Higher Ed Group Worried About Trump Immigration Plans and Foreign Students
“We’re looking at another Trump administration in which they’ve promised many things in respect to immigration, mass deportations”

There are all kinds of things that progressives in education should be worried about right now, not just this.
The College Fix reports:
‘Psychological warfare’: Higher ed group worries about Trump’s immigration plans
The Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration criticized President-elect Donald Trump’s policy proposals as harmful to foreign students during a virtual briefing this month.
One immigration expert, however, told The College Fix that schools should put “the interests of Americans first.”
“We’re looking at another Trump administration in which they’ve promised many things in respect to immigration, mass deportations,” Alliance leader Louis Caldera said during the briefing.
These things “are not in the interest of our campuses … and would hurt students,” he said.
The Alliance unites “American college and university leaders dedicated to increasing public understanding of how immigration policies and practices impact our students,” according to its website. It was launched to “protect undocumented students,” Caldera said.
In a news release announcing the briefing, the Alliance reaffirmed its “steadfast commitment to undocumented, immigrant-origin, international, and refugee students.”
“This briefing aimed to equip campus leaders with a clear understanding of the post-election policy landscape and provide actionable steps they can take to advocate for and support immigrant, international, and refugee students,” the event description reads.
Another speaker, President of TheDream.US Gabby Pacheco, said Trump’s immigration policies are “less so tools for them to actually do something, but more so tools to create fear.”
Trump may force communities to make “very tough decisions to either leave or try to find refuge because they are just so scared,” she said.
Pacheco, who leads a college success program for illegal immigrants, called this “psychological warfare.”
“We saw them play with immigrants … and likely the rhetoric is just going to get way worse,” she said.

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As long as foreign students study and don’t disrupt campuses , as many Hamasniks did in the previous academic year, neither Trump nor his supporters have a problem with foreign students.
As foreign students tend to be campus cash cows who pay full tuition, universities are reluctant to suspend or expel them when their Hamasnik actions disrupt campus life . Suspension or expulsion can also lead to deportation, which will also lead to foreign students being less likely to come to US universities. You mean that some foreign students are more concerned w supporting Hamas and/or Iran than in learning? ‘Pears so.
This isn’t about foreign students who are here legally and spending money. It’s about students who are here illegally, and have no money to speak of, and are in college on scholarships and assistance of various kinds. True, if they keep their noses clean they’re going to be a very low priority and are very unlikely ever to be deported; but there’s no guarantee of that and that’s what these academic fifth-columnists are trumpeting. They’re using the illegal students, many of whom are probably just trying to keep a low profile while they get an education so they can be productive and provide for their families, and want to attract as little attention as possible.
I honestly believe that if I were an illegal immigrant I would support Trump and accept that under him my risk of being deported would rise from zero to very very low, in return for the benefit of living in a safer and more prosperous country, where my talents would be in higher demand.
I seriously expect that once the border is sealed and the worst of the illegals have been deported, public sentiment will change and there will be no support for further deportations; those who have been productive and responsible will end up being allowed to remain. And that’s how it should be. Sooner or later there will be an amnesty. But we can’t have officials talking about it now, because any such talk only makes the crisis worse. I expect that if we have ten years of Republican administrations fixing the problem, it will then be time for an amnesty.
The Federal Government is in charge of student visa’s. Those foreign kids rioting in the streets and occupying campuses are about to get a rude awakening. Once they are removed from the country I bet you see a whole lot of campus unrest disappear.