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Legal Insurrection is Sixteen Years Old

Legal Insurrection is Sixteen Years Old

These have been our finest hours. We fought a difficult holding action against against governmental, campus, and societal pathologies hoping beyond hope that the cavalry would arrive. I’m proud of the prominent leadership role we played. The cavalry arrived on November 5.

Legal Insurrection went live on October 12, 2008. We’re over a month late in celebrating our 16th Anniversary.

You can view all our prior Legal Insurrection Anniversary posts.

Why so late this year? No good excuses.

October 12, 2024, was Yom Kippur, and the following week I traveled to NYC (always stressful for me) for the press event and rally opposing NY Prop. 1.  But the reality is that I didn’t remember the anniversary date, for the first time ever.

How could I forget?

It’s a reflection of how many different directions I’m being pulled, in part because of our success at the Legal Insurrection Foundation and its and projects, in part because of the election season, and in part because my “job job” has been unusually busy.

We are severely understaffed for the amount of work we do, and everyone here is feeling it, not just me. This is a team effort, and the team is stretched to the max.

Maybe that will change someday. Maybe someday all that “right wing dark money” will finally find us and we’ll have layers and layers of people. For now, we remain a very horizontal organization where everyone is expected to carry their load – and many carry extra loads.

Perhaps it’s better that I missed the anniversary date, and am writing this after the election, after our nation gained a second chance. Had I written this before, I might have given another one of my filled with dread anniversary rants.

October 7, 2023, still is hanging over everything. We deliberately held off on the October 12, 2023, anniversary celebration because celebrating just didn’t seem right in the moment. But at least I remembered Legal Insurrection’s 15th Anniversary and we rolled out our 15th Anniversary video.

Looking back on our 16 years, I can say that the past four years, in particular, have been our finest hours.

We fought a difficult holding action against CRT, DEI, intersectionality, antisemitism and anti-Americanism, and many other governmental, campus, and societal pathologies hoping beyond hope that the cavalry would arrive. We were not alone, we were part of a movement, but I’m proud of the prominent leadership role we played.

The cavalry arrived on November 5.

There are no guarantees of victory, because the barbarians are inside the gates. Now it’s up to us to help drive them out. That’s our mission now.

Featured Image: Legal Insurrection archived blog posts in Wayback Machine.


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I was first drawn here by the Thuglet Martin case, a clear case of poor, nearly nonexistent parenting. What drew my attention was a large PR campaign, it looked like a con job.

Hey! Don’t worry about being late. You’ve been busy! And doing great work. Keep it up!

Heartfelt thanks to everybody at Legal Insurrection.

For years now, we have been working painstakingly, diligently, relentlessly in order to destroy the U.S.A.

Thank you for your role in preventing us from succeeding more than we have — so far, anyway.

Sincerely yours,

The Obamas,
Lisa Monaco
Matthew Graves
John Brennan,
Merrick Garland,
Tony Blinken,
Joe Biden,
Maureen Dowd,
Nancy Pelosi
Marc Elias
Eric Ciamarella
Rachel Maddow
Andrew Weissman,
Mitch McConnell
Norm Eisen,
Mary McCord
Sundar Pichai
Eric Holder
Louis Farrakhan
Chuck Schumer
Jeff Bezos
Elizabeth Warren
Gavin Newsom
Paul Krugman,
Lisa Murkowsi,
Bill Gates
Al Sharpton
Lorne Michaels
Alejandro Mayorkas,
Jennifer Granholm,
Norah O’Donnell
Mark Zuckerberg,
Anthony Fauci,
Francis Collins
Steve Spielberg
Christopher Wray,
Mike Bloomberg,
Barbra Streisand
James Comey,
Whoopi Goldberg
Leslie Stahl
Jeffrey Zucker
David Plouffe
George Soros
Alex Soros
The Clintons
Mark Milley
Steve Kerr,
Jake Tapper
Chris Hayes

    Elizabeth Stauffer in reply to Anonymous. | November 23, 2024 at 9:01 am

    There are so many of them and you’ve barely scratched the surface. It’s really astounding that so many people are willing to destroy the USA.

Katya Rapoport Sedgwick | November 18, 2024 at 12:39 am

Proud to be a contributor!

