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Walz Gives Worst Debate Performance: ‘I’ve Become Friends With School Shooters’

Walz Gives Worst Debate Performance: ‘I’ve Become Friends With School Shooters’

He’s a “knucklehead.”

I didn’t watch the VP debate because, well, uh, I was sick. That’s it.

But nowadays, you don’t need to, thanks to social media. You get it all!

I didn’t have to watch it to know that Democratic vice presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz gave the worst debate performance in history. In contrast, Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance shined.

Like, what?! Phrasing, dude: “I sat in that office with those Sandy Hook parents. I’ve become friends with school shooters. I’ve seen it.”


Can you believe the moderators brought up the fact that Walz was not in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square massacre?

He “misspoke” and he’s a “knucklehead.”

In other words, you lied. Then Walz lied again by doubling down on it.


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UnCivilServant | October 2, 2024 at 9:03 am

Before or after the shootings?

destroycommunism | October 2, 2024 at 9:05 am

he took obamas fast and furious to the next level

E Howard Hunt | October 2, 2024 at 9:06 am

He obviously misspoke about school shooters-no big deal. But, he lied his ass off about being in China. He should have had an answer prepared. Instead he looked like a kid denying it when his mom catches his hand in the cookie jar. His response was dreadful. He must be taking public speaking lessons from Harris.

    There’s a way to recover from a speaking gaffe like that. “I’m sorry I misspoke earlier. I should have said XY instead, because there are so many tragic victims of XY that I’ve seen during my career that I get emotional when my opponent is promoting a stance that will only result in more victims.” The thing is Walz *can’t* admit he was wrong, that he said anything wrong or misstated things. That’s a typical symptom of narcissist behavior, like we’ve seen before.

rhhardin | October 2, 2024 at 9:12 am

It’s about whether women think he means well or not, not debate rules.

I used to van pool with a guy who was in TIANANMEN square at the historic moment.

It’s no BS on the risk those people were taking. Walz is a putz as big as Swifty Boat boy Kerry for claiming this.

DSHornet | October 2, 2024 at 9:23 am

Watch Walz’s mouth when he speaks. Does he remind you of a catfish? Bottom feeder.

schmuul | October 2, 2024 at 9:36 am

Walz sucked big time for like the first 30 minutes, and while he seemed to kind of calm down because they kept giving him democrat talking point questions, he never really did well. he continued to misspeak several times in unforced errors like saying he’s friend with school shooters or that he respects American carnage instead of courage. While his opponent was sure footed the whole time despite having to debate the moderators on top of Walz. Honestly Walz looked like a scared rabbit to me; or to put it another way he came across as weak.

Petrushka | October 2, 2024 at 9:37 am

Biden II

This is one time where the VP debate might matter. Vance clearly demonstrated that he could readily succeed Trump if something happened to him – either through his age or assassination – and would be a valuable addition in running the country. It also showed that with this important first decision by the candidates aspiring to be President this year Trump made a far better choice than Harris.

    schmuul in reply to jb4. | October 2, 2024 at 9:44 am

    Agreed and it killed the “weird” tag Harris tried to brand Vance with; that’s he supposedly creepy. My stupid neighborhood has tons of these signs that say :”Don’t be weird! Vote Harris/Walz”. Vance destroyed that stupidity last night because he came off like a polite and respectful person who is compassionate but not a push over. Walz just looked like a doormat.

      Paul in reply to schmuul. | October 2, 2024 at 10:35 am

      That ‘weird’ thing is yet another instance of the Dim progs projecting their failures upon their opponents.

        henrybowman in reply to Paul. | October 2, 2024 at 5:11 pm

        It’s almost physically painful to me how retail electoral politics “debate” has devolved into the sort of “audience engagement” we recognize from”entertainment” wrestling or middle-school mean-girl cliques.
        Republicans are no better. I get approximately 50 messages a day telling me that JD Vance mentioned my name in a meeting, or that Donald Trump doesn’t want to make a decision on XYZ until he hears from me, or that a 9000% donation match is being offered until midnight, or that I have only 10 minutes to read a secret message before it evaporates off the cloud… or (my favorites), the ones that say, “Read this, I promise I’m not asking for money” and guess what’s at the end of the message?

