Harvard Professors Cancel Classes Because Students Are Sad About Trump’s Win
“Being at Harvard, I was surrounded by a lot of people who were very pro-Harris, so in my mind it was already a decided election”

This is just like 2016. Were the students offered coloring books, too?
The Harvard Crimson reports:
Harvard Professors Cancel Classes as Students Feel Blue After Trump Win
At 7 a.m. on Wednesday, Sophia R. Mammucari ’28 woke up to a phone call from her mom — and the news that Donald Trump had been officially reelected.
“I still had some hope that she was going to win by a small amount. And then I woke up this morning, and that’s not what happened,” Mammucari said. “I probably cried for like an hour.”
On election night, students gathered at viewing parties hosted by friends, House tutors, the Institute of Politics, and the Harvard Republican Club to watch results roll in.
The next morning, they woke up to a somber campus.
When Samantha M. Holtz ’28 googled the presidential election’s outcome before her Wednesday morning swim practice, her “heart dropped a little bit.”
“Being at Harvard, I was surrounded by a lot of people who were very pro-Harris, so in my mind it was already a decided election,” Holtz said. “It was a little bit shocking to me.”
Luke P. Kushner ’27 said he was “really, really disappointed” by the presidential election results.
“Very early on in the night, it became pretty clear that it was going to go in the direction of Trump,” Kushner said. “I went to bed before they called it, and at that point I was pretty resigned.”
In Harvard’s freshman dining hall Wednesday morning, Holtz joined a teammate to eat breakfast with College Dean Rakesh Khurana.
According to Holtz, Khurana told students to “let yourself feel a bunch of emotions about how this is going to impact us in the future, and listen to other people and how they feel about it too.”
Some professors also encouraged students to process in the aftermath of the election, adjusting course requirements in kind.

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Snowflakes. So delicate.
Yet another reason why Harvard grads should not be hired any time, any where…unless they can prove they’re not Democrats or progs.
his is one of America’s premier institutions of higher learning. Allegedly attended by adults and our nation’s next generation of leaders. And they need a day off classes because they have the sadz? In a sane world, missing class or a deadline, whether you’re depressed because your candidate lost or you’re hungover, means you drop a letter grade or whatever the normal consequence is.
Is there any mystery why the snowflakes melt?
Poor babies.
And give them all a blanky and let them suck their tongues.
Aw hell, give ’em the whole rest of the year off. It’s not like anyone’s in a sweat to hire ’em.
With Democrats $20M in the hole, maybe they could kill two birds by repurposing the abortion van they had at their convention into a Canadian Healthcare-style MAID van. Strike while the irony is hot!
When I was of school age, we of course had the occasional death of a schoolmate. Burst appendix, car wrecks, suicide, whatever.
We dealt with it in our own way. A few girls going into hysteria because That Is What Girls Do. Some were sad. Some were, “who?”.
We did not have grief counselors, days off, moments of silence, canceled tests. We sucked it up and went on with life.
I sincerely believe today’s kids could and would do the same were it not for the coddling, and the grief industry making a buck with their alleged counselors.
Oh, for the love of God! The sneauxphylaykes all need a good kick in the seat of the pants, told to grow the hell up and get the butts moving to class! What a bunch of wusses!
If Harris had won, professors would not have adjusted their class schedules or expectations.
That is discrimination and should cause Harvard to lose various tax exemptions and student access to financial aid. Fuck them, I am tired of their shit and want them to pay.