Male Boxer Who Won Gold Olympic in Female Division has XY Chromosomes
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Male Boxer Who Won Gold Olympic in Female Division has XY Chromosomes

Male Boxer Who Won Gold Olympic in Female Division has XY Chromosomes

Confirming what we already knew: Imane Khelif is a male. A male boxer won the Olympic gold in the female welterweight division.

Reduxx reported French journalist Djaffar Ait Auodia received Imane Khelif’s medical records, which reveal he has XY chromosomes and testicles.

You know, what we already knew. Imane Khelif is a male.

Khelif is an Algerian male boxer who won the Olympic gold in the female welterweight division.

Oh, look. Auodia said the International Olympic Committee received the medical report in May 2023.

Gee, what a shock (emphasis mine):

The report was drafted in June of 2023 via a collaboration between the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital in Paris, France, and the Mohamed Lamine Debaghine hospital in Algiers, Algeria. Drafted by expert endocrinologists Soumaya Fedala and Jacques Young, the report reveals that Khelif is impacted by 5-alpha reductase deficiency, a disorder of sexual development that is only found in biological males.

The genetic abnormality influences the normal development of a child’s sexual organs. At birth, male babies impacted by 5-alpha are often incorrectly assigned female due to the presence of deformed genitalia that sometimes takes on the appearance of a “blind vaginal pouch.”

This disordered development typically becomes apparent by puberty, when 5-alpha adolescents begin to experience signs of masculinization such as muscle growth, hair growth, and an absence of breast tissue development or menstruation. Without access to a proper clinical examination, males with 5-alpha may incorrectly believe they are female into adulthood.

Auodia reported that the pelvic MRI revealed no uterus or ovaries. Instead, Khelif has (emphasis from the author) “‘gonads in the inguinal canals‘ (testicles in her abdomen, editor’s note), ‘a blind vagina‘ and a micro-penis in the form of ‘clitoral hypertrophy.'”

Khelif has XY chromosomes (46XY). The tests also suggested that his parents “were perhaps co-blood relatives.”

The whole thing goes deeper, though. This is wild (emphasis from the author):

Let us recall that the selection committee, provided that the latter actually met, accepted Imane’s candidacy, less than a week after her request. The news was announced on Algerian television by Kheir Eddine Barbari, secretary of the COA (Algerian Olympic Committee). Who was informed by Mustapha Berraf, member of the IOC and great friend of Thomas Bach, his President.

According to a document to which Le Correspondant had access, it was he, Berraf, who used his connections and “pushed the file” of Imane Khelif. He who signed his letter of admission to the Paris Olympics, with an IOC letterhead. He again who designated her referring physician in Algeria, a friend…

Contacted, Berraf defends himself against any unilateral decision, which would not have obtained the agreement of the IOC presidency, but acknowledges having “supported the candidacy of his fellow citizen… out of patriotism”. While forgetting to specify that he was very aware of her sexual anomaly…

The medical examination is why the International Boxing Association (IBA) disqualified Khelif from women’s boxing in March 2023.

Khelif’s coach, Georges Cazorla, admitted that endocrinologists found a problem with his chromosomes. He also said that Khelif started “testosterone suppressants following the 2023 medical assessment.”

But the IOC hasn’t required “chromosomal testing since 1999.” You just need a “female sex marker on legal documents” to participate in women’s boxing.

We all knew this. The IBA spoke out about it from the beginning.


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G. de La Hoya | November 5, 2024 at 9:11 am

Darn, I missed the Olympics again 😉

Move to women’s chess.

To Quote General McAuliffe at Bastonge: “Nuts.”

    rhhardin in reply to EBL. | November 5, 2024 at 9:29 am

    The rumor was that that was cleaned up for the movie. “Nüsse?” the German interpreter relayed. In actuality probably relayed “Kugeln?”

Life lesson: if you profess an undying belief in leftism, you are allowed to lie with impunity.

i never watched any of the games.
so didn’t miss anything good | November 5, 2024 at 9:38 am

It is hard to understand why women have not united against this. Some have tried with mixed results. Seems an injustice to the girls these (?) are competing against.

so despite his disqualification by the iba (the supervisory organization for the SPORT) the olympic committee allowed an ineligible contestant to compete in the events–they are very lucky he didn’t seriously/permanently injure any of the legitimate contestants

he should summarily be stripped of the gold medal–as to the other contestants, imagine the hours / years of hard work / dedication thwarted by some freak illegally allowed into the competition–lord

since the overall winner cannot now be determined, would give each of the young women who fought the freak at least a bronze or perhaps multiple silvers–they came to fight and stayed to lose to a freak

inexcusable–to the shame of the olympics and the adults on their staff

Good job Mary. Now do big Mike… 🙂

If you’re gonna have males fight women, the only way to make it fair is to do like Kamala Harris did: pick “males” like Walz.

I think one of the most under-reported dynamics in this election is this nonsense right here. I know a lot of women my age – friends of my wife, colleagues, etc – who are tepid to even cool on Trump but think this gender-switching business is completely out of control, particularly as it relates to young girls being displaced by boys pretending to be girls. It’s a surprisingly animating issue, IMO.

Give him a choice. Return the medal or cut off your balls.

There was a day when men who hit women were regarded as repugnant louts and brutes.

All of these “Gender” anomalies like this and the transsexual surgery taking place used to be considered abnormalities or mental disorders. Then the woke crowd took over the MSM and demanded “Equal” rights for this group. They have elevated them to the same level as other minorities. We have to return to sanity and treat these people as sick and help them but not embrace this nonsense.

destroycommunism | November 5, 2024 at 10:38 am

b/c secretly ( or not so secretly) feminists want to see women battered legally by men

Once upon a time, beating up girls was frowned upon. No a guy gets an Olympic medal. What fun times we live in.

destroycommunism | November 5, 2024 at 10:58 am

if women are to serve in the military and face men in battle and possibly have hand-to-hand combat

how is this wrong

unless of course

women in the military is just for show

and the expectations of women only divisions/brigades etc is just bs

to give the affirmaction hate crime dei agenda the false accolades that we are forced to endure

No kidding. Everyone with a brain knew it was a dude the whole time.

I don’t understand why this is news.
It was entirely apparent to me at the time of the actual debacle that the Olympics big cheeses all KNEW what he was — they just didn’t CARE.

A “problem with is chromosomes” is the admission”???????? How about his chromosomes demonstrate he is a man; not surprising as he talks like a man, looks like a man, acts like a man.