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Election Gaslighting Gone Wild and Our Predictions — Episode 14: Legal Insurrection Podcast

Election Gaslighting Gone Wild and Our Predictions — Episode 14: Legal Insurrection Podcast

What happens after Tuesday? We discuss

Episode 14 of the Legal Insurrection Podcast is live! Garbage, predictions, and lots of other super great discussion.







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Whichever side wins next week, I think it has to be by a margin that is irrefutable. Its the only way we are going to be able to tone down the conflicts.

    The only way Harris wins “by a margin that is irrefutable” is Maduro’s Venezuelan approach, which hardly toned down the conflict there. On the other hand, Trump winning the popular vote might be helpful. He definitely has to win the Electoral College by a lot or we may have issues of “faithless electors” refusing to vote for a so-called convicted and, possibly by then, sentenced felon.

The level of coordinated media manipulation is pure banana republic, and is increasing exponentially as we approach what I hope is the political demise of Harris/Walz.

The panic as palapble.

If I were a Republican on an attack interview, I would demand to hear the ENTIRE quote before I even considered commenting on it.

Suburban Farm Guy | November 1, 2024 at 11:04 pm

Mrs. SFG is extremely intelligent and strong and definitely will be — er, has already, thanks to early voting, voted for Trump..

It strikes us as a bizarre tactic to convince a strong, intelligent woman to change her vote by calling her stupid and weak.

    Cuban’s remark may have been directed not at Republican women, but at Independents and Democrats … Only “weak dummies” would ever vote for that jackass …. in order not to lose any of such women voters to Trump.