Leftist Women Absolutely Lose It After Donald Trump’s Election Victory
“We now find ourselves in a time in history that has precedent.”

People of all political stripes who don’t reside in raging far-left fever swamps are usually able to go about their business the day after elections with no problems regardless of the outcome. Sure, if their candidates lost they might fume about it a little bit but they don’t let it ruin their day.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and you move on either way.
But for woke leftist women in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s sweeping victory on Tuesday, it was a day of mourning, a day to cry tears in their beers, a day to issue ominous warnings about imminent doom, a day to urge their fellow sistahs to go on a sex strike, and a day to reveal their inner urge to commit violence and murder upon the opposite sex.
TikTok was overflowing with video clips these women had filmed in which they shared their heartbreak and rage, and while on one hand some of them were funny, the more videos I watched, the angrier I got.
Because this is not normal.
This is learned behavior, starting in the home where their parents or guardians make excuses for bad behavior (“Oh, they’re just kids!”). It continues into the public school system, where the valedictorian and salutatorian roles are discouraged in favor of participation trophies.
Then there are the higher education institutions, where coddling self-important snowflakes and making sure they have safe spaces to insulate themselves from differing opinions that might upset their worldview is increasingly becoming more the rule than the exception.
Without further ado, here are some of those clips.
We’ll start with the most prominent among them – Squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who was close to tears while making veiled comparisons between Trump and Adolf Hitler. She talked about Trump’s alleged “fascism” and how he would allegedly jail his political opponents. At one point it seemed like she was trying to encourage a revolution of sorts.
“We now find ourselves in a time in history that has precedent,” she said.
AOC: "We are about to enter a period of fascism and authoritarianism" pic.twitter.com/VDkyeB99zz
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 7, 2024
In the next several, language warning.
In this one, this TikTok user puts the blame on black men, saying at the end that she was “gonna get drunk, and cause a problem”:
Day 2 pic.twitter.com/xgslavunpX
— shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 7, 2024
These women just yelled into the camera a lot to let us know they were sufficiently outraged:
Yes, we are serious pic.twitter.com/UdU566EcHJ
— shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 7, 2024
The liberal meltdowns keep getting better. 🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/2Phg52ZJbX
— American AF 🇺🇸 (@iAnonPatriot) November 6, 2024
This devastated woman said she was “gonna need to call in sick today”:
Life comes at you fast pic.twitter.com/6ezGV8mJ1q
— shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 7, 2024
This young woman wondered if she should even bother going into work:
Trump literally broke these pathetic feminists that think they are strong
She is literally crying asking how she can go to work and live her life now
— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) November 6, 2024
This one said she hadn’t been this upset since her dog died:
“I’ve been crying for 24 hours”
Based. pic.twitter.com/EPsCYOJ8Ol
— shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 7, 2024
This drunk woman actually farted as a form of protest:
The party of sanity and unity pic.twitter.com/jYx0y3QWjI
— shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 7, 2024
This seethingly angry lady sounded like she was threatening white men:
We get it. White people bad. 😴 pic.twitter.com/Y5H2ZwGbfR
— shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 7, 2024
This crying woman kept screaming “you picked a f**king rapist!”
Message to MAGA pic.twitter.com/HnBbFEbhNb
— shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 7, 2024
In another video, we see a woman filming three men whose backsides she said she wanted to take a bite out of as of punishment. “I wanna take a bite out of those glutes in a big way.”
