Fetterman to Democrats: Stop ‘Freaking Out’ Over Trump
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Fetterman to Democrats: Stop ‘Freaking Out’ Over Trump

Fetterman to Democrats: Stop ‘Freaking Out’ Over Trump

“And again, I don’t understand why people just, they think freaking out [matters]. And I don’t understand. And if the sick burns really mattered, you know, here we wouldn’t be.”

Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) is the voice of reason in the Democrat Party. Did you ever think that would happen?

The Pennsylvania senator has delivered some harsh truth for the Democrats, pressuring them to self-reflect and concentrate on actual issues.

Politico Interview: Don’t Call Trump a Fascist, Step Aside Pelosi

Politico‘s article “Should the Democratic Party be listening to John Fetterman?” shows that he should lead the party.

Fetterman blasted Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for pushing aside President Joe Biden and installing VP Kamala Harris. Fetterman has never kept it a secret that he hated the move:

People like [Nancy] Pelosi, she really tried to — what’s the word I’m looking for? — she embraced this “she’s the godmother, she’s the enforcer.” And now she’s blaming Biden. Well, you can’t have it both ways. You got what you wanted, and now you’re still blaming Biden.

I think it’s really ironic that you have a woman at age 84 and she is still hanging on. Why not give a younger generation an opportunity to occupy that seat?

Fetterman applauded people for voting for President-elect Donald Trump. He tried to warn his party that Pennsylvania would vote for Trump.

Fetterman reiterated his disgust for Harris and others, calling Trump and his voters fascists:

I love people that are absolutely going to vote for Trump. They’re not fascists. They’re not those things. I think if you go to the tickle switch, use those kinds of terms, then it’s kind of hard to walk back on those things.

That’s kind of a word that really isn’t part of the vernacular for voters. Scolding harder or clutching the pearls harder, that’s never going to work for Democrats.

Fetterman also didn’t like the press and Democrats calling voters “bros” in a condescending way.

The senator also criticized Harris for not going on Joe Rogan. In fact, Fetterman encouraged people to go on shows with hosts who would challenge them.

Fetterman has no problem speaking to right-leaning networks:

I don’t understand why you wouldn’t go on Rogan. I’ve always been a long-term fan of his. I don’t agree with him on everything. But don’t we all have the responsibility to challenge our views and to be a part of those conversations with people?

Forty-two million people witnessed the Trump interview [with Rogan]. The power that the platform that he created — to ignore that — I can’t imagine why anyone would do that.

I show up on Fox News, and they’ve played it straight. I was even on Newsmax and they played it straight. I’ll have a conversation with anybody if we play it straight.

NBC News: Stop ‘Freaking Out’

In an interview with NBC News, Fetterman told Democrats to stop freaking out over Trump and his appointments:

NBC NEWS: What is your biggest concern moving forward, and what’s kind of the biggest thing that you think Democrats need to address?

FETTERMAN: It’s like he’s [Trump] the guy with the laser pointer, and we’re going to be the cat chasing around here or there. “He did that. Can you believe [it]? I can’t believe he appointed so and so.” And like, I’m not going to be that. I’m not that guy. I’m not that Democrat. Because we knew that’s what’s going to happen.

And, like, Gaetz was the ultimate troll. That’s got to be candy for him to have and watch everybody get triggered. I’ve said this before, it’s like, clutch those pearls harder and scold louder, that’s not going to win. And that’s been demonstrated in this cycle.

NBC NEWS: You brought up Gaetz and you said that there was kind of a “God-tier” trolling element to this. Do you think among Democrats —

FETTERMAN: I mean, yes. 100%. It’s like, I know he has no respect on the Republican side as well, too. So it was just like an opportunity … and that’s the thing. If you’re already exhausted, freaking out, and it’s not even Thanksgiving, then you really ought to pace yourselves. Because he hasn’t even been inaugurated yet. So you really have to chill out, and you’re going to have to be more discerning or discriminate on what’s going to freak you out or what’s just trolling. Because it’s not the weather, it’s the climate now for the next four years.

Fetterman stressed that if the Democrats keep up the behavior then the party will not make any progess:

NBC NEWS: To put a finer point on this: Democrats now are viewing this as, look, we can’t be freaking out about every individual thing that happens, like we’ve got to be measured?

FETTERMAN: That’s what I’m saying. Unless you don’t, you are going to be the cat, and he’ll be the guy with the laser pointer, and you’re going to be chasing it around the whole room. And again, I don’t understand why people just, they think freaking out [matters]. And I don’t understand. And if the sick burns really mattered, you know, here we wouldn’t be.

CNN State of the Union: Trump “Strongest That He’s Been in the Three Cycles”

Fetterman told Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union that Trump is the strongest he’s been since 2016. He also said the assassination attempt and Elon Musk helped Trump win Pennsylvania:

TAPPER: Just before the election, you predicted on this show that the results would be close, but that Kamala Harris and the Democrats would ultimately carry Pennsylvania. They — that obviously did not happen.

