British Lawmakers Vote in Favor of Medically Assisted Suicide
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British Lawmakers Vote in Favor of Medically Assisted Suicide

British Lawmakers Vote in Favor of Medically Assisted Suicide

Meanwhile, Members of Parliament will debate an online petition calling for a redo of the summer’s general election, after it garnered over 2.8 million signatures…on January 6, 2025.

Taking a break from their efforts to suppress free speech and force their citizens to adopt green energy schemes, British members of parliament have voted to legalize medically assisted suicide.

Lawmakers in the House of Commons voted by 330 to 275 to support the bill, after an hours-long debate in the chamber and a years-long campaign by high-profile figures that drew on emotional first-hand testimony.

Britain is now set to join a small club of nations to have legalized the process, and one of the largest by population to allow it. The bill must still clear the House of Lords and parliamentary committees, but Friday’s vote marked the most important hurdle.

It allows people with a terminal condition and less than six months to live to take a substance to end their lives, as long as they are capable of making the decision themselves. Two doctors, and then a High Court judge, would need to sign off on the choice.

We have been following the consequences of implementing another similar program in Canada.  In one case utilizing the Medical Assistance in Suicide (MAID) program, a Calgary judge had issued a ruling clearing the way for a 27-year-old woman to volunteer for life-ending procedures despite her father’s attempts through the courts to prevent that from happening.

In another incident,  a Canadian Forces veteran was seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and a traumatic brain injury when he was casually offered, MAID. The situation is so bad that a Canadian socialist magazine railed about the government’s promotion of euthanasia over welfare.

A number of British opponents expressed concerns that they will see the same developments in the new UK program.

Those opposed spoke of the danger that vulnerable, elderly and disabled people could be coerced into opting for assisted dying to save money or relieve the burden on family members. Others called for the improvement of palliative care to ease suffering as an alternative.

Danny Kruger, who led the argument against the bill, said he believes Parliament can do “better” for terminally ill people than a “state suicide service” and that the role of legislatures is to offer safeguards for the most vulnerable.

“We are the safeguard, this place, this Parliament, you and me,” he said. “We are the people who protect the most vulnerable in society from harm and yet we stand on the brink of abandoning that role.”

All signs point to the British program following in the footsteps of the Canadian one for all the same reasons.

The Brits have been living a progressive nightmare since last July’s election. Now, Members of Parliament (MPs) will debate an online petition calling for a redo of the summer’s general election after it garnered over 2.8 million signatures…on January 6, 2025.

A debate has been scheduled in Westminster Hall, a secondary debating chamber where such petitions are discussed, on 6 January.

It has become the third most popular e-petition since 2010, easily surpassing the 100,000 signatures required for a debate to take place.

It will not lead to another election – but was used by Tory leader Kemi Badenoch to taunt Sir Keir Starmer during Prime Minister’s Questions.

Badenoch said it showed “two million people asking him to go” after Labour’s first Budget since 2010, as the pair clashed over the government’s tax rises.

Here’s hoping for better results for the British people in the New Year.


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They can go first.

    78% of deaths by firearm is suicide.

    Finding a person who has committed suicide by firearm is bad.

    I wouldn’t like it part of healthcare.
    Meet with a lawyer to insure it is your will.
    They can provide mental health resources if your problem your boyfriend dumped you.

    In the end, drugs to stop your respiration in a facility.

Progressive government. A race to the grave..

Why does the judge signing off need to be high? 🙂
Seems to fit with these kinds of laws though…

Remember when we had the national debate around nationalized healthcare leading up to the passage of ‘Obamacare?’ (also remember it only passed the Senate because the Dims stole a seat).

Many on the right said this was a ‘slippery slope’ towards a day when the government would deem old/sick people ‘too expensive’ and encourage them to just die? Remember how the left and the media excoriated anyone who voiced that position?

Remember how the British and Canadian healthcare systems were held up by the left and the media as being so far superior to our system?

Yeah, the left and the media are sick liars, through and through.

    joejoejoe in reply to Paul. | December 2, 2024 at 11:53 am

    we didn’t have a national debate. The radical leftists do not debate: they propagandize, lie, and intimidate. They could not win a debate

Well, it’s their funeral…

“At a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

“At a certain point you’ve lived long enough.”

