I need to find the full video, man.
President Joe Biden actually said this.
“These [Republicans] are the kind of guys you’d like to smack in the ass.”
OMG the video is spectacular.
Now I truly can’t tell if he means it in a bad way or a good way.
Lots of gusto in his delivery. https://t.co/y9K16i4k6m pic.twitter.com/tGyJ2oYCDM
— Yashar Ali
(@yashar) November 2, 2024

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to the full extent allowed by law.
“Smack in the ass”??
The only thing that comes to mind with that is either spanking (which has, sadly, dropped off and led to much of society growing up without any common sense or consideration) or football players coming off the field after a good play.
I think Traitor Joe has been listening to Hunter a bit too much these days.
Is this an upgrade from “garbage”?
I’d rather be called “garbage” by a deranged retard than have his hands on my ass.
I think with what that creep has in mind, his hands would be on your shoulders. That’s how Corn Pop taught him behind the pool house.
Derangerd? More creepy than Charles Manson? Well, duh!
Retarded? After an autopsy, Peanut the Squirrel was found to have a larger brain than Joe Biden.
some of Republicans are women, so he’s promoting some sort of sexual assault ??
The Democrat Party is too obsessed with perverted sex.
Judging by Biden’s face, that smack might linger into a caress….
Only if he sniffs my hair first.
The whole speech is here. It’s from Scranton.
The excerpt is at 12:27. I haven’t watched the whole thing – just skimmed through it – but it looks like Traitor Joe at his craziest. It is NUTTY!!
After watching him suck babies toes I believe id punch his decrepit ass if he gave me a swing
He isn’t referring to republicans but rather projecting his frustration for being bamboozled out of the race by the democrats, and once again giving republicans a chance to “pounce”.
I remember Joe Biden being insufferable during the Clarence Thomas hearings. Having cognitive decline has made him have no filter on his mouth. I hope this helps to torpedo the Harris campaign.
Joe Biden is one singularly odd buckaroo.
Sucking toes, homoerotic spanking… Joe’s kinks are accelerating so quickly that the DNC is best advised to break out the ball gag ahead of schedule.
Bring out the Gimp
But the Gimp is sleeping…
The wretched and vile crime boss/dotard is the Pedophile-in-Chief. The perfect representative of an intrinsically and immutably evil party.
Can’t waitfor the wh (lie) spin on this.
Yes, “smacking someone in the ass” can be perceived as violent. But nothing whatsoever compared to Trump’s comment:
“Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK?” Trump said. “And let’s see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face.”
— If someone came to my house and told me what Trump just said about 9 gun barrels trained on my face, I would pull out my Gl0ck 21 and put a .45 bullet in him, multiple times, whether it was Trump or anyone else.
Olbermann syndrome. Do you think Trump is a fascist? Afraid to answer?
Lighten up, Francis.
Why? They are fair questions, though maybe better to reference Kris Mayes syndrome and ask if he believes Trump was calling for Cheney’s execution.
oldschool, my comment was in reply to JR.
See below please.
Sorry. Did not realize who Francis was. Or is it Frances?
Sweet Sister Josephine! You come here just to call Professor Jacobson a liar!
In his article about Liz Cheney, Professor Jacobson said: “That is worst example of media fraud and election manipulation I can recall.”
He said, “It is a media hoax, outright lying, just making stuff up.”
Why are you even posting here?
That is the dumbest comment you have ever posted – and that is indeed saying something
No, you wouldn’t, JR. You’d piss down your leg. This might be your latest “but, but Trump!!11!” yet.
Shut up, dingus. You clearly didn’t read Jacobson’s post, nor did you actually see the full comment.
If you had, knowing your level of retardation, you probably would have posted this tripe anyway, but still… you’re the worst troll ever, and a pathetic liar.
Literally NO ONE believes a word you say.
In fact, I doubt very much you even own a firearm, much less an Austrian variety.
He “owns a Glock, but stores it with its safety on all the time,” just like Kamala.
He probably keeps it locked up in the freezer with his other delusions.
Democrats’ favorite hiding place is the oven. It’s one of the few situations in which guns can literally shoot people “all by themselves.”
Having said the same sort of comment to people who are urging the politicians to send police or military into situations where they are at extreme risk for a nonsensical reason, I don’t understand how anyone who is relatively sane could interpret that as a threat. But again, I am probably overestimating the percentage of people who are both sane and intelligent given the number of people who are supporting the Harris/Walz ticket.
Don’t feel so lonely, buckaroo…I upvoted along with yourself to merely keep you company and offer a shoulder to cry on!
