Walz’s Minnesota: Almost 70 Percent of Eighth Graders Not Proficient in Math

Tim Walz BLM Riots Conference

I bet all of these students are well versed in the language of social justice and equity.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Nearly 70% of Minnesota eighth grade students not proficient in math under Tim Walz The academic performance of Minnesota students has worsened since Tim Walz became governor. This sad reality has been largely ignored since Walz became the Democratic nominee for vice president.The sons and daughters of Minnesota’s beleaguered families are forced to endure an incompetent education system as their governor prioritizes his political ambitions over the needs of the people he was elected to serve. Recent test scores showed that the overwhelming majority of students in Walz’s state are not proficient in mathematics or reading. Moreover, their proficiency levels have regressed since Walz was elected governor.Consider the harrowing statistics.In 2022, the most recent year in which data were available, the results of statewide assessments revealed that only 41% of fourth grade students throughout the state were proficient in math. This was a decrease from the state’s last evaluation in 2019. Even more shockingly, only 32% of Minnesota fourth graders tested proficient in reading! This, too, was a drop from 2019. Also, Minnesota’s fourth-grade reading test scores fell below the national average, according to the nation’s report card.As governor, Walz promoted the “Due North” education plan, which focused on traditional aggrieved racial divisions and liberal ideological tenets. Walz’s education reform plan centered on “a future where every child receives a high-quality education, no matter their race or ZIP code.” Literature for this program touted the curriculum’s inclusion of “ethnic studies.” However, as test results have revealed, instead of useless left-wing indoctrination, Walz’s education curriculum should have focused on student success, academic performance, and rudimentary proficiency in math and reading — actual skills students will need to succeed in society.Walz’s education disaster was even worse with older students.Test results showed that in 2022, only 32% of eighth grade students in Minnesota tested proficient in math. The information was even worse for reading, for which an inexplicably low total of 30% of eighth graders were proficient. Similar to the results of fourth grade students, both of these percentages were lower than in 2019.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, College Insurrection, Democrats, Education, Minnesota, Tim Walz