Anti-Trump Filmmaker Rob Reiner Has Checked Himself Into a ‘Facility’ Following the 2024 Election
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Anti-Trump Filmmaker Rob Reiner Has Checked Himself Into a ‘Facility’ Following the 2024 Election

Anti-Trump Filmmaker Rob Reiner Has Checked Himself Into a ‘Facility’ Following the 2024 Election

“After much discussion and heated debate with family, friends and colleagues I have decided for my own sanity and health moving forward to accept what is coming.”

When it comes to Trump Derangement Syndrome, few have suffered with the condition like filmmaker Rob Reiner. His Twitter/X rants about Trump and the end of democracy leading up to the 2024 election were legendary.

Now that the election is over, and Trump won not only the Electoral College but the popular vote as well, Reiner has admitted himself to a ‘facility’ where he can get some much needed quiet. This is not parody.

The Daily Wire reports:

Rob Reiner Says He’s Checking Into Facility To Find ‘Peace’ After Leaving X For Bluesky

Rob Reiner said he’s checking into a facility to find “peace and relaxation” after he left X for the Bluesky social media platform following President-elect Donald Trump’s victory.

In a series of posts on Wednesday on Bluesky, the 77-year-old director accused what he called “MAGA scum” of coming over to the platform and ruining it after he and other Hollywood stars announced they had left Elon Musk’s X for the platform after Trump beat Vice President Kamala Harris, the Wrap reported.

“This platform is vile, racist and evil,” Reiner wrote. “It did not take long for MAGA scum to come spread their lies.”

“I have made the decision to take the next few days to check into a facility for peace and relaxation,” he added in a second post a short time later. “No phones, social media , no trolls, just calmness to heal my pain.”

Here’s a screencap of Reiner’s post on Bluesky. Again, this is real:

PJ Media has more on Reiner’s recent social media struggles on Bluesky:

“Anyone continuing to post hate towards me here will be blocked,” he posted on the platform on Saturday. “I escaped the other place for a more peaceful time.”

“I’m finding it very hard to sleep these days. It is 3:15 am,” he posted later. “I am laying awake dreading January 20th 2025.”

The situation wasn’t looking good on Sunday when he announced, “I have big decisions to make. For the good of myself, my family, and my country.”

Things seemed better the following day, when he announced, “After much discussion and heated debate with family, friends and colleagues I have decided for my own sanity and health moving forward to accept what is coming.”

There are some people who obsess about politics but really shouldn’t follow political news at all.

Here’s hoping Rob Reiner gets the quiet rest he clearly needs right now.


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Wise move to get in now before such facilities are inundated with lunatic leftists.

    How mentally unbalanced. If Trump lost, I would have been sad but gotten over it in a day.

      Gerry in reply to EBL. | November 22, 2024 at 12:17 pm

      Contemporary socialists/communists view each dissenting opinion as an existential threat. The source must be destroyed to prevent contamination of the realm with disinformation. Such persons are much more comfortable in controlled environments, which of course are very bloody. For the greater good, of course.

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Gerry. | November 23, 2024 at 10:50 am

        “Here’s hoping Rob Reiner gets the quiet rest he clearly needs right now.”

        Here’s hoping that Rob Reiner is permanently confined to a mental institution, since it is clear that he is a danger to himself and society.

        He truly needs to be in a controlled environment and permitted to only see and read information that falls in line with his delusions.

      chi towndemrevenuestream in reply to EBL. | November 24, 2024 at 3:35 am

      that;s the thing most normal people don’t need psychiatric help or counseling or the other things these childish mental weaklings just because of an election need,as a man i would never behave like these twirps

    fscarn in reply to mailman. | November 22, 2024 at 12:33 pm

    Rob Reiner Says He’s Checking Into Facility To Find ‘Peace,’

    diver64 in reply to mailman. | November 22, 2024 at 1:38 pm

    Baffling to me as I get “No phones, social media , no trolls, just calmness to heal my pain.” at my hunting camp and it doesn’t cost me anything. Reiner could just turn off his phone, unplug the computer and spend a few quiet days at home reading a few books. Boy, these are the Hollywood type America is supposed to be lectured by.

      henrybowman in reply to diver64. | November 22, 2024 at 1:44 pm

      But you have self-control. He needs someone to keep him off his phone, maybe even someone to keep him on the grounds.

    henrybowman in reply to mailman. | November 22, 2024 at 1:47 pm

    Oh dear, I hadn’t thought of that. Instead of health facilities, these places will just become new TDS bubbles.

    healthguyfsu in reply to mailman. | November 22, 2024 at 2:48 pm

    Dude has the money to buy and build his own, He’s one of the best on the left at hiding all his hidden wealth in Holllywood shells.

    olafauer in reply to mailman. | November 22, 2024 at 5:38 pm

    Reiner is a lunatic leftist!

