Left Wing Politico Complains ‘Trump’s Cabinet Has Only Three People of Color’
“After a flurry of selections last week, the president-elect winds up with just three people of color in secretary roles”
If you’ve spent any time at all on Twitter/X, you have likely seen someone say something to the effect of, ‘You think you hate the media enough but you really don’t.’
This tweet from the liberal outlet Politico is the embodiment of that sentiment. I have screen capped it just in case they delete it.
We just had an election where the overwhelming majority of the American people rejected this race-based divisiveness, but the media still won’t accept reality.
There is only one reason why Politico would write this story and publish this tweet. The implication is that Trump is a racist who excludes people of color. There is no other explanation. It really is that simple.
These people are evil. They want racial division. They want Americans to hate each other.
From the story:
Trump’s Cabinet has only 3 people of color – again
Donald Trump’s victory promised an electoral realignment as he made heavy gains among Latinos and peeled off some Black men. His Cabinet, however, ultimately reflects the staying power of white men in Washington.
After a flurry of selections last week, the president-elect winds up with just three people of color in secretary roles, matching his first Cabinet. His selection of former Texas state lawmaker and motivational speaker Scott Turner, who is Black, for Housing and Urban Development and Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R-Ore.), who is Hispanic, for Labor did not break form. Trump also had Black and Latino secretaries in those roles during his first term…
Trump’s lack of emphasis on improving diversity over his first Cabinet is perhaps not surprising from someone who trashed his Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, as a “DEI hire” — even as he made overt pitches to Black and Hispanic constituencies during the campaign…
Democrats criticized the president-elect for his lack of diversity as recently as last week. Civil rights activist Al Sharpton said Trump put forth “troubling nominees,” while adding: “it appears that the self-proclaimed ‘best president for Black America since Abraham Lincoln’ has lost interest in us.”
Politico would never write a piece like this about a Democrat, and everyone knows it. This is also direct evidence of the liberal media’s embrace of DEI policies.
They simply can’t accept the fact that their cultish, progressive ideology was flatly rejected by the American people three weeks ago.
I’m going to leave you with this clip of comedian Adam Carolla during a recent appearance on the ‘Triggernometry’ podcast. He offers a perfect analysis of progressive politics and why so many voters just said no to all of it.
Adam Carolla illustrates the slippery slope of the 'progressive' movement:
Adam Carolla: "It's called a progressive movement. And if you take progressive and movement, it means it just keeps going. They never pump the brakes
It always starts with something reasonable. You go,… pic.twitter.com/lVRTijt0ia— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) November 22, 2024
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If he’s after IQ (which is not necessarily the right characteristic) there would be no blacks. The tails of the bell curve are much starker reflections of the means than the means are. Then again it would be mostly East Asians, on IQ.
There IS a measured difference in AVERAGE IQ scores across races, but to posit there are NO (say) black Americans on the right end of the Bell Curve or (say) NO Asian Americans on the left end just shows ignorance on your part.
The different results may largely be due to environment. Some small part may even be due to some genetic quirk that affects test taking. You should keep in mind that IQ scores reflect…… the ability to score high on IQ tests. But if your takeaway was “duh.., all blacks are dumb(er)” that’s a reflection on your own biases, IQ, and personal ignorance on how statistics work.
By “environment” I include teacher expectations, btw.
I’m white, and until 5th grade was consistently a “C” student.
In the 5th grade my school did standardized IQ testing.
The nuns were shocked by my score.
Turns out I was bored in classes that taught to the mean.
I got bumped to harder advanced classes and even so started getting better grades. And the nuns started cutting me some slack when they caught me reading something in class other than the textbooks I’d already read to keep from being bored. Heh, I still remember Sister Mary Francis triumphantly yoinking the book I had hidden behind my religion class text – only to do a “never mind” when she realized I was reading a “Life of the Saints” book instead. I might have been only a “C” student up to then, but I was smart enuf to sneak read books related to the boring class I was in.
