annual federal expenditures that are unauthorized by Congress or being used in ways that Congress never intended, from $535 million a year to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and $1.5 billion for grants to international organizations to nearly $300 million to progressive groups like Planned Parenthood.
DOGE will also examine federal contracts since many “have gone unexamined for years.”
Many people brush aside the deficit by yelling about Medicare and Medicaid. You care about poor people and old people, right?!
Well, you can cut spending elsewhere.
“But this deflects attention from the sheer magnitude of waste, fraud and abuse that nearly all taxpayers wish to end—and that DOGE aims to address by identifying pinpoint executive actions that would result in immediate savings for taxpayers,” said Musk and Ramaswamy.
Look, by now you guys know I’m a libertarian. Slash it all. Start with the Department of Education and the Department of Homeland Security.

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It will be a miracle if they can pull off half of this, especially deleting the Dept of Education. Pruning it way back is not enough, it will just grow back even worse. It needs to be pulled out by the roots, shredded and the ground under it nuked with glyphosate.
Watch the interview. DOGE is using Milei’s reform system to dismantle the administrative state. They’ve been gaming this for months.
Milei walks us through how he’s dismantling Kirchnerism-Peronism in Argentina.
Javier Milei: President of Argentina – Freedom, Economics, and Corruption by Lex Fridman.
Reality of this is that a lot of the people are not competent and they will never get the same pay.
Then they also don’t deserve the bloated pay they’re now receiving, at our expense.
With all the bule ribbon panel (elected officials are to gutless) you would think government would be Thrifty. The fact however has always been money talks.
Lots of people over-promise and under-deliver. It’s already beginning to take on that smell. Let’s hope this doesn’t turn into that. Thanks guys, but we don’t need any more cheerleading.
On what are you basing that?
They have no authority to move on any of their plans until President Trump takes office.
Imagine what would happen at any publicly traded company if they failed seven consecutive audits? Let’s face it – the leadership team would never make it past the second. One quick way to reduce fraud and waste would be to establish an effective audit and oversight program that had teeth. If you fail repeated audits you and everyone connected to them is gone and civilly/criminally prosecuted where appropriate. House and Senate oversight committees fix the problems under their direction or they’re replaced. Protecting your fellow travelers when they’re in the wrong has real negative consequences.
Everyone in government should be held responsible and accountable for their job function. If they lie, cheat, and steal they lose their job, their pension, and can see the inside of a prison cell up close and personal. I can dream, can’t I?
Not to mention the same group of DC establishment types both in/out of gov’t condemning the nomination of Hegseth b/c he ‘hasn’t run a large org’. The folks who have been guilty of mismanagement in gov’t for decades need to STFU about whether an outsider can do better.
They will reduce government waste.
However be careful what you wish for because social security and other actual government functions are what drives the deficit and with the little bit of waste cut down very tough questions about how to stop the debt crisis will have to be asked and answered.
Great. We gonna finally address the problems. The way it gets fixed is a mostly balanced budget. Politicians seem unable to do it,.especially over the last few decades of low/zero interest rates when they could borrow with little cost. The solution is for.the Fed to raise rates above 10% to burst the asset bubble and increase govt borrowing costs to the point they can’t continue their profligate borrow and spend, let the next generation worry about it ways. Will be disruptive and cause short term pain BUT on the other side of that is a balanced budget, a strong economy b/c the zombie companies are eliminated and capital is too scarce/costly to waste on boondoggles.
Even if Medicare and Social Security are sacrosanct, there is immense fraud and abuse in these programs that can be discovered and eliminated with a genuine effort.
I would not be surprised if fully half those expenditures could be cut and still leave seniors no worse off than before.
That is probably true of then entire government, including defense and state, because we have left the fox guarding the henhouse for the entire 20th and 21st centuries.
Screw the “joy;” I am EUPHORIC!!
What a great way to go into the country’s 250th anniversary!!
This is flat-out surreal.
They should be careful about misrepresentation of telework. The private sector uses it quite successfully. You want to be competitive? Be flexible and use your optiond wisely. “Showing up” 5 days a week is a meaningless metric.
I agree completely. This is one Muskism I find extremely foolish.
Once the dead wood employees are eliminated then perhaps there’s some room for remote work with in office attendance 1 or 2 days a week for some functions…. though if they can work remote then why aren’t they contractors hired for a specific project instead of a full time federal employee?
I suspect there’s a larger number than we want to admit of federal employees ‘working’ at home but without adequate supervision of their output. Private sector has far more flexibility in firing than gov’t.
True, but “without adequate supervision of their output” is the supervisor’s fault, not the employee’s.
I agree 100% with your position on the private sector.
It seems the real question is whether the government employees are working efficiently on a work-from-home basis. If they are, it should be readily apparent. If not, they are milking the system and need to go.
How about eliminating “defined benefit” pensions and replacing them with the “defined contribution” retirement plans which “the rest of us” have?
Terminate the Dept of Education first closely followed by the ATF. Cancel the FBI’s new monstrosity of a building and as Vivek has said, close the entire HQ in DC down and send the agents who are actually needed out to field offices to fight crime. The bureaucrats in DC can get a talk show if any cable outlets are left.
Move all the TSA screeners to the private sector, those costs should be borne by ticket prices. Put everyone back in an office 5 days a.week for a year or two which will probably reduce the total number of employees. Send in the ‘Bobs’. Streamline functions and reduce management levels to generate better efficiency. Once done then review potential for remote work. Eliminate ALL grants to NGO, charities, 501C3 as well as ending service contracts with those entities to stop funding lefty groups. End DHS and rollback Patriot Act insanity. End ED Dept.
Don’t move the TSA screeners anywhere. Terminate the entire department.
Hey, Elon & Vivek;
You left The IRS off that list. Develop a plan for the repeal of the 16th Amendment, the replacement of the Income tax with a consumption tax that would exempt those with incomes below some recognized and agreed upon threshold from that tax and submit that proposal for consideration to State Legislatures. The Fair Tax Organization has done extensive work on this already so they could be tremendously helpful.
This would allow for the total elimination of the IRS and its tens of thousands of employees who would be able to apply to state governments for jobs that would be created by the devolution of taxation back to the states.
And the TSA MUST GO. It is a WORTHLESS, extremely intrusive agency that contributes absolutely NOTHING to the safety and security of the citizens of this country, whether they use public transportation or not. Make airline safety and security the responsibility of the Airlines and make them liable for any incident that results in damage to property, and injury or death to any individual.
Flat tax. Below 10%. Make government live within the resultant budget.
Agree with everything else.
I’ll take as a start getting rid of the new 87,000 IRS agents being hired. Then AG Goetz can look into the corruption there such as Lois Lerner delaying 501 (c) 3 status as a way to drive them out of business and the release of Trumps tax records. Who did that?
… present these regulations to President Trump, who can, by executive action, immediately pause the enforcement of those regulations….
The US Federal government, and a number of its State governments, are grossly abusing the concept of executive orders to enlarge the Presidency, and Governorships, to Kingships ruling by decree. I may agree that these ‘regulations’ need abolishment, but I also posit that such lordly decrees do also, whether or not they’re used/abused by both Parties.
Dodge hasn’t been the same since FIAT bought it…
This is so tailor made for the meme crypto Dogecoin. Especially with it being Musk and Vivek.
I just noticed that it did go up 4 fold since last week. Big difference from other currencies.
I’m probably behind in a cave on this because of my medical issues but you can bet they both have more holdings in the currency before this was announced. It’s just smart business.