    ArmyStrong in reply to mailman. | November 26, 2024 at 10:21 pm

    I actually started to feel sorry for Reiner, until I read his “MAGA scum” comment. It’s hard to feel anything but distain for the man now.

He ne er fails to live up to the name Meathead. Much like the character he isn’t the lead he was expecting

Let’s hope he is one of many to be committed.

To be called “MAGA Scum” by Reiner and the Hollywood folks is a very high compliment.

UnCivilServant | November 22, 2024 at 9:17 am

Serious advice, Meathead – Shut off your phone. Stay offline. Talk to people outside of hollywood. Ignore politics for a while.

The end result will be much better for your mental health than what you’ve been doing to yourself.

    DaveGinOly in reply to UnCivilServant. | November 22, 2024 at 11:41 am

    “…doing to yourself.”

    Yes, TDS is self-inflicted. I understand the MSM and the entertainment industry promote and spread it, but the victim puts himself into a bubble in which his brain has nowhere to go but in circles. This creates a positive feedback loop of self-sustaining angst. The demand for lock-step thinking in the progressive community established an environment within which this sort of mental self-capture can take place.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to DaveGinOly. | November 23, 2024 at 10:54 am

      When lunatics are conditioned to see existential threats, it isn’t long until they act to remove their perceived threat. Trump is in danger because of people like Reiner.

Victor Immature | November 22, 2024 at 9:18 am

I see a place called “Whispering Pines” or something and orderlies are chasing him as he runs at the tree line screaming “Stop spreading your lies, maga scum!!!”

thalesofmiletus | November 22, 2024 at 9:21 am

This is palliative care — Stage 5 TDS is terminal.

Victor Immature | November 22, 2024 at 9:27 am

More meltdowns imminent. I’m going to look into investing in a company that makes nets.

Victor Immature | November 22, 2024 at 9:30 am

“I have big decisions to make. For the good of myself, my family, and my country.”

That sounds kind of ominous, like he had some kind of savior-of-the-world complex, thinks he’s John Smith from “The Dead Zone” movie. | November 22, 2024 at 9:34 am

While I feel sorry for him and his family. It shows how haters are affected by their own poison.

    OwenKellogg-Engineer in reply to | November 22, 2024 at 10:36 am

    Leftism is a serious mental.disorder, literally.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to | November 22, 2024 at 11:18 am

    I don’t feel a bit sorry about Reiner or his mental problems. He’s just getting his just desserts for his vile, hateful, mean and downright shitty stuff he spewed for the last several years. Karma’s a bitch when you get right down to it. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and all that jazz. A period of time, might I suggest the next four years, in a mental health facility might do Reiner some good. But some how I really doubt it.

    I agree. Unfortunately, there is no cure for TDS—which can easily be proven by looking at some of the posters on this website.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Paula. | November 23, 2024 at 10:58 am

      What are these people going to do when Trump is no longer in the political spotlight? They will, of course, transfer their delusions onto the next existential threat from the right, whether Vance, DeSantis, or any other candidate who is not of the left.

      Even a woman on the right will be an existential threat, whether Haley, Gabbard, et al.

      The only non threat is a leftist.

        True. The vile Dhimmi-crats have painted every GOP president and presidential candidate since Nixon as an existential threat to the U.S. and to humanity. This phenomenon has been going on for decades. TDS takes the malignant narcissism, vindictiveness and derangement to new levels of insanity.

Rob Reiner ?

Oh, you mean Meathead!

Probably heavily sedated.

No, Rob. You are lying awake; not laying awake. Fear not, Meathead. Linda McMahon will make America grammatical again.

I see him at Happydale. Some will see the reference.

    Martin in reply to tmm. | November 22, 2024 at 10:41 am

    W: “We never take sane people at Happy Dale.”

    M: “Now, these two little sane people, mixed up with all the others, will get lost in the shuffle. You could arrange that.”

    jqusnr in reply to tmm. | November 22, 2024 at 11:29 am

    yes but someone would have to procreate with him before he got into
    the line ….
    Rob some good advice
    Turn off the TV
    stay off the net esp. social websites
    stay away from politic for a bit.
    it wud save you a bunch of money
    talk with people who care about you. you DO have people like that
    anyway … be well …

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to tmm. | November 23, 2024 at 5:27 pm

    Or, the Psychoneurotic Institute for the Very, Very Nervous

Why is Legal Insurrection even writing an article about this guy? He doesn’t deserve this attention. He is a nobody.

    henrybowman in reply to ajcbjl. | November 22, 2024 at 1:40 pm

    They write about monkeypox, and Reiner is like five times more dangerous.

    rbj1 in reply to ajcbjl. | November 22, 2024 at 7:41 pm

    Directed Princess Bride, Spinal Tap, Stand by Me, When Harry Met Sally, etc. Plus All in the Family, where it turns out Archie was right all along.
    He is a talented director who has made original movies. It’s a shame Hollywood has become so insular

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to rbj1. | November 23, 2024 at 11:01 am

      And I will continue to watch many of these, not because I like Reiner. It’s because I can separate my politics from my personal life.

