Joe Rogan: Harris Campaign Restricted Topics, Asked About Editing
Rogan’s podcasts are so long and come out so quick because there is minimal editing.

We all know Harris would have stunk on the Joe Rogan podcast.
The Harris campaign wanted Rogan to travel to her instead of her going to Austin, TX, and limit the conversation to an hour.
Rogan immediately shot that down.
Well, Rogan revealed more reasons why Harris didn’t appear on his popular podcast, including editing:
Rogan also revealed he was asked by Harris’ team if the show would be edited, something Rogan said he would not do.
“They want to know if I edit. I was like, there’s not going to be any editing, there’s no editing. We’re not going to edit,” Rogan said.
Interesting. Gee, I wonder why the campaign wanted to know so much about editing. Hhmmm…could it because she’s a horrible public speaker?
Rogan’s podcasts are so long and get out quickly because of minimal editing: “Joe and his team do minimal editing and publish podcast episodes very quickly, sometimes even same day.”
Rogan also doesn’t prep his guests that much. He’ll send them some general points, but most of the time, Rogan and the guest just wing it. The approach helps make the podcast so popular.
“There were a few restrictions of things they didn’t want to talk about, but I said, ‘I don’t give a f—, get her in here.’ Like, whatever you want to talk about,” Rogan said on a Friday episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience.”
However, similar attempts to get Harris on his show did not bear fruit for the podcast star, who revealed Friday that he would have talked about anything in an attempt to get to know the Democratic presidential candidate.
“I bet there’s a person in there. I bet I can get to that person,” Rogan said. “I would love to talk to her about all kinds of s—.”
“I just wanted to talk. I feel like you give someone a couple of hours and you start talking about anything, I’m going to see the pattern of the way you think, I’m going to see the way you process ideas, I’m going to see whether or not you’re calculated or whether you’re just free,” Rogan said.
President-elect Donald Trump and VP-elect JD Vance spent almost three hours with Rogan in separate podcasts. They talked about anything and everything.
Rogan’s podcasts humanize the guests and make them relatable.

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This is my *shocked* face. The prima donna wanted him to come to her, wanted it limited to one hour and requested the right to edit? Nope. Good for Rogan to decline all these requests. The CBS interview demonstrated how the editing would likely have gone.
Only one hour and you can bet she would have arrived 20 minutes late.
That’s called “being on CP time.”
Contrast VP Harris refusal to go to Austin for a substantive interview with her trip to NYC for a few minutes of fluf on SNL. Priorities!
Once again, Trump was right. He said that if Harris went on Rogan’s show she would wind up on the floor in the fetal position (I’m paraphrasing).
She had to pay her ‘friends’ to endorse her and she was unable to speak, even in a friendly setting, about what her policies would be.
She stunk as a candidate.
But don’t forget, you’re RAYCISS because you didn’t vote for her!
I will happily vote for a woman if that woman is competent and aligns with my views.
I will happily vote for a black person if that person is competent and aligns with my views.
Kamala Harris wanted me to vote for her because she was a black woman. Well, first of all, if she’s black, I’m the queen of England and in no way did she even make a case that she aligned with my views.
She was an *awful* candidate. There’s a *reason* she never made it to the first primary when she ran in 2020.
Reading between the lines, I still suspect that it wasn’t so much the Harris camp was going to give Rogan a list of topics he *couldn’t* bring up as they wanted to specify a list of the only topics that were on the table.
Nah, I listened to the episode where Rogan talked about this. He said what is above. Harris wanted a few topics left off the table and he was fine with that because what he really wanted to do was find out what she was like as a person and in 3 hrs he would definitely find out plus we would hear it in real time. The only time he stops the show is if he or the guest has to take a leak. No way could she risk everyone listening to him ask questions and she tieing herself into knots trying to remember what she said 2 hours ago.
Remember when CBS edited Kamala’s interview? It’s more likely Harris’ Campaign edited the interview.
Makes you wonder what other interviewers/networks did agree to…particularly the debate network, ABC.
Maybe she agreed to put her head down and get to work.
She could not be reached for comment….
One takeaway is inauthenticity. With the internet there is no longer any reason for candidates not to participate in long form discussions. There has been a paradigm shift. Tucker, Rogan, Kelly, Ryan etc are the future The era of the fugazi has peaked.
Just because Harris is a horrible public speaker doesn’t mean she isn’t an excellent private squeaker.
I’m relieved we didn’t get a peaker at her squeaker.
You have to be kidding me. An interview is the easiest thing to do and Rogan is even easier. He just talks with people but don’t let his tattooed, comedian, cage fight commentator persona fool you. He is very bright. If you dodge a question he will ask a few different ways then move onto Hitler’s secret base on the moon and an hour later he will come right back to it.
I won’t let any of that stuff fool me. He is a present-day pubic ineffectual.
Day drinking again?
Never stopped
He never has put himself out there as one. You shouldn’t comment on someone you obviously have never listened to.
I’m so glad we no longer have to hesitate and make sure we are pronouncing Kamala correctly. We can just call her loser.
Meh, I always pronounced it KaMALah like the 70/80s era pro wrestler Kamala the ‘Ugandan Giant’.
Camel O’harris.
I am certain she had to have a script, an editor and a dozen Lawyers for every interview, plus an NDA agreement.
51 to 49 percent. Oh, it was so close that after Dementia, America would be ruled by the Kama Sutra. Oh, so close.
Hey, Joe — Kamala promised to be a messenger of Joy, and she was. She saved you three hours of your life to put to way more productive use,
I’m feeling the joy!!
I’d like to know the episodes where Rogan exposes – by happenstance (just by talkin’ to them) – political creeps and mentally unfit personas. Conversely, does he ever reveal wonderful people generally known only to the public as rogues and liars. (Cite one other than Trump)
The implicit inference. Rogan is a master of chat jujitsu. He’s never mean or cruel. But gently peels away the facade and reveals the real person? I want proofs of that.
Here’s one: he exposed the folksy, chad side of Elon Musk, at a time when the MSM (and therefore the stupid half of America) was vilifying him.
That is all you got? Pfui, as Nero Wolfe would say. So, Rogan is batting 3-2000 episodes, or however many times Musk appeared on his show.
I watched an episode where Eric Weinstein claimed Harris is a smart woman playing a kayfabe role – it didn’t even elicit a gaffaw from Rogan. So, in that exchange, whose the fool?
Maybe he’s never exposed any political creeps or mentally unfit people because they avoid appearing on his podcast. It’s not like these types are unware of their true selves. They spend their lives trying to conceal them. Why would they interview with someone who would reveal what they’ve spent so much time and effort to hide?
That’s not how those sorts of people operate. It’s akin to waving a cape in front of a bull.
RFK Jr. Is a slimey, lowlife lawyer (and dynastic oligarch) yet he exited Rogan’s ring wreathed in garlands.
In a three hour talk with Joe Rogan, the listeners would get to know her. Most wouldn’t like this shallow, vapid, less than intelligent candidate. Her near complete lack of competence would be exposed.
Noagenda podcast you all would love it!
Adam curry, yes, MTV history but also the father of podcast with John C Divorak
Sundays and Thursdays love but you can listen anytime you want
Curry is the “Podfather”. I remember him from MTV and didn’t take him seriously but that guy is very, very smart.
[Shocked Pikachu Face!!!]
Of course she wasn’t going to go on Rogan. You can’t be phony there. So even though Rogan is not exactly the toughest interviewer out there, he will ask the odd hard question and you don’t get to hide behind editing.