Whitaker Reminds Harris the Border Crossings Quadrupled Under Her Watch
“Was it a mistake to loosen the immigration policies as much as you did?”

60 Minutes reporter Bill Whitaker even took border czar VP Kamala Harris to task about the border crisis.
Yes, the immigration problem didn’t start under the Biden-Harris administration, but it got way worse.
(The government should have fixed our immigration system a loooooooooong time ago.)
Whitaker also wasn’t going to allow Harris to ignore his questions (emphasis mine):
Bill Whitaker: You recently visited the southern border and– embraced President Biden’s recent crackdown on asylum seekers. And that crackdown produced an almost immediate and dramatic decrease in the number of border crossings. If that’s the right answer now, why didn’t your administration take those steps in 2021?
Vice President Kamala Harris: The first bill we proposed to Congress was to fix our broken immigration system, knowing that if you want to actually fix it, we need Congress to act. It was not taken up. Fast forward to a moment when a bipartisan group of members of the United States Senate, including one of the most conservative members of the United States Senate, got together, came up with the border security bill. Well, guess what happened? Donald Trump got word that this bill was afoot and could be passed and he wants to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem, so he told his buddies in Congress, “Kill the bill. Don’t let it move forward.”
Bill Whitaker: But I’ve been covering the border for– for years. And so I know this is not a problem that started with your administration.
Vice President Kamala Harris: Correct. Correct.
Bill Whitaker: But there was an historic flood of undocumented immigrants coming across the border the first three years of your administration. As a matter of fact, arrivals quadrupled from the last year of President Trump. Was it a mistake to loosen the immigration policies as much as you did?
Vice President Kamala Harris: It’s a longstanding problem. And solutions are at hand. And from day one, literally, we have been offering solutions.
Bill Whitaker: What I was asking was, was it a mistake to kind of allow that flood to happen in the first place?
Vice President Kamala Harris: I think– the policies that we have been proposing are about fixing a problem, not promoting a problem, okay? But the–
Bill Whitaker: But the numbers did quadruple under your—
Vice President Kamala Harris: And the numbers today–
Bill Whitaker: –under your watch–
Vice President Kamala Harris: –because of what we have done– we have cut the flow of illegal immigration by half. We have cut the–
Bill Whitaker: But should you have done that–
Vice President Kamala Harris: –flow of fentanyl–
Bill Whitaker: —should you have done that—
Vice President Kamala Harris: –by half. But we need Congress to be able to act to actually fix the problem.
"But the numbers did quadruple."
When a broadcast journalist pushes back against a politician's lies, it is a powerful thing.
You can see the fear in Kamala Harris' eyes when she realizes this CBS journalist is not going to fall for her gaslighting 👀pic.twitter.com/1WkHvXRlpt
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) October 8, 2024

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Immigration policy loosened under a loose woman.
Even I didn’t think she was THAT loose!!
An “inconvenient truth”.
he did better than most when trying to hold her accountable
Especially with her “crepe neck” staring at him in the face.
Kackling Kamala had a bad day yesterday what with this dreadful interview and being curb stomped by Ron DeSantis.
Let’s hope each day is incrementally worse for her and Tampon Timmy until they lose so badly that they wipe out the Democrats for a generation.
Seriously, I could have done better than Harris in that interview after 4 martinis. Good lord…
It took three years for Whitaker and 60 minutes to ask Harris why she helped 30 million unvetted illegal aliens get into our country.
The DNC-aligned media always waits until it’s pointless to cover these issues and then says, “What do you mean? We covered it!”
This is…ah…incorrect. To solve the immigration crisis, Biden/Harris only need to enforce the laws already on the books. No additional authority is required. They just refuse to enforce the law, then wring their hands saying: “It needs to be fixed.”
You’ve got the power, Kamala (if you really are “in charge”). Go full Nike; “Just do it.”
One of the most glaring trip-ups was Kamala’s inability to explain how she would pay for her domestic agenda:
BILL WHITAKER: Your economic plan would add $3 trillion to the deficit over 10 years. How do you pay for it?
HARRIS: Trump’s plan is worse!
WHITAKER: But how do you pay for it?
HARRIS: Well, the rich need to pay their fair share!
WHITAKER: And how do you get this through Congress when no one has expressed support for it?
HARRIS: I’m a capitalist, ya know!
… holy knights of Columbus .. the stupid burns
What? No, I thought this river of meat from across the border was good and necessary according to Chuckles Schumer. We have to replace Americans, especially the workers, he implored.
They should NEVER have rescinded the Trump rules for the border when they came in, but they did.
And blew up the border problem..
And then the other half of the problem is what they did with them once here.
The time when her anger flashed on her face though…..
Yes, even obvious propaganda outlets like CBS still have to occasionally ask a real question in order to preserve what little reputation they still have.
Illegal breaches of the border are not an “immigration problem”.
Trump tried his best but the courts hog-tied him at every turn. The US federal courts don’t seem to understand that America and the American government are for … AMERICANS, not aliens.
As to Komrade Kamala and Traitor Joe, they have orchestrated an invasion and need to be held criminally liable for their treason and punished appropriately.
“Was it a mistake to loosen the immigration policies as much as you did?”
“Ask me again after all my illegals’ votes are counted.”