      As someone stated recently. If Trump would have lost, it would not have been the end of the world. I would. Not have cried. I would have accepted it and moved on.

About a decade too late, if what I’ve been reading from his posts is accurate. He needs a quiet place with no social media and a fishing pole for a year or so. That should help. Heck, that would help all of us. And I’ve got a pole. It’s just too blasted cold right now. Maybe Florida….

“I am a self-aggrandizing, malignantly narcissistic, transparently attention-seeking Meathead — hear me whine.”

On a related note:

Has there EVER been ANYONE else in show business whose on-screen character name/nickname has so thoroughly been transferred into real life?

Rob Reiner, “Meathead” for All Time!!

Rob Reiner checks himself into a facility:

He ought to check into a Roach Motel where roaches check in, but don’t check out.

To be a “True Blue” follower now you have to live with a fair amount of cognitive dissonance, and to be as visible and vocal as he has been requires that you now accept that literally Hitler is in power. He will see the entire progressive edifice crumble into a smoldering heap of lies, so better to get the peace and help now.

“Rob Reiner Has Checked Himself Into a ‘Facility’ Following the 2024 Election”
If he wants to get his head straight, I hope it’s a meat-processing facility.

“He will see the entire progressive edifice crumble into a smoldering heap of lies…”

This is exactly what is needed by those suffering from TDS. It is this edifice, that brooks no dissent, that traps the minds of those with TDS. If and when it comes down, TDS sufferers will be released. It will be up to them to start thinking for themselves again, but they will no longer be in an environment that discourages and punishes them for doing so, so the possibility exists that they can heal.

Louis K. Bonham | November 22, 2024 at 11:47 am

What kind of doctor will be treating Rob Reiner in the secure facility?

A Meathead Shrinker!

(I’m here all week! Try the veal!.)

The headlines write themselves as the babylon bee.

Pick up Keith Olbermann on your way there.

Suburban Farm Guy | November 22, 2024 at 1:26 pm

Frankly I was pretty depressed after the 2020’s — not that Trump ‘lost’ but that our elections — democracy — could be manipulated and stolen. Like in a banana republic. Looked pretty permanent at the time. Thank God! We feel much better now.

“Rob Reiner Has Checked Himself Into a ‘Facility’ Following the 2024 Election”

I hope the Facility is like Hotel California, “You can check out any time you like But you can never leave”

Late to the party here, but he needs a shot of toxic masculinity.

If Government is your god, then losing an election is the death of your god.

Sorry Meathead, TDS is incurable, just as with herpes, you will have recurring outbreaks

Is the facility called the corner bar?

Rob Reiner is an enigma to me. He’s produced and directed magnificent movies (eg Princess Bride, Spinal Tap, A Few Good Men, When Harry Met Sally … and many more). His dad was Carl Reiner, a beloved comedian, writer, actor — and really smart.

Yet his public persona — and apparently in real life — is the character he played in All In the Family, Meathead.

The enigma is — he’s too smart to be this stupid. I don’t get it.


His mental health problems predate Trump by decades.

Literally his entire adult life.

Probably some WASP’y resort with a wet bar and ladies of the oldest profession.

there is a cruise liner that u can book at stateroom for 4years.

Shut up, Meathead!

Let me know when Rob shaves his head and foregoes intimacy with men.

The Reiners and the Blueskys were all socialists back in the Bronx all those years ago. All their kids were red diaper babies, so Rob comes as no surprise.

Wow, I’m late on commenting. However, I’d like to say this to Rob Reiner:
1 – Neither I nor my Trump friends, none of whom supported Biden, became so discouraged that we decided to check ourselves into a “quiet” institution.
2 – FWIW, I lost sleep knowing the incredible damage a Harris/Walz administration would do to our nation.
3 – I taught enough US History enough times to know dems just don’t get what we have and are ………bent on destroying it.

I wish you well; hope you see the light and learn that the USA has the best, most fair (when applied) legal system in the world.

Meathead is worth $200 million and lives in a gated community. He is just an ugly leftist, who is unaffected by the destructive policies he promotes. He’s nut nuts. He’s an a-hole.

Obviously Rob has gone to THE VIEW to find peace, and we will soon see him babbling away there.

LONG overdue! 🥴

Philip J. Vecchio | November 26, 2024 at 8:35 am

Juxtapose Senator Fetterman and his recent public statements to the recent rantings of Rob Reiner; rantings that are detached from reality. Senator Fetterman is veritable stateman for the Democrat Party compared to Reiner.

Meathead hasn’t changed. He’s still Archie’s idiotic son-in-law.