They’re going insane pic.twitter.com/S2hA4Yvyao
— shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 7, 2024
This allegedly grown woman repeatedly called Trump supporters “dumb and ugly” with a deranged smile on her face. She later made the video “private” because she said it wasn’t very “productive”:
4 years pic.twitter.com/m356xTHznG
— shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 7, 2024
This unhinged woman was on a similar wavelength:
Unhinged Democrat says she hopes Trump supporters have complicated pregnancies and bad stuff happens to them. Evil pic.twitter.com/CWzcv8w1lK
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 6, 2024
“Baby, if you wanted to touch my body, you should have voted for it,” this woman said:
Why do they always gotta act like they’re so desirable? Literally nobody cares. 😭 pic.twitter.com/CrIeGVTRek
— shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 7, 2024
Another woman said she was rebelling against “the patriarchy” by shaving her head and not worrying about her looks anymore:
This woman shaved her head to protest Trump’s win and to fight the patriarchy
This might be the best meltdown yet 😂 pic.twitter.com/9DCw0uHCRc
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 6, 2024
Similarly, this gal said marriage was now off the table since Trump would soon be president again:
Feminist says “marriage is off the table” now that Trump won 😂😂 pic.twitter.com/9iVcrmEJRU
— Isabella Moody (@isabellamoody_) November 6, 2024
It was suggested by this gal that in the next election it be mandatory that whoever you voted for became public knowledge:
This is why nobody likes you and you lost pic.twitter.com/5JHHnQ5VbC
— shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 7, 2024
“Make life hell for men looking to get laid,” advised this lady:
Did we mess up? pic.twitter.com/U9VqUJ3KHT
— shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 7, 2024
In this one, the woman tells kids who are allegedly in the background that Trump won. You hear a moment of crying but then it goes away, almost as though she added their voices in:
Woke mom holds back tears as she tells her terrified kids who won the election: pic.twitter.com/kSwJ2HpbQ4
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 7, 2024
This one warned about how women who voted for Trump maybe one day would be left “bleeding out in the ER” because of the policies they voted for:
Yup! Congratulations indeed!! pic.twitter.com/xSQ5s7rfSd
— Joe G (@EastEndJoe) November 7, 2024
This woman said Trump voters needed “to die” by her hands:
Liberal tells Trump supporters to kiII themselves and says if they don’t she will kiII them herself @FBI pic.twitter.com/lOpIRdpqw1
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 8, 2024
Woman says she will purchase a gun to shoot white men she sees on the street.
Officially lost it.pic.twitter.com/VtL3cpKto2
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) November 8, 2024
There were calls for branding:
Liberal wants Trump supporters to be branded in public to warn others
Where have we seen this before….
These are the people who called us fascists and a threat to Democracy 🤡pic.twitter.com/FRCNWSV4Tj
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 7, 2024
There were also calls for another assassination attempt:
Woman is calling for the White House to ass*ss*nate Trump and is willing to offer her house as a “safe house.” pic.twitter.com/5jcRL5fUfd
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 7, 2024
She wants to hire a hitman to take out Trump @FBI @SecretService pic.twitter.com/5tV1e6Er42
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 7, 2024
This one shared her post-election “plan of action,” which included deleting a period tracker app:
🦇 💩 crazy. This tiktoker warns women to delete period tracker apps, not get married, divorce their husbands if they voted for Trump, and have a plan of action in place.
They’re serious about this. This is what media brainwashing looks like. It’s actually very sad. pic.twitter.com/yzEkHAMwQJ
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 7, 2024
Though this isn’t a woman, I had to include it because he said after Trump won that he was leaving the United States. Where was he moving? Hawaii:
Wait… who wants to tell him 😂 pic.twitter.com/L3Bv0qI57G
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 7, 2024
Meanwhile, women on Reddit were also melting down:
Post-election Reddit women’s forums have escalated to women bragging about:
—Cutting off and disinheriting their sons for voting for Trump
—Letting a disabled husband die as punishment for voting for Trump
—Refusing to give “birth to your oppressor” & only adopting female babies pic.twitter.com/YwpaT2a9Zv— Tiana Lowe Doescher (@TianaTheFirst) November 7, 2024
How are mentally ill women on Reddit coping with Trump’s victory today? Fantasizing about aborting their (planned!) 3rd trimester pregnancies because their babies are boys, and “after the election” producing a boy would “contribute to the problem” pic.twitter.com/hkzggDfUj1
— Tiana Lowe Doescher (@TianaTheFirst) November 8, 2024
This is just sick. Some of these folks are seriously unwell. Please pray for them and our country.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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I was not disappointed after Election Day. I was waiting for it, popcorn in hand.
