Mainstream Media Suppresses Study Finding DEI Increases Hostility and Causes Psychological Harm

LI-048 DEI Scientist

A report was recently released on a fascinating new study on the impacts of Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI) policies.

According to actual science, implementing DEI results in many unintended consequences, none of which are suitable for businesses or their employees.

New research from the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) and Rutgers University reveals that some diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training methods may cause psychological harm.The study, released on Monday, shows significant increases in hostility and punitive attitudes among participants exposed to DEI pedagogy covering subjects like race, religion and caste.This hostile attribution bias may contribute to increased intergroup hostility and authoritarian behavior in the long run, according to study co-author and NCRI Chief Science Officer Joel Finkelstein.”What we did was we took a lot of these ideas that were found to still be very prominent in a lot of these DEI lectures and interventions and training,” said Finkelstein in an interview with Fox News Digital. “And we said, ‘Well, how is this going to affect people?’ What we found is that when people are exposed to this ideology,

It appears that mainstream media outlets such as Bloomberg and The New York Times were poised to report on these findings but opted to remain silent on the harms caused by DEI.

An NCRI researcher told National Review, “Unfortunately, both publications jumped on the story enthusiastically only for it to be inexplicably pulled at the highest editorial levels. This has never happened to the NCRI in its 5-year history.”An editor for Bloomberg News’s team meant to “elevate issues of race, gender, diversity, and fairness,” Anna Kitanaka, told NCRI that the story would not be published. However, Ms. Kitanaka did not provide any explanation for the decision.Meanwhile, a reporter with the Times told the NCRI that the paper would “hold off” on its article about the study because of “some concerns.” However, the reporter said the Times may reconsider an article if the research was peer-reviewed.An NCRI researcher told National Review, “The piece was reported and ready for publication, but at the eleventh hour, the New York Times insisted the research undergo peer review after discussions with editorial staff — an unprecedented demand for our work.”

Besides the psychological costs and the loss of monies related to the impact on business operations, DEI initiatives have drained billions of dollars in vital resources.

As a scientist, I will simply note that there was a substantial increase in hostility to one particular group in the years DEI has been robustly implemented on campus.  This data point supports the NRCI findings.

Dr. Colin Wright is the CEO/Editor-in-Chief of Reality’s Last Stand, an evolutionary biology PhD, and a Manhattan Institute Fellow. He has a superb analysis of the suppression of this groundbreaking study. If you want the full analysis of the study from a true expert, click on the link!

In promoting his piece, he makes two outstanding points:

1) The study offers empirical data that DEI does not work.
2) The lack of news shows that our media is simply propaganda for preferred political narratives.

Critics of DEI have long pointed to its lack of empirical support, and the NCRI study adds weight to those concerns.As troubling as the study’s findings are, its suppression may be even more consequential. The decision to withhold this research from public discourse speaks to a larger issue: the growing entanglement of ideology and information.The public deserves to know if the tools being deployed to foster “equity” and “anti-racism” are instead causing harm.As DEI programs continue to expand across schools, workplaces, and governments, the stakes could not be higher. Whether this research sparks a broader reckoning or remains buried will depend on whether institutions—and the media that hold them accountable—are willing to confront uncomfortable truths.


In other words, science dies in silence.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Media, Media Bias, NY Times