I would recommend that you watch Dr. Jordan Peterson and Dr. Thomas Sowell on YouTube about IQ.. you will have to significantly reset your position. Yes. iQ is a poly-factorial mix but race and genetics do play a significant role in the potential outcome.
I don’t disagree they play a significant role.
The problem is how many folks are too intellectually lazy to deal with an individual as an individual rather than a member of a group/gender/race.
Believing “white guys can’t jump” is a fairly harmless bias to hold to compared to believing “black guys are dumb(er)”.
Fewer white guys and more black guys encouraged and self motivated to develop basketball skills just means statistically Black guys will be over represented in the group “basketball player millionaires”. A small group.
Fewer black guys encouraged and self motivated to develop scholastic skills OTH……
Means the huge group of Blacks in general will be under represented in the higher income jobs.
Black parents don’t think their kids can do better.
Teachers don’t think those kids can do better.
The Education Industrial Complex doesn’t think those kids can do better.
The KIDS don’t think they can do better.
Net effect, the kids don’t do better.
It gets worse, the well meaning nincompoops who want an easy fix worsen the situation by “race norming” testing and graduating and hiring. This in no way fixes or removes any disparity in competance, it just plasters it over to suppurate and worsen.
Mean IQ differencs by race can also partly be due to differing relative birth rates between different IQ categories. For example, for many decades LBJ’s Great Society program incentivized high birth rates for those on welfare. Another factor could be that slave traders in Africa were not likely selling their brightest into slavery around the world – so Blacks in America may have started out below the mean for whites. Both of those factors, if true, are merely a situational result, not some inherent genetic, racial defect.
That’s the basis of The Idiocracy. but it’s not true owing to regression to the mean. That is, you carry a lot of genes that affect intelligence and you just happen to have a happy or unhappy combination of stuff turning on and off, but that random combination doesn’t inherit very perfectly and you wander back to the average for the race.
Blacks are one standard deviation down from whites on the average, so a 3 sigma white would match a 4 sigma black. In particular, 13 whites per 10,000 are smarter than IQ 145, and 0.4 blacks per 10,000 are smarter than IQ 145. In spite of the fact that that around IQ 100 you’re not surprised to find many blacks and many whites pretty much without distinguishing them. The tails purify the means.
The average shows up as disparate impact (take a large population and notice that there are more whites passing the lieutenants’ exam than blacks, where it shows up by averaging) and the tails show up as no blacks at all in some positions. Or the percentage of East Asians in science graduate schools.
You should keep in mind that IQ scores reflect…… the ability to score high on IQ tests.
This is nonsense.
Nonsense created because IQ testing revealed something that changing attitudes decided must be hidden.
Race had been decided to be a social construct.
It is possible to cheat on an IQ test.
It is not possible to teach someone how to do well on them.
IQ is not a characteristic, it is a measure of a characteristic, Q. To suggest that cases father from the mean (which is also the median and mode in a normal distribution) are more representative of a population than cases nearer the mean represents a profound misunderstanding of descriptive statistics.
Oberlin? I went there too but long ago.
Not even close
You sound like Joy Reid.
Many blacks are focused on equal representation. On that basis, 13% of Americas are Black and Trump has already appointed 20%.
Regarding intelligence, average IQ of blacks is 85, whites 100. 15% of blacks have an IQ 100 and up. But those are averages. that doesn’t mean blacks appointed are not competent to do their respective jobs.
I think it is likely that Trump, with a lot of help is probably doing a good job picking people.
As long as people are selected based on merit, I am fine with, encourage their selection.
Well, he certainly wouldn’t be after you.
Thomas Sowell thinks this is an ignorant comment. Walter Williams and Frederick Douglass, looking down from Heaven, agree with him. Shall we wait for world-class neurosurgeon Ben Carson to weigh in, or is this enough?
Are these pinheads aware that the total black population in this country is less than 13%?? Also that America is SICK AND TIRED of the racial unfairness of so called “Affirmative Action?”