Well, they never stormed the Capitol or killed anyone, so you have to give them at least some credit.
Give these mental cases time. The inauguration is still a couple of months away.
If you believe that Trump supporters “stormed the Capitol” or “killed anyone,” you’ve quite obviously been brainwashed by the media propagandists. Put the remote down and go touch grass.
Or smoke a whole bunch, either way.
Has it occurred to anyone that this came natural to JR, that he doesn’t have enough brain to be capable of being brainwashed?
For JR, brainwashing just takes a Fleet’s Enema.
How many people did the J6 protesters kill, dingus?
Shouldn’t you actually be asking the cops that question?
YET, JR, They haven’t killed anyone YET.
neither did anyone else
Nobody who did trespass in the Capitol killed anyone either.
And what’s so special about the Capitol anyway? As far as I’m concerned invading a department store is a far greater crime than invading the Capitol.
It’s only been a week. With folks this crazy out there one should expect some serious unpleasantness.
That is hilarious!
True, but these don’t rise to the level of happiness I had in 2016 watching all those Hillary Lost videos.
I have a Karen neighbor with one of the worst cases of TDS that I have ever seen, named Karen. She is pretty slow, perfect for Dems.
I’d be happy to give up my vote if it meant keeping these totally insane creatures from voting too.
you make a good case…..
look on the bright side. all these lunatics are coming out of the shadows and saving men a lot of trouble down the road
To the one repeating “You picked a rapist.”
Bill Clinton was not running this year.
Biden screwed the country for four years and wanted to Kamala to do it for four more, but the people voted Trump and breathed a sigh of relief.
Don’t forget that we all know that Tara Reade’s well-documented claims were most likely true, too.
Her face sure got red!
Bitter Hillary was defense attorney for child rapist before she got into politics. Feminists never want to talk about that.
Give her a break. She still thinks Russia planted Hunter’s laptop, crime went down under Biden, and the vaxx is safe and effective.
nada. she is a political opportunist that saw that as a way to ride to fame and fortune. she never believed any of that
No, I’m talking about the chick going on about picking a rapist, not Hillary. Hillary is just Satan in a pantsuit lined with Yeti ice packs.
She sure is a dog today, scary.
I just want to ask them calmly to point out where and when Trump was convicted of Rape?
Seems there’s a high correlation between piercing one’s face with metal objects and acquired Trump derangement syndrome.
I think it was horrible, disfiguring accidents at the Fishing, Bait and Tackle Stores that invokes TDS…
Hey! I’ve never been a Demonrat and I have a pierced nose and one ear.
You’ve only got one ear??
D-ear d-ear…!
What precinct are you with?
Reminds me of Bossie the Cow with that ring in the nose….
Those cow leads are 2 steel balls, where one goes into each nostril. When you pull on the rope they follow you They work really well. It would be easy to make one for Karen’s.
Heavy metal toxicity is causing them brain damage.
These females are all members of the Weaker Sex™, who comprise an unhappily large percentage of women.
They are incapable of rational thought, childlike in their emotional responses and remarkably gullible.
Unlike their wholesome sisters, they actually DO require the guidance of fathers, brothers and husbands to formulate adult behavior and decisions.
In this day and age, Uncle Sugar and social media provides the support they require, to the detriment of society at large. No-fault divorce and abortion as birth control have greased the skids.
Good. Their tears are as sweet nectar to me…
My favorite German pundit, eugyppius, has dubbed them the “emotionally incontinent.”
In which insane German delusions about the near-certainty of a Harris presidency are dashed on the rocks of Trump’s decisive victory
The comment area is delicious (and fun to have on hand when LI is being DDOSed).