Same attitude. They’re special, and you’re not.

Old +/sick are t dying fast enough

My bet is that the muzzies don’t use the service and are able to take over GB that much sooner

    alaskabob in reply to gonzotx. | November 30, 2024 at 11:34 am

    Germany started off the same way in 1930’s. Yes. I did evolve the Nazis but it counts this time. About half of all health care is spent on the old and those terminally dying. Just take Logan’s Run and adjust the age range to start.

      Milhouse in reply to alaskabob. | December 1, 2024 at 3:27 am

      Germany did not start with assisted suicide. It started with “euthanasia”, which is a very different thing.

        alaskabob in reply to Milhouse. | December 1, 2024 at 11:16 am

        It all starts with the devaluation of life. When the State promotes assisted suicide then the next step is closer.

          Milhouse in reply to alaskabob. | December 1, 2024 at 10:50 pm

          So do you think suicide itself should never have been decriminalized? Because that’s where this “slippery slope” you see started. When they stopped prosecuting failed suicides for attempted murder.

    henrybowman in reply to gonzotx. | November 30, 2024 at 1:26 pm

    And why should they? If they decide to suicide, they don’t need government help, just a clever tailor — plus they can even “do Allah’s work” on the way out.

      The patients aren’t the ones making the decisions, just like with DNR’s placed in files without consultation

        Milhouse in reply to geronl. | December 1, 2024 at 10:52 pm

        Yes, they are making the decisions. They have to be. They might be the victims of heavy-handed persuasion tactics, their judgment might be impaired, but at the end of the day no one can literally force them to commit suicide; all someone can do to them by force is actually murder them, and that’s not what this is about.

12 years of Tory misrule prepared the way for a Leninist-Islamofascist labourite coalition.

And now the Tories cry crocodile tears.

Boris Johnson, Theresa May, Rishi Sunak are all losers. They slow walked Brexit, oversaw unfettered illegal immigration and created a massive financial and cultural deficit.

And now old British pensioners will get the ax to fund a Islamic sharia super state.

I am a yes and no on assisted suicide.

For those terminally ill people who are essentially left to starve to death I am a big yes.

However these kinds of things never end there and have a way of magically extending to people who are just old or don’t fit what society expects or just the depressed, which makes me a hard no.

Canada has shown us how a system like this will eventually be abused.

    henrybowman in reply to mailman. | November 30, 2024 at 1:48 pm

    The dissonance you feel arises from unconsciously accepting the left’s premise that some government agency necessarily controls all the traffic lights your life must obey.

    Suicide is a natural right, full stop. Your life belongs to you and you alone, otherwise you are someone’s slave. The government absolutely has no power to arrogate that suicide is all right if they process it, but a crime if you “commit” it in an unauthorized manner.

    There are plenty of ways to die (many of them even peacefully) that the government cannot prevent by substance purchase controls, as well as plenty of ways to obtain even those controlled substances anyway (thanks to government’s own border treason). The job doesn’t even require bathtubs full of tax money (“‘Heresy,’ they cry!”).

    If government thinks it needs to cover its own ass — say, to save the expense of a needless murder investigation — no “high judge and two grand poohbahs” need be required, just a simple notarized statement should do, same as your will.

    I leave you with the farewell website of Eric The Fun, a friend of mine who made this decision for supremely rational reasons, and (being a freedom-lover at heart) proceeded to do it his way. Of course, he can’t come out and admit it, even post-mortem, for fear that one of our tyrant governments will prosecute someone — anyone — he loved as a “criminal” for aiding him to exercise his natural right, Reading it is not only instructional, but entertaining, because Eric was a naturally funny guy and (in addition to being a photographer by profession) quite a talented cartoonist as well, something I never knew.

    To quote his introductory heading, “the end of freedom is the end of life.” And that phrase is subject to several interpretations, all of them true in his situation.