Anyone with half a brain understood exactly what Trump was saying, especially as he referred to giving HER a rifle. He was saying that it’s far too easy for people in comfortable, air conditioned offices in DC to send other people’s kids to die.
JR says it’s ok to sexually assault men.
His mother told me the same thing, though that was before she died.
You must be mistaken. Hillary Clinton is still alive.
JR is Chelsea Clinton? That…makes sense actually…
Speaking of which, how about Gabby Giffords? Asking for anyone but a friend.
There you go, again. Being disingenuous with Trumps remarks to fill a TDS spot any way you can. If you listen to his remarks he was referring to chickenhawks like Cheney who are all into sending people to die from the comfort of their Georgetown Condo’s but it would be a different story if they had to actually do the fighting. But go ahead and lie like the media, JR. You seem good at it.
Let me pull out my crayons for you DA…. The Cheneys are happy to send others to die so they can keep cashing those big military industrial complex checks …. But would NEVER put themselves in harms way going into fighting situations where small groups of our soldiers are sent and outnumbered 9:1 …..if you’re still confused I can bring out the finger paints
Btw … your posted comment is the EXTREMELY violent threat in this scenario… not Trumps you lackwit…
Will he step down and make Harris president if Trump wins?
99% affirmative. He’ll step down on something like Jan 15th. He’ll look at it as solidifying his place in history.
Joke’s on him, though, his place in history is already solid – as the worst, most corrupt, most moronic, most treasonous POS to have ever occupied the Oval Office, which is no easy feat after having had Barky there. Traitor Joe will go down in history as one of the worst examples of humanity, ever. Seriously.
It would be one of the biggest putdowns ever, especially if he did it for only 5 days.
January 20th at 11:00 am.
Boy, would that piss off Hillary.
A precious Democrat First, spoiled forever.
Actually, two Firsts — she’d take William Henry Harrison’s, too.
Biden will not go down as the worst ever if Harris is declared the winner.
Pete Buttigieg agrees with this foreplay.
I think Biden might be in the running for a best Trump surrogate of the week award..
It’s close but look up some of the things Bill Clinton is saying as he’s “campaigning” for Harris.
I think he’d like to endorse Trump more than W would like to endorse her.
That’s what Jill does to him nightly I’ll bet.
Baby Wipes don’t count.
That’s a put down.! Quit insulting JR!
“Republicans ‘are the Kinds of Guys You Like to Smack in the Ass’”
Well, evidentially JD Vance is someone who wants to “smack it in the ass.”
Not that there is anything wrong with this, of course.
Quit upvoting yourself. bung munch.
That’s called Halloween. The fact the video you linked to is 2 months old and the Dems totally dropped it shows there is nothing to it.
He doesn’t want to date you.
And Usha would kick your candy ass.
Moderators: Please ban Kamala Harris from posting garbage on this site.
I added two upvotes for you. snicker.
Yes, and JR added Upskirt twice to his list of favorites!
Biden can get away with this as no self-respecting person would slap around a demented old man even with armed and trained killers surrounding him. Big words from a very very very small soiled sock puppet. His history is secure as the worst president in the history of the USA. He has singly elevated the cadaverous Jimmy Carter. Dr. Jill will have to suffer the righteous brunt of historic criticism.
We still haven’t heard Major’s side of the story after Biden “slipped” coming out of the shower.
Corn Pop was a bad dude.
JR will get mad at you for saying stuff about his dad!
The Democrats care so very much about our military that …
The Pentagon Fails to Send Absentee Ballots to Active Military Service Members
They don’t say they are ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’, but they certainly treat them that way.
Democrats say they are “war criminals”, “baby killers”, and love to spit on them.
But there ARE no “active” military service members. Kammie SAID so.
Fruitier than a nutcake. Rule me harder daddy.
The creepy old perv strikes again…
Yes, JR sure has been busy!
I’ll bet the only he really wants to smack in the ass are they young vulnerable ones.
He is a complete and total embarrassment for the country.
Just like JR is to Legalinsurrection!
Biden is all talk. And it’s usually someone else’s words.
But only the ones “they” let him say.
I guess he has graduated from sucking baby toes to running around slapping men on the ass.
See. You were all wrong. Senile Joe can learn things. Look at how much he learned from his friends in the KKK?
Two months. That’s all we need to hold onto until Trump returns to the White House and we get some well-needed sanity. Praying that China, North Korea, and Iran don’t do anything in that gap.
He is getting better. He actually stopped halfway before saying that he was from Puerto Rico. Just listen to how his voice breaks mid-sentence. Of course with brandon, who really needs to bring up half-gaffes when he so consistently delivers full-on ones.