And the best prat of the article was the footnote:
“emotionally incontinent.”
That is the best think I have heard in a long time, also a perfect description of these people.
Something that someone else said that’s relevant here: women, who were originally denied the right to vote, have used the 19th amendment to gain the ability to kill their children.
I’m pretty sure that we could significantly increase GDP by building enough mental institutions to house these lunatics.
We need to build more jail space first, foe so many Dems.
Yes, this is funny in the abstract.
No, it’s not so funny in the concrete.
My still-at-home son believes *everything* the media feeds him. He’s been having anger fits over the election results. (and we don’t even own a single red hat)
Perhaps it would help if your praised your son for refusing to be a rebel and for passively going along with everything his peer group tells him.
Tell him it is such a relief to you that he is refusing to think independently.
Yes, it has been GLORIOUS and it hasn’t even been a week. We need to mock them ceaselessly until they come to their senses. That will probably take decades.
I know they’re sad. Maybe Soros could do a sweepstakes for them similar to what Musk did. But instead of awarding them a million dollars, they could receive a date night with Walz.
First prize is a date night,
Three runners up receive two weeks each, after which he ghosts them.
To the woman offering a safe house. I think she will be getting a visit from a government agent but she isn’t going to like it.
Maybe give her half a dozen illegals to house, who are equally despairing.
Uh … the damage done to the US by the people running Biden has been IMMENSE. They have worked to destroy just about everything American they could get their grubby hands on – and they were very proud about doing this. The only time they tried to play down their intense hate of America and Americans was for the election. If Harris had been able to cheat her way to victory like Traitor Joe did in 2020 then this nation would have been toast. Four years of Harris would have seen thousands of towns swamped by tens of millions of illegals and the character of America would have been thoroughly destroyed. Anyone who tried to stick up for America would have been treated to the sort of Soviet show trial and long imprisonment that we have seen them already carry out against Jan 6ers, anti-abortion protesters (put in prison for YEARS for praying at the entrances of abortion factories), opponents of the demonic and monstrous mutilation of children by the state and deranged leftist ghouls running the schools and hospitals …
No, we do not all just “move on”. Elections have consequences and the left was “this close” to having carried out their plan, starting most intensely with Barky and his burning hate of America and the West. If Harris had won they would have completed their project.
“We now find ourselves in a time in history that has precedent,” [AOC] said.”
If you just wait a while, until that time has had more passage, you may find great significance.
And stop trying to NLP people by repeating the word “precident.” It ain’t gonna happen for you.
The Psychological Impact Of Hormonal Birth Control – Dr Sarah Hill
Here is the appropriate response for all this.
Most of these “females” have marks on their bodies from alpha males poking them with ten foot poles. Self made birth control.
A sex strike by these women would be a mitzvah to unsuspecting American men everywhere.
During previous generations, one had to read ‘letters to editor’, attend a mary kay convention, or watch The View to be exposed to the occassional ‘jezebel whose psychotic break must be obeyed.’
In the digital age, these jezebels are legion, and instantaneous.
The internet has made everything worse.
Are links allowed?
Heads exploding in SF, where kamala when to law school and started her career.
* went to law school
“pet adoption agencies have also seen a huge uptick in clients”
Aaaarrgh! Those poor animals!
I hope the shelter people exercise as much discretion as gun-store clerks are expected to exercise,
It’s what these women need – something that depends on them to function every day, and not short-circuit over things that don’t materially affect them. It may give their lives some meaning to be responsible for another living thing, seeing they ain’t gonna be having any kids in the near future (and, hopefully, never).
Did bitter kamala voter set the fires burning in ventura country??
JR had a similar reaction, but couldn’t figure out the camera function on his phone.
I have a proposal for the bitter women…you get a .38 revolver with one bullet and we meet on a level 100 square yard court. You shoot me and I fall, fine.
You miss or fail to drop me….well, it depends.