You won in Pennsylvania by appealing to not only people in the urban centers like Philly or Pittsburgh, but appealing to blue-collar workers in red counties who voted for Trump this time around. Is the Democratic Party still the party of the working class?

FETTERMAN: Well, of course.

But I described the situation, and now I have already claimed that it’s going to be incredibly close. And I have also claimed that Trump is the strongest that he’s been in the three cycles there. And now things that were really unique that happened, the assassination attempt, that was in Butler. That’s 45 minutes from where we’re sitting right now, and then Musk. Musk is not just a typical kind of a surrogate. We’re all in that situation. We’re all in that business. We have surrogates. We have endorsements. And many of them often don’t really matter much, but now Musk made himself really active, and he was described as moving to Pennsylvania.

And I do believe that helped move the needle in that too. So Trump came in, in the strongest position, and he carried Pennsylvania and carried all of the swing states. So that’s what — that’s what’s reflected, that he came in a strong position, that — there’s going to be a lot of hot takes. There were a lot of hot takes before this election.

But it’s undeniable here we are now because of a lot of the decisions that were made before the election.


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It’s not difficult to be the smartest man in the room in an NBC News studio.

The New Adventures Of Fetterman are quite hilarious.
I don’t trust the guy but he is a voice for a disgusted populace.

    PrincetonAl in reply to scooterjay. | November 18, 2024 at 2:34 pm

    He’s still a left winger … but he talks like regular person unlike most of them. And he talks with a fair bit of common sense for someone so far left.

    It’s a shame since it means he will probably get re-elected …

    … and is probably giving free and effective lessons to his democrat party peers if they lesson.

    But he is entertaining.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to PrincetonAl. | November 19, 2024 at 10:59 am

      He’s a Democrat, sure. But, he remains calm, can carry on a conversation without resorting to gutter language, and will listen to opposing viewpoints.

      For these reasons he likely will be primaried by some screeching harridan throwing buzz words left, right, and center, throwing in some veiled anti-Semitism for good measure.

This is the Dim party of 2024… the strokey guy makes the most sense.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Paul. | November 17, 2024 at 5:14 pm

    He’s the guy who had brain damage from a stroke, and he came out of it with more commonsense and political acumen than 98% of the Dem party. Did his brain re-wire itself during his recovery? I don’t remember him being like this before his stroke.

    Yet just 2 years ago almost everyone here said that Fetterman was as brain dead as Biden, and you all supported the Wizzard of Oz whom Trump endorsed. I am eternally glad that the voters did not support Oz.

      Paddy M in reply to JR. | November 17, 2024 at 5:39 pm

      Is it because your support for GOP candidates is as fake as the quotes you post, JR? You kinda just outed yourself, genius.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | November 17, 2024 at 5:41 pm

      Of COURSE you’re “eternally glad that the voters did not support Oz.”

      Quit upvoting yourself.

      Tiki in reply to JR. | November 17, 2024 at 6:01 pm

      Two years ago he wasn’t able to campaign and was in hospital and severely impaired.

      He’s still suffering the after effects of a stroke. He’s got some sort of a signal processing problem – just watch the Rogan interview; it’s immediately apparent and they talk about it.

      Paul in reply to JR. | November 18, 2024 at 7:49 am

      I don’t support Fetterman, I merely made the observation that he is often the only one on that side of the aisle that sounds even remotely sane.

      And yes, two years ago he was just as brain-dead as Biden*.

“I know he has no respect on the Republican side as well, too.”

Way more than Fetterman knows, except for the ones that are afraid they will fall out of favor with the entrenched DC scene.

    He is completely correct about the reasons for the Dems election loss.
    He is incorrect about Trump losing respect among Republicans.
    Right now, the GOP is the party of Trump.

    Let us hope the democratic leadership continues with trans ideology, defund police, coddle criminals and open borders.
    These policies are certain losers in future elections

Freaking out is the leftist news business model, now that there’s nothing positive to say about Kamala. It’s aimed at gratifying their business model audience, not in relaying anything sensible.

C’mon man! We’re entitled to a little fun now and then

Remember: Fetterman is the name of the doctor who created him

Scott Pressler won Pa for Trump

Who had Senator Fetterman as the voice of reason on their card?
Seeing Bucks and now my county Montgomery making up their own voting rules. Counties don’t get to overwrite state rules.

    Alex deWynter in reply to Skip. | November 18, 2024 at 12:01 pm

    I did. I’ve been watching him for awhile, since he started facing down the Squad. It looks like he’s angling to haul the Dems back onto a more moderate, grounded path, shouldering aside both the Old Guard (Pelosi/Schumer) and the Far-Left Wokels (AOC, etc.) in a bid to recapture the centrists and normies. If he succeeds, the 2026 midterms are going to be verrrrrry interesting.

“I think it’s really ironic that you have a woman at age 84 and she is still hanging on. Why not give a younger generation an opportunity to occupy that seat?”

She’s still livid that Queen Elizabeth has more years of reign to her credit.

Scolding harder or clutching the pearls harder, that’s never going to work for Democrats.

Nevertheless it is going to be next to impossible to convince our self-anointed moral and intellectual betters to climb down.