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More Than 100 Organizations Warn University Leaders about the Dangers of ‘Faculty for Justice in Palestine’

More Than 100 Organizations Warn University Leaders about the Dangers of ‘Faculty for Justice in Palestine’

“FJP chapters are fueling the unprecedented campus unrest and antisemitic violence that have gripped U.S. campuses in the aftermath of Hamas’ 10/7/23 attack on Israel”

It’s amazing that this even needs to be said. The Legal Insurrection Foundation is one of the signatories.

Dear President/Chancellor,

We write as 121 education, civil rights and religious organizations, who are deeply concerned by the implications of newly-established chapters of Faculty for Justice in Palestine (FJP) at your campus, among dozens of other U.S. campuses.

By way of background, FJP chapters were established in response to a call from the American affiliate of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), an organization with foundational ties to five U.S. designated terrorist organizations, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The primary mission of FJP chapters is to promote on their campuses an academic boycott of Israel — a boycott whose implementation denies your own students and faculty crucial educational opportunities and academic freedom and can’t help but incite animus and violence towards Jewish members of your campus community.

We draw to your attention the recent report, “Academic Extremism: How a Faculty Network Fuels Campus Unrest and Antisemitic Violence,” which documents how FJP chapters are fueling the unprecedented campus unrest and antisemitic violence that have gripped U.S. campuses in the aftermath of Hamas’ 10/7/23 attack on Israel.

Faculty members should be free to speak their minds and to advocate for the positions that they support. However, it is essential for universities to establish robust safeguards and enforcement mechanisms to prevent those faculty members from using their academic positions and departmental affiliations to promote ideologically-motivated activism that directly targets their own students and colleagues – your own campus community members – for harm. We urge you to review the report with an eye towards taking firm and immediate steps to implement its recommendations of setting up those robust safeguards and enforcement mechanisms.

See the whole document here.


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It is ironic that Israel is handing out justice in Palestine, now they need to finish the job.

If Trump were really good at 4D chess, he’s figure out a way to put SJP and Tren de Aragua at each other’s throats,