While looking at ads and catalogues, doesn’t it seem like we’re all living in Africa? The left is so tuned in to unfair and unbalanced discrimination of White people and too many jobs going to people based on skin color. that they act like it’s a crime against the nation to see the numbers correctly. reflect the population.
Now, we’ll go back to reality and choose people based on the “Content of their Character “and true equal opportunity, but we can all expect screeching and wailing as everything settles out with fairness for a change!
During the 70’s and 80’s I saw what was happening to many of my black friends. They were doing great working in the automotive plants. With the imports and outsourcing screwing us, they were hit harder than most. There was a place for Affirmative Action, but it ended in the generation of the 60’s and 70’s. Like the Great Society LBJ program, AA long term was a set back to the minority community. Instead of complaining about Trump, Politico really should be asking the question why it is so, maybe because the minority have not been supporting MAGA.
Instead of making this a race issue, Politico should be pushed back on “why” and it is not because of race, but who has been there to support the MAGA movement.
When I was a kid many black parents left the kids with grandparents and worked in the furniture factories in High Point, NC then fetch the kids when they got established.
Now the grandparents just get stuck with grandchildren and great-grandchildren because Clinton and NAFTA sent those jobs (and textiles) to Mexico.
Right, and there are 15 cabinet secretaries. So 3/15 is 20% black cabinet secretaries.
I thought the same thing about the cabinet. I really don’t think it was an issue of “black” being selected to the cabinet because they are black. It has to do with who has stepped up to the plate with creditably and trust. I really think the door is open for influential minorities to take leadership roles in the Trump administration that are not just a label.
What really needs to be address is the end game and what needs to be accomplished. That is the measure, not the label.
“It has to do with who has stepped up to the plate with creditably and trust.”
That sums it up right there. If you’re looking for liberals, there’s a zillion to choose from. But if you are looking for qualified conservative blacks with creditably and trust who support Trump’s agenda, there is a very small pool to choose from.
And no doubt Trump has asked a few to serve who said no.
After being fed the lie for fifty plus years, the truth finally emerges that we are judged not by the content of character but instead by the color of our skin.
Bitching about DIE isn’t going to get you anywhere.
That’s the Cultural Marxists philosophy
Politico perhaps shoud have noted that the two guys running DOGE, with possibly more power than most Secretaries, are an African and an Indian.
Yes, but the wrong kind. And Indians don’t count because they mostly are self-supporting and are assimilating. In short, they are “white”.
I’d like to know Politico’s racial score.
“I’d like to know Politico’s racial score.”
It wouldn’t do you any good. They use a different formula when it comes to fact checking themselves. Just like Al Gore gives himself energy credits in order to use a big air polluting airplane which doesn’t count against him.
If you read their stuff carefully, you’ll come to understand that “black” and “white” are political categories for them, not skin colors. They are not being hypocritical when they say Clarence Thomas isn’t really black, or that Bill Clinton was the first black president…not hypocritical at all, just vile.
Politico conveniently neglects to note that all those wonderful people of color hired by Biden were, without exception, incompetent mendacious hacks.
Don’t forget all the wonderful people of non-binary hired by Biden who, apparently without exception, were “, incompetent mendacious hacks”.
I’m sure at least one or two competent DEI hires managed to slip in there somewhere, it’s just that competence was not a filter Biden et Alia used in their selection much. Add to that, the most incompetent made more publicly visible unforced errors, so that’s a second filter to what we see…….
But so were his white hires, so that’s irrelevant.
Reality…. It’s easier to fire a poorly working white than a black. That influences hiring practices. DEI forces businesses to cripple themselves at the expense of them hiring truly qualified minorities.
The problem is that there are far fewer per capita blacks, that is why AA was changed from a hand up for competent people to a hand out to incompetent people. Furthermore, colleges went all out for easy $.
I am fairly sure Politico would “yes, but…!” appointments of. say, Condi Rice, Tom Sowell, or similar. They are the wrong kind of black.
