California Confirms Nation’s First Case of Virulent Clade 1 Monkeypox
CDC assures Americans Clade I mpox is not spreading in American communities.

We have been following the spread of the virulent new monkeypox variant (i.e., mpox clade) that is at the center of a significant outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighboring countries. In addition to central Africa, the new strain has been reported in India, Sweden, Thailand, and Germany.
Now, the first case of the strain, which is easier to transmit and has the potential to cause more severe disease, has been reported in this country.
Not surprisingly, the first stop for monkeypox in the US is in California.
A person in California has tested positive for a form of mpox causing a widespread epidemic in Africa, the state’s Department of Public Health reported on Saturday. It is the first known case in the United States.
The individual, who was not identified, had recently returned from East Africa. The patient was diagnosed in San Mateo County, just south of San Francisco, and was isolating at home.
Officials at the California Department of Public Health and at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are reaching out to potential contacts of the patient for further testing.
There is no evidence that this version of the mpox virus, called Clade Ib, is circulating in communities in the United States, C.D.C. officials said.
Public health officials are stressing that the disease risk in countries with good healthcare systems is low and that most of the infections reported outside of Africa are from travel-related cases.
….Travel-related cases of mpox clade Ib have been reported in Germany, India, Kenya, Sweden, Thailand, Zimbabwe, and the United Kingdom. Some countries outside of Africa have also reported locally transmitted cases.
“The recent travel-associated clade I mpox cases outside of Africa have all been attributed to subclade Ib; there have been no deaths associated with these cases and available data for a subset has detailed relatively mild disease courses,” the CDC said Saturday.
“Historically, clade I mpox has caused more severe illness and deaths than clade II mpox; however, recent data demonstrate that infections from clade I mpox in the current outbreak may not be as clinically severe as in previous outbreaks.
While outbreaks of clade I mpox used to have death rates around 3%-11%, more recent outbreaks have had death rates as low as approximately 1% when patients received good medical oversight and supportive clinical care. Death rates are expected to be much lower in countries with stronger healthcare systems and treatment options, including the United States.”
Hopefully, the patient recovers fully and there is no further spread. If this more serious disease continues to spread, it could really put a damper on Pride Month festivities.

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“just south of San Francisco”
And… there it is.
If this more serious disease continues to spread, it could really put a damper on Pride Month festivities.
Wouldn’t that be a cryin’ shame?
Have no fear — Pfizer is on the cusp of announcing a Pride Vaccine,
“Not surprisingly, the first stop for monkeypox in the US is in California.”
In the interest of geographical correctness, do we refer to California as East China, or is it West China?
You get monkey pox from monkeying around. So if you don’t want it, don’t monkey around. Don’t share bananas. Swing in your own tree. Monkey see, not monkey doo.
“Monkey see, not monkey doo.”
*See Monkey, not do Monkey*
There, fixed it for you.
I liked the original. As in exhaust components.
None of the cases are ‘travel- related’.
They’re sex related.
And they come from people comfortable with having sex with someone with open sores.
Can we please stop furthering this leftist farce?
It’s not the next pandemic and can’t be–unless everyone suddenly becomes so obsessed with having homosexual intercourse that they’ll leap on infected people.
It’s a stiff challenge for the MSM who succeeded in making it trendy for kids to cut off their own naughty bits, but they’re fit, rested, and ready.
Call it Newsom Pox.
is monkey-pox transmitted vaginally, orally, or anally?
is monkey-pox transmitted vaginally, orally, or anally?
“In the current outbreak, patients have been presenting with more mucosal lesions than previously noted that are mainly localised in the genital or anal areas, mouth, and eyes, with most reporting close and sustained previous physical or sexual contact with infected individuals.”
“Of all cases with available data, 3.7% (3 451/92 898) are female:
The majority of these cases are reported from the Region of the Americas (2 630/3 451; 76%) and the European Region (470/3 451; 14%)”
Probably even way fewer if you reclassify the trans-females as the males they are,
CDC assures Americans Clade I mpox is not spreading in American communities.
So I assume that Clade I mpox is spreading in certain American communities.
So-called m-pox (called that because leftists hear “monkey” and think “Negro”, so monkeypox is clearly rayciss) is an STD of the male homosexual community.
Because it’s an STD, its not EVER going to be a pandemic threat. However, it apparently IS a threat to dogs and children living in the homes of male homosexuals, since those infections have been documented as well.
It is an STD but can potentially spread by activities that involve heavy and prolonged touching. What about massage parlors? If a masseuse has blisters on her hands or feet, and she got it from touching a customer’s dick?
The kind of people who get this don’t seek our massages from people who can be called ‘she’.
CDC assures Americans Clade I mpox is not spreading in American communities.
How can they possibly know that? They only can know about cases where someone is sick enough to visit a doctor.
I still think our next pandemic is Bird Flu, unless they cook up another coronavirus in Wuhan. It might take a few years to adapt to humans enough to spread, but it is in dairy cattle, and has spread to other animals.
Here we are worried about some totally preventable sexually transmitted disease and Sweden and Finland are telling their citizens to prepare for nuclear war.
First World Mproblems, eh?
Eschew wanton buggery.
Why does it seem to always be Crazyfornia that has the first case of the horrible disease of the day?
Because they fly their freak flags higher than anyone anywhere else.