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Harvard Students Campaign for Kamala Harris in Michigan in Final Push

Harvard Students Campaign for Kamala Harris in Michigan in Final Push

“Around 30 participants knocked upwards of 5,000 doors”

If young people really understood what’s at stake for their future, they’d be campaigning for Trump.

The Harvard Crimson reports:

Harvard Students for Harris Makes Final Push in Key Battleground State

Harvard Students for Harris canvassed in Michigan over the weekend, traveling to a key battleground state in an attempt to push Vice President Kamala Harris to victory on Election Day.

Around 30 participants knocked upwards of 5,000 doors on Saturday, according to H4H, a student group campaigning for Harris. Dylan J. Morris ’27, the group’s communications director and a participant on the trip, said the canvassers mainly spoke to Arab American and Mexican American voters in southwest Detroit and Dearborn.

The group, formerly known as Harvard for Biden, endorsed Harris’ presidential campaign and rebranded as Harvard Students for Harris after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race in July.

The organization has participated in several canvassing trips throughout the presidential campaign, including in states like Georgia and Maine. This weekend’s trip was coordinated in partnership with the Harris campaign, and H4H volunteers worked alongside students from University of Chicago and Boston College to canvas homes and churches.

Nadia R. Douglas ’25, the organization’s field director, said that the focus of the trip was “to get to communities that, I think, have been definitely disregarded throughout this campaign — in particular, the large Arab community that’s in Dearborn.”

“The organizers on the ground are very aware of this kind of disregard and really lean into having tough conversations and engaging with community members on getting out to vote for Harris,” she added. “The experience itself was incredible.”


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“If young people really understood what’s at stake for their future, they’d be campaigning for Trump.”

I’m guessing what they understand about “what’s at stake for their future” is getting their student loans “forgiven”.

Understanding the larger issues of liberty and economics and self-governance and independence would require an education system that actually functions. We haven’t had one of those for at least two generations.

destroycommunism | November 5, 2024 at 1:11 pm

the students also reminded the potential voters

if you just sign this piece of paper
we will take care of the rest

Two questions:
Shouldn’t these twerps [silly, insignificant, or contemptible persons] be in class instead of traveling the country and participating in partisan political activity?

Will Harvard be granting academic credit for this?