It won’t be suicide for many. They routinely slip DNR’s into peoples files without the patient or their families knowledge already

    alaskabob in reply to geronl. | November 30, 2024 at 4:35 pm

    As an intern, one of the patients I picked up on OB-GYN wound up with advanced end stage 4 ovarian ca that I found… I followed her many hospitalizations in the coming months. On her last admission, I spent time checking in and seeing how she was doing and chatting with her roommate. Then one day I heard a “code blue” on the medical ward. As I ran up… I could see her roommate look out the door as the patient.. my patient, had been moved to another room after another procedure. I walked into the room and “my patient” was in a full code. I turned to the code leader and said, “I know this patient… you have ONE shot at saving her and if that fails… call the code.” She didn’t respond and the code was stopped. I walked down to the former roommate’s room and we sat and reminisced about her. I didn’t really force the issue. I let nature take its course and was there to let her death be dignified rather than a pharmacological experiment.

    Milhouse in reply to geronl. | December 1, 2024 at 3:38 am

    That makes no sense. This is not a bill for euthanasia, but for allowing a doctor to assist the patient in committing suicide. Assisting a suicide is a crime; this bill would legalize it in limited circumstances. But it still has to be a suicide. If the person doesn’t commit suicide then either they don’t die, or it’s murder and this bill doesn’t legalize that.

      alaskabob in reply to Milhouse. | December 1, 2024 at 11:21 am

      There used to be the old fashioned way before tighter government laws on prescriptions. Prescribe a multi-month amount of a drug. Tell the patient that this will ease their pain but to not take X amount as it would be lethal although without pain.

        Milhouse in reply to alaskabob. | December 1, 2024 at 10:54 pm

        And you risked prosecution for assisting a suicide. Remember that suicide itself used to be a crime. Assisting it made you an accomplice. And when they finally legalized suicide they specifically made assisting suicide a crime on its own. So any doctor making such a prescription opened himself up to prosecution.

Kamala is a victim of politically assisted suicide.

Joe was on life support so they pulled the plug and replaced him with Kamala who was healthy as a cat with nine lives. She blew through all nine lives faster than you could say, “Jack Smith”.

When human life is not valued, it’s easy to become a society that over values death. And funded by taxes!

The very tiny but very loud sliver of activists pushing for this don’t seem to care that the end result will be rationed care options for disabled and elders which will drive some to end their lives. In addition there will be pressure put on folks to do it so that ‘they don’t continue to be a burden on their family, society, the healthcare system or taxpayers. Then there will be the empowerment of ‘Nurse Ratched’ types who gleefully pencil whip forms to remove these ‘burdens’. All in all it is evil.

    Crawford in reply to CommoChief. | November 30, 2024 at 4:41 pm

    The original “Progressives” gave the German National Socialist Worker’s Party some ideas on dealing with undesirables and “life not worth living”. The present “Progressives” are just keeping the tradition.

    Sanddog in reply to CommoChief. | November 30, 2024 at 4:47 pm

    Have you ever considered some of those “activists” have had to stand by and watch loved ones die inch by inch, begging for death but unable to obtain it because the government believes it has a right to tell you when and how you may check out?

    I absolutely believe that rational adults should be allowed to check out in whatever way they choose, regardless of how anyone else feels about it. I also believe that in states/nations with medically assisted aid in death, any health care provider or government worker who suggests it as an option should go to jail for a very long time.

      CommoChief in reply to Sanddog. | November 30, 2024 at 7:51 pm

      Putting medical providers into the decision loop is going to have very predictable results so long as medical insurance is subsidised in whole or in part by govt. You are putting bureaucrats in charge NOT the individual patient. There will be pressure applied to end the existence of individuals v pay out for long-term care. This has occurred in every place that has allowed ‘assisted suicide’. Palliative care funding will be withheld,

      In Canada a disabled Veteran with combat disabilities who requested fully authorized benefits was instead suggested to end their life. It will happen here. The Economist magazine is out this week with an article suggesting cutting off VA disability benefits b/c ‘costs significantly went up since 2000’. No kidding VA disability payments expanded when we had a two decade long series of conflicts.

      If you don’t want X level of care then ensure you have a DNR and living will to preclude any heroic measures by medical providers. Get a bracket or necklace indicating that choice, get it on your DL if applicable. That should preclude a trauma event taking away your ability to express your desires. If you decide to check out due to terminal condition and want to go out on your own terms …lots of options exist without any need for govt permission ….but you gotta have the cojones to do it yourself or a really, really good friend.

