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Whitaker to Walz: ‘Isn’t That More Than Just Being a Knucklehead?’

Whitaker to Walz: ‘Isn’t That More Than Just Being a Knucklehead?’

“But I think it comes down to the question of whether—whether you can be trusted to tell the truth.”

60 Minutes’ Bill Whitaker did a decent job with his interviews with VP Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz.

Whitaker basically told Walz that calling himself a “knucklehead” for all the lies he said isn’t a good explanation:

Whatever it might be, Walz has been criticized for embellishing or telling outright falsehoods about his military record, and about his travels to Asia in the 1980s.

Bill Whitaker: In your debate with JD Vance, you said, “I’m a knucklehead (laugh) at times.” And I think you were referring to the time that you said that you were in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square unrest when you were not.

Gov. Tim Walz: Yeah.

Bill Whitaker: Is that kind of misrepresentation, isn’t that more than just being a knucklehead?

Gov. Tim Walz: I think folks know who I am. And I think they know the difference between someone expressing emotion, telling a story, getting a date wrong by–you–rather than a pathological liar like Donald Trump.

Bill Whitaker: But I think it comes down to the question of whether—whether you can be trusted to tell the truth.

Gov. Tim Walz: Yeah. Well– I can– I think I can. I will own up to being a knucklehead at times, but the folks closest to me know that I keep my word.

I wish Whitacker would have pressed more and listed all the times he’s lied.

Granted, the latter would have taken a long time!


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E Howard Hunt | October 8, 2024 at 9:41 am

These wascawwy wabbit reporters can’t corner Tim.

“I’m not a liar”. But, Trump is a liar. Walz has misrepresented himself and embellished his career and military service. He is not fit to lead.

Peter Moss | October 8, 2024 at 9:56 am

You have to give Whittaker some credit here and for his interview with Harris. He actually asked hard hitting questions and pushed back on the non-answers that he received.

Much different than the disgusting tongue bath that we’re used to seeing from the MSM.

destroycommunism | October 8, 2024 at 11:01 am

“getting a date wrong”

this walzpos would lie about his birthday if it would get him liked

destroycommunism | October 8, 2024 at 11:06 am

the left is soooo use to the MommySurrogateMachine covering up for them

that they can speak “their truths” usually w/o fear of being questioned

and then when questioned its the

“right wing conspiracy” defense

then by the time a somewhat more truthful effort is made by msm

who cares

the communistsnazi voters will still vote for the che’s

its a cultural war

and either we win it fairly or they win it by cheating


Jawbreaker | October 8, 2024 at 11:55 am

So, what is the point of mentioning the proximity to the Tiananmen Square if not to buff some kind of bona fides (brag) and claim how affected you were by the events in question. If not so then you are just a braggart or a liar (or both) and have no more credo or special personal perspective than the rest of us watching from our cozy CNN perch. So, quoting my inner Bob Newhart…STOP IT!

He only took the life-changing call when he “got a call from a high-ranking aide” who “said, ‘Pick up your dang phone,’” he recalled.

Kimmel asked if Harris was now saved in his phone contacts to avoid further missed calls — with Walz revealing she was, albeit under a bizarre pseudonym.

When Kimmel pressed Walz about what name she’s under in his contacts, he candidly confessed: “My dry cleaner.”

“They told me to come up with something and that was all I could think of,” Walz said, shrugging.

Kimmel asked him what would happen if Walz’s actual dry cleaner needed to let him know his suit was ready.

“I didn’t think that far ahead,” he admitted.

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