Well, that escalated quickly. LOL
Conan the Barbarian on what is best in life:
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear hear the laminations of their women.”
Dear Gents, Can you imagine bring any of them home to Mama? I think if those videos get enough air play the recruitment stations for the French Foreign Legion will need to offer extended hours.
Looks like today, we at LI get to experience a related tantrum by vandals from the Party of Love, upset at their recent pants-down paddling.
Here’s a lesson, children: destruction is easy (even a senile old man can do it every day for years) — contribution takes actual work.
Put down the computer, pick up your stuffie, choose your gender of the day, and stop interrupting the adults.
This is why we need a monarchy.
It is an outlet for unserious people to hyperventilate over manners and other assorted moral short comings.
LI hasn’t covered this. A lot of multimillionaires were waiting for this outcome. Me included.
In the months leading up to the election I had been buying up LEAPS (options) in anticipation of a Trump win every time the market had a sad day.
I am VERY good at this. I did the same on March 18, 2020. It took balls of steel and a billy goat stomach. Some of those with 700% annualized returns and worst return was 30% (over 3 months). I am not kidding. I am not yet a decca millionaire, but will be before I am 60.
From Mon-Wed, the LEAPs I had bought earlier on QQQ and SPY went up 25% (in addition to earlier gains). I did not have the balls of steel to go big on Monday because this would be the other direction if Trump could not beat the cheat. I look for risk, but am also risk averse.
The market goes/up down on a wider trend line that follows the economy- this bump was all based on exuberance as the job market and all economic data is shit today. When the market has its next case of the sads I’m going to buy more. We are in for a rising economy. A decade from now, this next 6 months will be the months you look at and say…. “if only I had gone in big then”
The economy will turn. Inflation will subside. Jobs numbers will get better. Wokeness will face stiff headwinds.
DeSantis should not sit on his ass being happy. If he does not get going, he will not be able to be the cheat in 2028.
DeSantis really blew it, and probably been able to step right in in 28, now it is iffy. I am not saying he can’t make the grad, just that he will probably have formidable competition.
Well what he was actually doing was running his state well and delivering for Florida NOT positioning himself to gain politically….. and you view that as ….. bad?
That lady better go to work because she missed the free ride train.
Ahhh the unbearable fascism of having to earn a living!
I wouldn’t Fook most of these women with Joe Biden’s decrepit dick. It appears that most of them haven’t had The Big D in a looonnnnngggg time. So long, they went to Costco to buy a case of C batteries.
Some of them rival Abrams for ugly.
Maybe all the celebrities leaving the country will sponsor these women’s exit too.
If only!
The mother who has mentally abused her children into seeing Trump as a monster needs to have her kids taken away and be put in Jail for abuse.
One nice thing about these outburst is that it highlights that we need to stop being wusses about mental health and start actually treating people again instead of letting them run the streets.
Seriously. The video doesn’t just reflect the morning of 11/6. It took months of psychological abuse to prepare her children for being terrorized by her announcement of Trump’s victory. The kids were obviously terrified, and they didn’t learn to have that reaction from reading the NYT or watching CNN. Mom prepared the ground. She could have simply prepared them to be happy at a Kamala win, but she also set them up intentionally to terrify them if Trump won. She psychologically abused her kids coming and going, and for their mental health, the kids should be taken from the home. The next thing you know, she’ll be killing her own kids to protect them from the Bad Orange Man.
I hope someone recognizes this woman, or identifies her state of residence, and reports this video to child protective services. Those kids need rescuing from their mother, who is obviously mentally unbalanced and potentially dangerous.
Pales do far worse to their children.
Well one of them says her mom voted for Trump and that makes her even more upset. Sometimes it’s not the parents’ fault. It’s the kids themselves.