        Milhouse in reply to CommoChief. | December 1, 2024 at 3:42 am

        The problem is that assisting a suicide is a crime. That includes providing someone with the means to do it. So a lot of people have no access to the means, especially if they’re already not mobile. And involving “a really really good friend” means putting that friend at risk of a long prison sentence if the authorities ever learn of it.

        That’s why there has to be some legal option, but it’s a minefield.

          CommoChief in reply to Milhouse. | December 1, 2024 at 7:08 am

          If this is a personal priority then take all possible steps PRIOR to a trauma event or end stages of a long-term decline before the point that renders you incapable of acting for yourself. Medical personnel should not be involved. Not in a hospital or long-term care setting. That minefield you refer to is the sound of detonation by other folks deciding for the individual and it is already happening where this has been instituted.

          I might be able to support establishing separate facilities that solely engage in ‘assisted suicide’ though there’s still the very real danger of individuals being pushed or pressured into the facilities by gov’t, medical providers and whoever wants to avoid paying out costs for end of life care or long-term care for disabled. Both are very expensive, time consuming and resource intensive.

          Unwilling individuals will absolutely be denied care/support to pressure them into making the ‘responsible’ choice. ‘You don’t want to be a burden on your Family, the community or taxpayers do you?’ ‘Oh, sorry MR Veteran with combat disabilities, we ran out of funding for quality of life or home health options we can’t get a ramp built, …take a look at this brochure about assisted suicide.’

thalesofmiletus | November 30, 2024 at 1:44 pm

“If you’re depressed about the state of your nation, there’s now a way out — for you.”

CUSTOMER: Here’s one — nine pence.
DEAD PERSON: I’m not dead!
CUSTOMER: Nothing — here’s your nine pence.
DEAD PERSON: I’m not dead!
MORTICIAN: Here — he says he’s not dead!
CUSTOMER: Yes, he is.
MORTICIAN: He isn’t.
CUSTOMER: Well, he will be soon, he’s very ill.
DEAD PERSON: I’m getting better!
CUSTOMER: No, you’re not — you’ll be stone dead in a moment.
MORTICIAN: Oh, I can’t take him like that — it’s against regulations.
DEAD PERSON: I don’t want to go in the cart!
CUSTOMER: Oh, don’t be such a baby.
MORTICIAN: I can’t take him…
DEAD PERSON: I feel fine!
CUSTOMER: Oh, do us a favor…
CUSTOMER: Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won’t
be long.
MORTICIAN: Naaah, I got to go on to Robinson’s — they’ve lost nine
CUSTOMER: Well, when is your next round?
MORTICIAN: Thursday.
DEAD PERSON: I think I’ll go for a walk.
CUSTOMER: You’re not fooling anyone y’know. Look, isn’t there
something you can do?
DEAD PERSON: I feel happy… I feel happy.
CUSTOMER: Ah, thanks very much.
MORTICIAN: Not at all. See you on Thursday.

The Gentle Grizzly | November 30, 2024 at 7:03 pm

My brother recently had some sort of a bone marrow failure where he was no longer manufacturing enough blood cells to exist. His hemoglobin levels were dangerously low. He had his choice of chemotherapy and a transfusion of one unit of blood every 3 days and living another year, or letting nature take its course. He chose to let nature take his courts. About 20 days after he did so he was in terrible shape and he was begging to go. But no, we can’t do that for a human being. That would be wrong! Or something.

remember Obama talking about
how expensive health care was
Grandma should just take the red pill
and skip the surgery or treatments
building up to this ….

In my opinion assisting a suicide should not itself be a crime — but it should create a rebuttable presumption of murder. If you choose to help someone kill themself, you are in the best position to carefully document your actions and prepare evidence that that’s all you did. So the burden of proof that you didn’t murder them should shift from the state to you.

I don’t think euthanasia should ever be legal. If someone is unable to kill themself even with assistance, then I’m sorry but they must suffer, because the alternative is way too dangerous.

England r I p. 925-2024