CDC Reports Low COVID, Flu Vaccine Rate in 2024
Only 17.9% of American adults have gotten the COVID shot.

The CDC and “science” people only have themselves to blame for the low vaccination rates.
Few adults have gotten the COVID and flu vaccine:
By November 9, 2024, an estimated 34.7% and 17.9% of adults aged ≥18 years had received influenza and COVID-19 vaccines, respectively, for the 2024–25 season; 39.7% of adults aged ≥75 years and 31.6% of adults aged 60–74 years at increased risk for severe RSV disease had ever received RSV vaccine. Many unvaccinated adults reported intent to get vaccinated.
I have rheumatoid arthritis. I got my flu and pneumonia shots. I am NOT getting the COVID vaccine.
You know what else I hate? Everyone pointing the finger at Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:
The findings come amid rising vaccine hesitancy in the U.S., and a week after President-elect Donald Trump named Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent anti-vaccine activist, as his pick for health and human services secretary.
Pediatricians have expressed grave concerns about Kennedy’s expected nomination, predicting that the decision-making power he would have over vaccines could accelerate the number of parents who reject the shots for their kids and consequently lead to deadly outbreaks.
The hatred towards vaccines, especially ones for severe illnesses, started decades ago when someone claimed the MMR one caused autism.
Then Jenny McCarthy latched onto the report and spread the misinformation everywhere, scaring families and leading to the decline in vaccines.
Also, the CDC and governments pushing people to get the COVID-19 vaccine without proper tests or hiding data from us turned people off even more.

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>>The hatred towards vaccines, especially ones for severe illnesses, started decades ago when someone claimed the MMR one caused autism.<<
His name was Andrew Wakefield and he authored a "study" in The Lancet that purported to link the MMR vaccine to autism which panicked many parents into refusing to have their children vaccinated with the MMR vaccine.
A timeline of the Wakefield retraction
I got a flu shot, but declined the CoVid jab while my liberal doctor (but I like him; I’ve known him a long time) shook his head sadly. He said that he sees quite a few cases. . I told him that I just don’t think that the vaccination is really effective, I “jabbed” him by casually pointing out that President Biden who arguably has literally the finest healthcare in the world got CoVid. Biden certainly would have had all the latest versions of the vaccine.
Having said all that, I went to a party and one of the women there had actually just recovered from a case of CoVid. So, yeah, it really is out there…but I am still not convinced that the vaccine will do anything.
Post Script: I do know several people who got flu and CoVid jabs at the same time and who said that they had been pretty sick afterwards from the combo..
“Having said all that, I went to a party and one of the women there had actually just recovered from a case of CoVid”
Went to a work party. Someone there had covid.
All the vaxxed people got it.
Thought that was weird and did some checking. Most of the folks getting it now are vaxxed– some of them current maskers. The unvaxxed who seem to be getting it are ones that didn’t get it during covid originally.
I got my flu vaccine. I didn’t get my Covid shot because it’s not a vaccine, just a “if you catch Covid in the next three months, your chance of dying drops a little, and by the way you may get a common reaction from this shot that will kill or cripple you and it’s still listed as an experimental shot so your survivors won’t be able to sue so too bad.’ It would be nice to have a real vaccine for covid that stops infection like the real mumps/measles/etc vaccines. But we’re not there, and giving covid shots to people below about 60 is…bad.
Giving COVID shots to anybody is BAD. There is no unvaccinated person who regrets their decision.
One more year no COVID vaccine for me, so this will be the 5th year in a row I die.
If Net Neutrality doesn’t kill you again first.
Nope on both! Not gonna do it. Wouldn’t be prudent at this juncture, in my best Dan Carvey voice!
The medical “profession” totally torched it’s credibility during the COVID Fraud. At this point, I cannot conceive of a situation where I would voluntarily consult a “doctor” – and I’m 67 years old.
First it’s not a vaccine. Never was and never will be.
I haven’t had a flu shot since retiring from the Army in 1999. Come to think of it, I haven’t had the flu since then, either.
I retired again instead of allowing my employer to dictate what medical treatment I was going to receive regarding COVID. I rejected that jab and I didn’t come down with that, either.
I don’t necessarily distrust vaccines. I distrust what the CDC tells me about vaccines, and I don’t think the government should be mandating them.
I am 68 years old
haven’t had a flu shot since 1996
when I retired from the Navy.
haven’t had the flu since then.
every year I wud get the flu shot
because it was an order.
every year I wud get the flu.
I never got the covid jab
I got covid Feb. 2022
felt like crap for a week.
went back to work after 9 days
(work protocol covid – 9 days off)
told em I had the antibodies didn’t
need the shot. I was gonna lose my job as a contractor when the USSC
slapped slo-joe and told him he cudn’t mandate civilians ….
told work .. I am prepared to sue you into bankruptcy .. it will b on TV every night … promise.. they backed off.. 1 year later retired.
happy little boy here …
I go to the DR. once a year … some medicare wellness check. ok
I told him I dont trust a bloody thing he tells me … I just looked at him and
said ” safe and effective.” and he shuts up.