The Gentle Grizzly | November 18, 2024 at 2:23 am

I don’t remember what drew me here, but it’s been an interesting several years.

Sixteen. When does LI go for its driving test?

It’s amazing how far you have come, not really, brilliant Professor, well deserved

Thank you for your service sir and all your contributors, financial and intellectual

Long live Legal Insurrection!

I found LI through links at Hot Air and Drudge back in 2009, and it quickly became my go-to for everything political.

I found it through a link from Amren.

I rarely listened to Rush. One day I did, he referenced a post on the blog. I checked it out. This was the era when Little Green Footballs went bonkers /leftist.

I think LI was months old at the point and it was a good plug. I don’t know if I was in the first 1000 or so commentors, but I bet you can count the current names that were before me on two hands.

A huge thank you and appreciation to Professor Jacobson and team for creating one of the most inimitable and indispensable websites for legal commentary/news and conservative opinion. You are all shining lights keeping leftist/Islamofascist darkness at bay.

Congratulations, and may WE have many, many more years of Legal Insurrection!

Congratulations from a faithful reader since 2009.

Here’s to 16 more years.

I also found my way here during the trayvon martin incident. Keep up the great work; I look forward to many more years.

I first discovered this blog around 13 or 14 years ago, when I was still a practicing lawyer and not yet retired. When I made my first substantial financial donation to this blog, I received a personally signed thank you from Professor Jacobson. I still have it. I know he won’t remember it, but then, as now, my initials were JR. At that time Obama was President, and it was a breath of fresh air to come here. I think maybe it was Professor Ann Althouse at her blog, or maybe InstaPundit or Powerline, who pointed me here. It’s hard to remember now, or maybe I just discovered it on my own. At that time Trump wasn’t even on the horizon. I know I am in the minority here, but back then this blog’s commentators weren’t a bubble for one particular politician, like it has now become. Now everything is “always Trump” and “super MAGA”, and if you are not on board, then you are automatically a RINO, elitist, one worlder, whatever. It used to not be like this. Nevertheless, I still regularly read this blog. NOT because of the commentators, who I fear have gone off the rails, but because of Professor Jacobson and his editor’s comments, which I do read and respect.

    Johnny Cache in reply to JR. | November 18, 2024 at 8:42 pm

    Your comment started off great, but because you have the emotional intelligence of a toddler, you can’t help but rain on this parade.

    Off the rails? Look in the mirror. You make every conversation here toxic. I don’t know if I’ve ever addressed you but I feel compelled to right now, and if I could say this in person to you I would. I don’t think anyone else has in your life. I’ve been reading this site as long as you and your perceptions are vainglorious crap.

    Here’s some advice you should have learned decades ago: Shut up about how “better” you are than everyone else, and accept the fact that your outlook on life will, on occasion, run into opposition. You deal with that opposition very poorly. I find it difficult to imagine you were a capable lawyer because your arguments here perpetually suck.

    This is how you could have ended your comment:

    “It’s hard to remember now, or maybe I just discovered it on my own. Congrats, Prof. You’ve been an important part of my intellectual journey. ”

    That’s all you had to say.

      He’s like that guy who just cannot seem to resist the catcall. Even when a pleasant smile and respectful tip of the hat might actually get a pleasant feminine smile in return.

      Why are people like this?
      It seems mostly a male phenomenon.

      There are YouTubers who go around purposefully annoying/provoking strangers , gratuitously. Imagine the internal machinations of such people — day in, day out, over and over again , purposefully being annoying to strangers.

      Who knows? maybe jr is an FBI agent who trolls the interwebs “identifying extremists”

      Or maybe he’s a lonely 10-yr-old boy. Hard to imagine he does not realize the reactions of those who read what he posts.

      Maybe if we ignore him for 6-12 months maybe he’ll go away. I doubt it bu maybe.

Thank you for this site, I’ve turned to it regularly for a significant portion of those 16 years.

Suburban Farm Guy | November 18, 2024 at 10:35 pm

Great job — Happy Belated Birthday!

And many more!

Great job Professor! I have no idea how I found your site but I remember Obama being door number two. I also remember Burt Pretulusky‘s column after Obama was elected, and it was a very sad time…