Is a Jewish ‘Insurrection’ Needed to Combat Campus Antisemitism?
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Is a Jewish ‘Insurrection’ Needed to Combat Campus Antisemitism?

Is a Jewish ‘Insurrection’ Needed to Combat Campus Antisemitism?

“Israelis are massacred in Israel, and a movement begins in America on 170 college campuses whose sole purpose is to target Israel.”

Writer David Suissa suggests this is necessary and he makes some good points.

From the Jewish Journal:

We Need a Jewish “Insurrection” to Combat Campus Antisemitism

Whenever we hear terms like “insurrection,” we assume it comes from oppressed Palestinian victims of Israeli aggression.

On U.S. college campuses, however, the oppressed victims are not Palestinians but Jewish faculty and students, and the oppressors are not Jews but the overwhelming majority of faculty who sympathize with Palestinians and indoctrinate students to hate Israel.

This became clear to me when I saw the latest initiative from AMCHA to combat faculty antisemitism. To give you a sense of how widespread the oppression is against Jews, AMCHA’s first target will be the Faculty for Justice in Palestine (FJP), a network of 170 faculty chapters established after the Hamas attacks of Oct. 7 that murdered 1200 Israelis.

Think about that: Israelis are massacred in Israel, and a movement begins in America on 170 college campuses whose sole purpose is to target Israel.

“The primary mission of FJP,” AMCHA said in its announcement, “is to exploit their academic positions and departmental resources to actively promote the academic boycott of Israel (academic BDS) by engaging in actions to rid their campuses of Zionism and Zionists, shut down educational opportunities and stifle free speech.”

The growing power of FJP and other anti-Israel groups is not a coincidence. It can be traced directly to a huge influx of overseas money into these universities. According to a 2022 study, for example, Qatar contributed $4.7 billion to dozens of academic institutions across the United States between 2001 and 2021.

In an ongoing research project started in 2012 titled “Follow the Money,” ISGAP examined “illicit funding of United States universities by foreign governments, foundations and corporations that adhere to and promote anti-democratic and antisemitic ideologies, with connections to terrorism and terror financing.”

The research revealed “the existence of substantial Middle Eastern funding (primarily from Qatar) to US universities that had not been reported to the Department of Education (DoED), as required by law.”

The point is this: The movement to oppress Jews and undermine Israel on college campuses is big, widespread and mainstream. Against such a juggernaut, groups like AMCHA are not just activists but feisty insurrectionists, a term I first heard from my friend UCLA Professor Judea Pearl.


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Can the federal government make conceal carry legal for Jewish students in all states? : – )

As we struggle to figure out why all Western Govts are commiting suicide with insanity going even beyond Stalin and Mao I can surmise this. There are 3 groups in the world (Christians, Muslims, Jews) and one subgroup (Atheist Jews) are trying to rule all in a one world Govt using their money and Big Tech/Big Pharma controls. As they are nomads without a country (Israel was always for non Atheist Jews primarily but now 50/50) they know that they can win by destroying one group first – Whites, largely Christian and therefore hated first. They won’t fight as Allah’s minions. Then, its their turn to be destroyers leaving one group ruling the world. So yes, Atheists Jews sit on top of all for now. But they will not succeed as the God they don’t believe in will do what He has done to his “chosen’ that goes Pagan. That won’t be pretty.

Qatar and others have effectively financed AntiSemetic violent hate crimes in the USA. I have seen no efforts to combat this from the current administration. In fact, this administration continues to directly and indirectly support the perpetrators by continuing to grant millions to Hamas, and Hezbollah, while protecting Qatar with an American military base located there. What a perversion! Yes, a Jewish insurrection with the goal of saving our dear country from the Islamo-fascists is indicated.

Our universities are multi-billion dollar enterprises need to feel the pinch before they will reform. These funds coming from Qatar and Saudi Arabia are used to set up ME studies departments that are Pan-Arab, Pan-Islamic, anti-Israel, anti-West, and anti-Jew. It needs to be shut down.

In addition, schools that will not protect their Jewish students should be denied state and federal funding. Donors need to cease their giving. Jewish parents should not send their children to schools where they are not safe.

I am hopeful Trump will crack down on these places like Columbia and so many other corrupt institutions. The administrations running these schools need to be replaced.

I am also encouraged by the increase of lawsuits being brought against these schools. Lawfare is a tool that should be used just as it is used by the groups that are instigating campus anti-Semitism.

I don’t condone violence, but my advice to Jewish students is to never allow these mopes to bully you.