Leftist Women Absolutely Lose It After Donald Trump’s Election Victory


People of all political stripes who don’t reside in raging far-left fever swamps are usually able to go about their business the day after elections with no problems regardless of the outcome. Sure, if their candidates lost they might fume about it a little bit but they don’t let it ruin their day.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and you move on either way.

But for woke leftist women in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s sweeping victory on Tuesday, it was a day of mourning, a day to cry tears in their beers, a day to issue ominous warnings about imminent doom, a day to urge their fellow sistahs to go on a sex strike, and a day to reveal their inner urge to commit violence and murder upon the opposite sex.

TikTok was overflowing with video clips these women had filmed in which they shared their heartbreak and rage, and while on one hand some of them were funny, the more videos I watched, the angrier I got.

Because this is not normal.

This is learned behavior, starting in the home where their parents or guardians make excuses for bad behavior (“Oh, they’re just kids!”). It continues into the public school system, where the valedictorian and salutatorian roles are discouraged in favor of participation trophies.

Then there are the higher education institutions, where coddling self-important snowflakes and making sure they have safe spaces to insulate themselves from differing opinions that might upset their worldview is increasingly becoming more the rule than the exception.

Without further ado, here are some of those clips.

We’ll start with the most prominent among them – Squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who was close to tears while making veiled comparisons between Trump and Adolf Hitler. She talked about Trump’s alleged “fascism” and how he would allegedly jail his political opponents. At one point it seemed like she was trying to encourage a revolution of sorts.

“We now find ourselves in a time in history that has precedent,” she said.


In the next several, language warning.

In this one, this TikTok user puts the blame on black men, saying at the end that she was “gonna get drunk, and cause a problem”:

These women just yelled into the camera a lot to let us know they were sufficiently outraged:

This devastated woman said she was “gonna need to call in sick today”:

This young woman wondered if she should even bother going into work:

This one said she hadn’t been this upset since her dog died:

This drunk woman actually farted as a form of protest:

This seethingly angry lady sounded like she was threatening white men:

This crying woman kept screaming “you picked a f**king rapist!”

In another video, we see a woman filming three men whose backsides she said she wanted to take a bite out of as of punishment. “I wanna take a bite out of those glutes in a big way.”

This allegedly grown woman repeatedly called Trump supporters “dumb and ugly” with a deranged smile on her face. She later made the video “private” because she said it wasn’t very “productive”:

This unhinged woman was on a similar wavelength:

“Baby, if you wanted to touch my body, you should have voted for it,” this woman said:

Another woman said she was rebelling against “the patriarchy” by shaving her head and not worrying about her looks anymore:

Similarly, this gal said marriage was now off the table since Trump would soon be president again:

It was suggested by this gal that in the next election it be mandatory that whoever you voted for became public knowledge:

“Make life hell for men looking to get laid,” advised this lady:

In this one, the woman tells kids who are allegedly in the background that Trump won. You hear a moment of crying but then it goes away, almost as though she added their voices in:

This one warned about how women who voted for Trump maybe one day would be left “bleeding out in the ER” because of the policies they voted for:

This woman said Trump voters needed “to die” by her hands:


There were calls for branding:

There were also calls for another assassination attempt:

This one shared her post-election “plan of action,” which included deleting a period tracker app:

Though this isn’t a woman, I had to include it because he said after Trump won that he was leaving the United States. Where was he moving? Hawaii:

Meanwhile, women on Reddit were also melting down:

This is just sick. Some of these folks are seriously unwell. Please pray for them and our country.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Donald Trump, Feminism, Progressive or Parody?, Progressives, Trump Derangement Syndrome