Let’s Look at How Trump Did in Liberal Massachusetts
“Despite Harris’ unsurprising win in the Bay State, Trump was a popular pick among Bay Staters in large chunks of Hampden, Worcester, Plymouth, and Bristol counties”

Yesterday, I looked at the outcome of the 2024 election in New Hampshire. Now let’s take a deep dive into the Bay State.
Before getting too far into it, the featured image for this post is the same water tower in Hanson, MA that was the subject of controversy back in October when a resident projected a ‘Trump 2024’ sign onto it. For the election, he updated it to a ‘Punisher’ style skull with Trump hair. So very metal.
Hanson Water Tower tonight. #Mapoli #Trump #towersfortrump pic.twitter.com/2ANQpMsUhW
— JohnFGately (@johnfgately) November 6, 2024
I did not expect Trump to win Massachusetts. No one did. Hell, our state just reelected Senator Elizabeth Warren. However, it is fun to look at the election map of the state after the fact and think about which town I might want to move to in the coming year.
The map below, via NBC News, shows you where the red is in liberal Massachusetts. That solid band of red in the southeast is most of Bristol County, where I grew up, and part of Plymouth County. The hourglass-shaped section of red in the center of the state is Worcester County. Over on the left, at the bottom of the state is Hampden County.
It should not surprise anyone that some of the reddest areas in Massachusetts are places where working class voters have been hardest hit by the economy and inflation.
Of course, the bluest area is greater Boston which is almost always solid Democrat.
FOX 25 in Boston did a report on the Trumpiest towns in MA:
Full list of Mass. towns Donald Trump won on way to presidential victory over Kamala Harris
Even though Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris handily defeated Republican Donald Trump by about 840,000 votes in Massachusetts, the former president did claim victory in dozens of local communities on his way to winning the 2024 presidential election.
Despite Harris’ unsurprising win in the Bay State, Trump was a popular pick among Bay Staters in large chunks of Hampden, Worcester, Plymouth, and Bristol counties, voting results indicated.
Trump’s resurgence in Massachusetts was on full display, flipping many communities he lost to Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.
Trump won over 70 towns in Massachusetts. These were the top 10:
1. Salisbury — 49.9% of the vote
2. Middleton — 53.7% of the vote
3. Dracut — 53% of the vote
4. Lynnfield — 50.9% of the vote
5. Saugus — 54.4% of the vote
6. Tewksbury — 50% of the vote
7. Rockland — 49.2% of the vote
8. Hanover — 51% of the vote
9. Pembroke — 50.8% of the vote
10. Hanson — 54.7% of the vote
Massachusetts is a beautiful state that is rich in history. I love living here but I really hate the way we vote.
Featured image via NBC News video.

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This country has very few blue states; they are in fact red states and blue cities.
Cities are where the lushest welfare benefits and the government jobs are.
“That solid band of red in the southeast is most of Bristol County, where I grew up”
DW, who blessedly shares my politics, is a Bristol County MA girl, God luvver.
I was born there, due to a geographic accident of closest hospital.
Spent most of my formative years earning spending cash playing ta-ra-ra-ching music in pickup bands at weddings and anniversaries of Portuguese fishermen, Polish merchants, and Italian cops.
Good times.
Apologies, thick finger downvote in ERROR. My dad was from South Boston (Irish Catholic- go figure). Voted Dem his entire life until Ronald Reagan, then never looked back! He’s gone now, but would have loved DJT.
He didn’t win many, but, I saw more Trump signs than Harris here in central Mass. I try to avoid eastern Mass.
If people Ike Scott presler worked there’s place we might see more purple states in the mid term.
Scott Pressler what an amazing person. What an amazing effort. Trumpian! A rare dude with a rare combination of skills.
Maybe Musk can finance a startup — Pressler Voter Registrations, Inc., maybe with new branches in MASS and NYSTATE and ?? Maybe employees could get performance incentive pay.
Early Vote Action is name of the org Presler created. Add a.com to the name to find it online.
Thank you
If two dozen people who lived in each County in blue States rolled up their own sleeves and did a fraction of what Presler accomplished……instead of waiting on others to do the heavy lifting for them…..that would really be effective.
You are of course right.
But human nature is human nature.
Maybe ??? let’s learn from Scott Pressler’s effectiveness instead of bemoaning human nature?
I’m not criticizing. I’m just saying
It can be done IF folks decide to do it. That’s the key; personal commitment to follow through with action. There’s too many people who criticize the ‘GoPe’ but don’t attend local meetings to help influence their own County GoP leadership. Too many decline to act b/c they got kids, jobs, other things they’d rather spend $ and time doing. Everyone has other options than giving up scarce time to go to local Party meetings and volunteer to go door to door and register GoP voters….if these complaining folks won’t act why do they expect someone else to do it for them?
to me, it is not a surprise that Trump did not win NY or Illinois or any NE state. What is a surprise to me is HOW CLOSE he came to winning in these states – 44-55 in most of the blue states (the West Coast states had higher differences). Trump got around 45% of the vote in Illinois, NYS, NM and Colorado. That is not nothing. That is a huge number in those solidly Blue states. NH, Maine, NJ, MN – all in the high 40% range. The Dems have got to be nervous about those numbers.
I saw three Trump signs on my way to vote in our little town of 1800 northeast of the Socialist Republic of Amherst. First time I’ve ever seen even one.
My sister-in-law is a yellow-dog Democrat. When I see her I will point out that her hometown in Massachusetts, where her mother still lives, voted for Trump.
Will 2024 ultimately turn out to be a fluke?
Will 2024 turn out to be a real sea change?
There ought to be a way to build on whatever good has been achieved thus far
What a bummer it would be if everybody who helped make November 5, 2024 a reality …. just moved on. Who knows, maybe there’re probably folks working on this already.