If I don’t need it, I’m not getting it. I don’t need COVID, Flu, or RSV vaccines.
However, the shingles vaccine might be worth getting.
I th
“Only 17.9% of American adults have gotten the COVID shot”
It’s all Pfun and games until all your government-paid ads stop.
I wonder if the incidence of the diseases goes up or down with the percentage of the population that gets the vaccines. More people get the shot, more people catch the virus? Inquiring minds want to know.
Considering the “efficacy rate” of the COVID “vaccine”, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if people who get the COVID shot believe they are protected and so go out and hang out in public places around sick people, and thereby increase their chances of infection more than the shot reduces it.
Kinda like how making contraceptives freely available to teenagers tends to NOT reduce the teen pregnancy rate. Sure, they use the free condoms, but now you have a lot more teenagers engaging in a lot more “activities” because they think it’s “safe” — the Law of Averages comes into play and you end up with MORE pregnancies, not less.
(And more STI cases, but nobody talks about that despite some carrying life-long consequences. The focus is always on pregnancies.)
“The hatred towards vaccines, especially ones for severe illnesses, started decades ago when someone claimed the MMR one caused autism.
Then Jenny McCarthy latched onto the report and spread the misinformation everywhere, scaring families and leading to the decline in vaccines.”
This is a view that I once shared because I was misinformed. I promise you that it’s a little more complicated.
“The MMR vaccine causes autism” has always been a dramatic oversimplification of the actual claim. A more-honest report would say the MMR vaccine has been linked to Autism Spectrum Disorders. It’s not a direct cause, per se, but it could be a factor in the development and progression of ASD.
There are other factors, of course. But just because the MMR isn’t a Single Cause of ASD doesn’t mean parents shouldn’t have the right to review the scientific literature and make an informed decision for their own children and families. If it increases the likelihood of ASD or any other disorder developing in a child — especially as other factors are identified and confirmed present — parents and patients should have the right to refuse it without being subjected to third-degree questioning or allegations of child neglect.
CDC Reports Low COVID, Flu Vaccine Rate in 2024
And somehow, despite hysterical media reports to the contrary, life will go on. Low COVID “vaccine” rates will not bring about another pandemic, people will not be dropping dead left and right, the world is not going to stop spinning.
But there will be fewer “adverse reactions” and fewer young lives affected (and sometimes ruined) as a result of an experimental shot.
The findings come amid rising vaccine hesitancy in the U.S., and a week after President-elect Donald Trump named Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent anti-vaccine activist, as his pick for health and human services secretary.
I don’t believe RFKJr. is “anti-vaccine” so much as “anti-vaccine-mandate“. He doesn’t seem opposed to vaccines in general, but he does support parental rights (to make their own decisions for their own families) and informed consent (to know exactly what is getting injected and its status as an experimental drug).
Or maybe I’m wrong and he is truly anti-vaccine. That extreme stance will not get much traction even with him as head of HHS. As such, he’s not going to get MMRs and DTAPs banned or de-listed by the FDA. (He could try but I don’t believe he would succeed — I also don’t believe he will try.)
The worst that’s likely to happen is that care providers might be required to inform patients and parents of potential risks associated with vaccines (and “vaccines”, regarding the COVID shot), where such necessary information had previously been glossed over.
He might also succeed in limiting or eliminating the system of financial kickbacks to doctors from pharmaceutical companies for having high vaccination rates among their patients, which creates a conflict of interest for doctors (there’s a financial incentive to push vaccines to all patients, even those who really shouldn’t have them for any number of medical reasons). A physician’s focus should be on providing the best quality of care for each patient, not on selling drugs to maximize a check at the end of the year.
But I don’t believe for one second he will ban vaccines, which is what I hear many people claiming.
So 17.9% of adults aged ≥18 years failed a basic intelligence test….
The last few years, if you’ve been paying attention, have taught a lot about URIs. And if you’ve used the internet for research- a whole lot more.
I forget the exact number- but well over 50% of diagnosed “flu” cases each year are not from any influenza virus. Influenza viruses are well known and studied. If you’ve had or been vaccinated against a few of the major types- your body has a head start on fighting off any variation. And each year’s vaccination is a crapshoot.
I didn’t get last years, had no URIs, and am not getting it again. My daughter and son-in-law went all in on the vax- and had the newborn twins vaccinated as well as his two children from a previous relationship. They’ve spent the last few weeks back and forth to doctors with various URIs. I think the VAXX has damaged their immune systems. All of them.