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Massachusetts City Councilor Arrested For Going After Trump Supporters

Massachusetts City Councilor Arrested For Going After Trump Supporters

Meanwhile, Deep Blue cities are taking riot precautions in the event large-scale TDS breaks out in their downtowns.

Yesterday I noted that The Democrats’ demonization of President Donald J. Trump and his supporters as “Nazis” and “garbage” may have claimed a victim in New York this weekend, as one man allegedly brutally assaulted another shopper after being triggered by a pro-Trump hat.

Now it is being reported that a Massachusetts City Councilor has been arrested this weekend for disorderly conduct, after he apparently allowed his Trump Derangement Syndrome to go out of control.

An Amesbury city councilor faced a judge on Monday after his weekend arrest, accused of screaming at supporters of presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump, blocking traffic as they drove by with campaign signs and American flags, and jumping onto the hood of one vehicle.

City Councilor at-Large Steve Stanganelli, 59, of Amesbury, was arrested Saturday and charged with disorderly conduct following the incident, which was caught on video, police said. Stanganelli pleaded not guilty to the charge in Newburyport District Court on Monday. He is due back in court on Dec. 11.

Stanganelli told Boston 25 that he wasn’t targeting Trump supporters during the rolling Trump rally, and that it was an issue of public safety. He said he saw several cars failing to stop at the stop sign at the corner of High and Market streets.

“There was no intention, any attempt by me to stifle First Amendment rights. I didn’t even know there was any kind of rally activity going on,” Stanganelli said.

The city’s mayor was not impressed with this behavior.

The office of Amesbury’s mayor released this statement in response to a request for comment: “We understand that this is a very polarized time in politics and that emotions are running high as we prepare for the election on Tuesday.

However, the city of Amesbury does not tolerate or condone behavior such as what took place on Saturday, regardless of the political climate. Any disciplinary actions against Mr. Stanganelli regarding his seat on the council would come from City Council, the legislative branch, and is not the purview of the executive branch led by the mayor.”

Imagine a politician accepting the fact that people have differing opinions on who should be our national leaders.

The meltdown was spectacular.

Meanwhile, at Hot Air, Beege Welborne humorously reviews all the riot preparations that are being made in deep blue cities in anticipation of large-scale TDS erupting should President Donald J. Trump prevail in the election.

In all seriousness, MAGA and right-wing extremists are known to be a problem in the Pacific Northwest. It is a veritable hotbed of white toxic masculinity.

Portland takes MAGA very seriously.

Scraggly beards, torn flannels, watch caps, needles, rolling papers, etc. – all the insurrectiony type hallmarks wander the streets with impunity there.

Get those boards up, stat.

Gracious, look – Los Angeles, too! Knock me over with a feather.

What a pity. Look what they’re covering up.


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Investigation will no doubt reveal he posted on the internet under the name “Ragspierre”.

When Mark Halperin predicted on Carlson’s show a couple weeks ago that if Trump wins, it’s going to create the largest mental health crisis in the history of the Republic, a lot of people laughed, including me. But, the more I think about it – and see stuff like this – the more convinced I become Halperin is probably correct.

Mr Stanganelli needs to understand just exactly what FAFO means.

I guess this is what 60-year-old cucks do now.

    nordic prince in reply to E Howard Hunt. | November 5, 2024 at 12:35 pm

    Between “covid” and TDS, I get embarrassed at how many in my approximate age cohort seem to have thoroughly imbibed of the koolaid.

Liberal playbook: when you can’t argue in the arena of ideas move right to violance.

destroycommunism | November 5, 2024 at 10:45 am

for the left

the right to murder your children is paramount

Pull that crap where I live, people would think you’re a carjacker, and respond accordingly.

What an idiot.

“He said he saw several cars failing to stop at the stop sign at the corner of High and Market streets.”

‘Honest!, judge. I self-indentified as law enforcement that minute, so I had to jump on that car.’

There will be no consequences, no punishment because it’s *clown world* where politicos are never held to account for anything.

Lucifer Morningstar | November 5, 2024 at 11:25 am

>>. . . all the riot preparations that are being made in deep blue cities in anticipation of large-scale TDS erupting should when President Donald J. Trump prevails in the election.<<


Nutters everywhere.

what an image in the header–a deranged punk and a tri-fold in plain sight on the dashboard

Communists like this have no place in civilized society.

Morning Sunshine | November 5, 2024 at 12:38 pm

Honestly, I expect Harris supporters to riot even if they do win.
Seriously – how many deep blue cities riot and burn when their team WINS the Super Bowl or other sports championship.

Suburban Farm Guy | November 5, 2024 at 1:08 pm

Guy needs to brush up on his lying. Painfully lame attempt “didn’t know it was a political rally” — democrats, oy..

Triggered by the American flags too. What a loser.

JackinSilverSpring | November 5, 2024 at 1:27 pm

As Yoda would say: The TDS with that one, strong it is.

On a positive note I was outside a polling station in my swing state this morning handing out stuff next to a lady from the other party and we had a great time talking. No animosity down here

“I didn’t even know there was any kind of rally activity going on,” Stanganelli said.”
Cut to the video. 😂🤣😂🤣

Victor Immature | November 5, 2024 at 4:11 pm

There will be worse. People like this douche have been subjected to mind control by endlessly watching msnbc, cnn etc

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | November 5, 2024 at 7:22 pm

Happy happy joy joy!