        Republicans are demonstrating what they think of the intelligence of the people who send them money. I can’t find any way to feel good about this revelation.

        Hayek wrote “The Road to Serfdom.” If I were an author, I’d publish a companion volume entitled, “The Road to Idiocracy.” If you haven’t seen the movie, do — it’s the “Citizen Kane” or “Gone With The Wind” of our age.

        If we could take all the people who believe these beg texts and emails, and who think “don’t be weird” lawn signs are persuasive, and transport them to the Nevada desert to be converted suddenly to plasma, we might have the most intelligent election this country has seen since the Era of Good Feelings.

    Massinsanity in reply to jb4. | October 2, 2024 at 12:40 pm

    As bad as Walz was last night he may still be better than Harris.

TargaGTS | October 2, 2024 at 10:01 am

I looked at my phone this morning and this was my Apple News notification about last night’s debate:

‘A damning non-answer’: Vance dodges Walz’s question on 2020 election during VP debate (USA Today)

After almost two-hours of Walz looking like an 8th-grader who didn’t read the book and admitting he’s a serial fabulist, THAT is the headline USA Today chose to go with and the story Apple decided to feed to my phone, unprompted.

mailman | October 2, 2024 at 10:10 am

Had something flash across my screen from NPR earlier today…even they realised Walz was a dancing cluster fuck during the debate, and when you lose NPR you must have done really, really, reeeeeeeeeeally bad! 🤣

    tbonesays in reply to mailman. | October 2, 2024 at 4:31 pm

    As of 4:30pm EDT after the VP debate, NPR has it the 4th story from the top. Again the headline is very neutral sounding ‘We fact checked the debate and found. . .’

    If NPR cannot claim a D victory then it was a loss, Too bad VP debates are forgotten within two days.

Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng

First Disclosure: Real Death Tolls of Tiananmen Massacre: breakdown by Demographics & Regions.

These numbers have never been made available in English before, as far as I know.

3 minute video with a numerical breakdown of those murdered by location – it wasn’t just Tianamen Square proper. Watch it.

31,978 murdered.

guyjones | October 2, 2024 at 10:38 am

The vile Walz was a manifest clown before this debate, and, cemented that status with his dim-witted turn as a transparently wretched and corrosive Maoist/Stalinist Dhimmi-crat apparatchik.

the press talked sh*t about
W ability to talk …. take a look
at the clown the Dems are putting up.

LeftWingLock | October 2, 2024 at 12:33 pm

The real test is can Timmy get a school shooter to dedicate their manifesto to him.

I’ve seen a bunch of folks saying we shouldn’t use this against him. It probably is poor tactics for many – they know he misspoke, and think they knew what he meant.

But he had TWO opportunities right after the debate to talk about it and do a mea culpa, “I really meant this…”. And he used neither opportunity! Either he’s too scared to confront his dumba**ery, or a campaign handler told him “Stop talking! You’re only going to make it worse!”

And that IS where we need to focus the attack. Sure, we know he just bum-tongue-fungled the answer, but he couldn’t even bring himself to confront that and just reply.

Reagan would have made a self-deprecating remark (probably about flubbing lots of lines as an actor, and that’s why he became a politician), explained himself, then moved on. And everyone loved him for that sort of confidence.

Walz is NOT Reagan.

Meanwhile, masculine Emhoff hits girls and pays the nanny $80k for a non-disclosure agreement. Calling Jen Psaki.

drsamherman | October 2, 2024 at 1:33 pm

The crazy-eyed woman across the street is a stereotypical AWFL. She’s also the town’s token leftist wacko, complete with lawn full of Democrat candidate signs and car full of leftist cause bumper stickers (which I think hold her old heap together, but I digress). She went on the local radio station this morning and was just luuurving herself up some Tim AWalz and telling us just how strongly he beat JD Vance in the debate. After her rant, the DJ just said, “And that’s why we don’t do drugs, kids!”

tbonesays | October 2, 2024 at 4:34 pm

A shame the VP race is inconsequential. Ask a D ‘Who was Hilary’s running mate?’ and she is guaranteed to pick up her Iphone.

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