It doesn’t matter how many people of color Trump hires. Too few and he’s racist; Too many and they’d all be Uncle Tom’s. Screw these cultural Marxists.
You would have been hard pressed to find 3 qualified people in the BUYden regime and qualified beat i tersectionality every time
Even if we were to accept the premise of this article, just for the sake of argument, how many “people of color” should be secretaries? 3 out of 15 is 20%. How is that too few?
They probably want Trump’s cabinet to reflect the same percentages as that seen in tv commercials. If you look tv commercials these days, the percentage is somewhere north of 80. “We think that’s about right”, they would say.
You should see Hallmark movies these days. If the main two characters are white, they fall over backwards to make the rest a minority, especially a boss.
Commercials for home security always portray burglars as white.
I’ve always liked the meme for the four combinatorial possibilities of a holdup scene in the movies:
“How come the black dude always knuckle to Da Man?”
“Why the mugger always gotta be a black dude?”
“How come all the crime in the movies is in the black community?”
“Howcome they no black people in this movie?”
This is why I have not watched contemporary TV for many years. I cut cable TV years ago, in part because Comcast pulls endless shit trying to get more money for their crappy service.
Exactly. US population is 75% white. Surely they’re not suggesting Trump needs 2/3 of a black person in his cabinet, are they?
Benjamin Crump from the armpits down, and that’s my final offer.
I still have no clue what “People of Color” means and I never can seem to get a progressive to stop bolivating or screeching long enough to give me a definition.
I mean if we go with the literal definition then it means everyone ever on earth. I mean Causaisons have a color and it even varied pretty widely from Pale as bread to nearly black, depending on the ancestry.
Very different philosophies between the two parties. The Dems appear to pick their appointees just like inner city political machines do – each constituency gets its quota of the spoils. How the heck does Pete Buttplug get to be Secretary of Transportation? He was the relatively unsuccessful mediocre medium sized city mayor? Because he was gay, and with his gay spouse was in the process of buying a couple kids. He got the job because he was the LGBTxyz cabinet member. Competence was irrelevant. What was important was what faction or constituency they represented.
The difference is that Trump and the Republicans look at competence before skin color and sexual orientation. So yes, there are fewer Blacks and Hispanics in his cabinet, because Trump isn’t passing out jobs that way. But more Asians, who used to count as non-White. He’s even hiring a very good looking Polynesian. Shouldn’t that count as diversity?
Exactly. All that matters is demonstrated competency and a willingness to carryout the policies of the Executive. Not race, sex, religion, sexual orientation. None of those superficial labels are useful …..except to those who cling to outdated notions of group discrimination and group hierarchy.
Use RICO to permanently abolish the democrat crime cabal. Seize all assets, especially media…
They intentionally released Covid, then overthrew the duly elected government, how much do we need?
The Democratic party is functionally just a crime syndicate.
Competence will never be a measure of diversity, unless it’s diversity of thought.
Given that one loses their “Minority” card upon leaving the Democratic party, I’m surprised their tally isn’t zero.
What? Trump’s hiring non-white people? How can we accuse him of racism now?
Isn’t the most important question to ask be whether the nominees, in their roles make lives better for all Americans, including for those who are racial minorities?
What Dem policies did to blacks has been a disaster. nearly complete destruction of the family unit and culture.
“Has only three people of color”
And none that are obviously deranged at first sight. Whoa, stop the entire process!
“We just had an election where the overwhelming majority of the American people rejected this race-based divisiveness, but the media still won’t accept reality.”
I just saw an NFL ad in the middle of a game that gurgled all about how much the NFL was doing to continue its important dialogue with LGBTFLEIEIO folx, complete with rainbowed NGL logo. Read the stadium, fools.
Blacks had their heyday when Biden appointed somewhere near 66% black and female judges in his term.
I don’t see anyone bitching about that.
(raises hand)
Hey! Politico! STFU! Your relevancy is lacking in this discussion re: poc. Its now all about competency and character, not skin color. New standards, catch up, pinheads.