It’s already starting! President-elect Donald Trump can never tell a joke.
Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) wants to introduce a resolution reminding Trump that he can only serve two terms.
I cannot even with these people. Look at how The New York Times reported it (emphasis mine):
“I suspect I won’t be running again unless you say, ‘He’s so good we’ve got to figure something else out,’ ” Mr. Trump told Republicans, who appeared to take it as a joke.One Democrat is moving quickly to make sure that cannot happen. Representative Dan Goldman of New York plans on Thursday to introduce a resolution clarifying that the Constitution’s two-term limit for presidents applies even if the terms are not consecutive. It asserts that the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, which states that a person who has been elected president twice cannot run again, “applies to two terms in the aggregate” and leaves no loophole.In other words, Mr. Trump — who served from 2017 to 2021 and is slated to assume the presidency again in January — could not seek another term in the future.Mr. Goldman’s resolution, which was obtained by The New York Times, also reaffirms that the 22nd Amendment applies to Mr. Trump.
Because it is a joke, you morons.
Trump can never ever tell a joke, you guys. Never ever! The NYT has to weave some fear into the article, too:
But Mr. Goldman’s resolution is an early indication of how Democrats may try to hold Mr. Trump accountable and defend democratic institutions with Republicans headed toward full control of Congress and few guardrails remaining to rein him in. Introducing the measure allows Mr. Goldman to draw public attention to Mr. Trump’s statements, which he calls “anti-democratic and authoritarian.”Mr. Trump’s comment on Wednesday was not the first time he has hinted that he might like to stay in the White House past his next term. In July, he told attendees of a conservative Christian event that they “won’t have to vote anymore” if he won the election, noting: “it’ll be fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”
Well, here is me with some reality. It was a JOKE. This is already so old seeing these people freak out over a joke.
Stop clutching your freaking pearls. Grow up.
More than likely Trump makes these jokes because he knows it gets your undies in a twist.