All cosplay driven by the success of 2016 TicTok hysteria. I get no feeling that anyone cares about Harris like they did for Hillary back then. Just stop, Drama Queens trying for clicks
Possible. Kamala was just a terrible candidate. Frankly Biden might have won or been within the cheat margin. Being elderly is not as bad as being hated and despised. Then he would have died in office or been 25A, and we really would have had President Kamala. Good work by Pelosi et al forcing Biden out, thanks sincerely!
To be honest, some of the meltdowns seem so over the top I really suspect they must be parody. The possibility of these being genuine boggles the mind. They are mentally nonfunctioning carbon- based life forms (stealing that phrase from Mark Dice).
Why these beached whales seem to think that any guy would be desperate enough to sleep with them is further proof of their delusional grasp of reality.
It’s not parody. Whether they realize it or not, they’re acting (literally, and some of them are bad at it) in an attempt to appear politically correct and culturally relevant. It’s a form of Munchausen syndrome.
When you think about it, in a world where the metric of virtue (and therefore entitlement) is victimhood, Munchausen should be as popular as french fries.
If they voted for Kamala, they are parody. She passed for black and isn’t black. Her father is unknown, she seems to have spend some time training in the USSR (the communist entity that no longer exists there). She kept prisoners in prison past their release dates to get free labor from them. She’s never won a presidential primary in her life.
And Walz is just as bad.
They are shocked that this ticket lost???
Or maybe it’s that her father’s father is unknown, and her father actually was Donald Harris the Stanford professor of Marxist economics. One of the two was reported by Candace Owens that someone else had discovered this.
Thanks for posting this wonderful collection of TDS examples. Highly entertaining.
Therapeutic sandwich making classes should be offered by local community colleges for these poor, misguided ladies.
I’ve had the Curly. Bill and Top Gear memes in heavy rotation since Wednesday morning.
You should also check out Justine Bateman’s director’s critiques on several of these Cluster B performance art pieces. Not only are they highly entertaining they’re actually educational.
These Liberals had not even considered the idea that Trump would win so they were gobsmacked when he did. Thus their reactions.
Lots of them have nothing to worry about. Glasses as big as a round coffee table, coupled with gross nose rings, piercings surrounding their faces, teeth sans floss for a year, greasy hair. And a nice cat waiting in the windowsill of their lonely apartment. In a small way, I feel sorry for them. In a larger way, NO. They are literally making themselves miserable. It takes a lot more energy to hate than love.
Okay, the beta-soy male said he’s leaving the US and moving to Hawaii. Uhm…right. Who wants to tell him?
I started reading this simply to get a good chuckle (Hawaii??). Toward the end, reading about women contemplating aborting their male unborn child is simply SICK! It shows how far our society has sunk and liberal ideology has infested our collective soul.
Do they really believe what they say? The Handmaids Tale come true? I never heard of it until my wife told me about, right after which spouted all the typical buzzwords of the left.
This is bad…. And sad…
Best one is the Drew Hernandez tweet, at the end she says weeping
“I just want my mom … and my mom just voted for HIM”
I figure it can all be made right if we give a “Participation Trophy” to Kamala
Exactly zero of these deranged lunatics spoke up when the government was forcing everyone to inject themselves with experimental crap so their big pharma buddies could make billions so they have FOREVER and ALWAYS lost any and all standing to ever talk about bodily autonomy
The new progressive utopian marxist religion True Believers. Dangerous AF.
Because make no mistake, Marxism is a religion. And the faithful pine for the promised Utopia for it’s adherents.
The last 150 years of history has shown they will kill in their attempt to achieve that Utopia, impossible as it is, anyone who stands in their way. The Marxist road to today is paved with the blood of 100’s of millions of those who stood in their way. These folks are crazy but they’ve swallowed the koolaide. And that makes them dangerous.
Just ask Cambodians who survived Pol Pot.
Cubans who escaped from Castro.
Vietnamese who escaped the NV
Chinese who escaped
Norks who escaped the prison state.
Russians who survived
Any eastern European who survived and escaped.
Venazuelans who escaped.