Walz Fails to Disassociate His Position to Eliminate the Electoral College From Harris Campaign
His position on the electoral college is not the campaign’s position, but then he says “my position is the campaign’s position.”

Democratic vice presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz tried to disassociate his desire to eliminate the electoral college from VP Kamala Harris’s campaign.
Does it surprise you that he failed?
Walz told Michael Strahan that his position is his position but that his position is the campaign’s position.
WALZ: “Well, it’s not the campaign’s position. And the point I’m trying to make is, is that there’s folks that feel every vote must count in every state. And I think that some folks feel that’s not the case. Our campaign does that. The point I’m saying is, I’m in five states in two days. We are out there making the case. The campaign’s position is clear. That’s not their position. Their position and my position is, is to make sure everybody understands their vote, no matter what state they’re in, matters.”
STRAHAN: “So that’s something that you and Vice President Harris disagree on?”
WALZ: “I have spoken about it in the past. She’s been very clear on this in the campaign. And my position is the campaign’s position.”
Tim Walz, who received money from the Chinese Communist Party to indoctrinate American students on their behalf, confirms that he supports ending the Electoral College & thus the United States as a constitutional republic pic.twitter.com/NYwxhYFDfq
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 11, 2024

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No one cares what this clown says because, well, it is very unlikely that he will have to take over Kamala’s duties. Anyhow there is a pack of special interest groups making all the decisions now. That won’t change If the Democrats win, so it doesn’t matter who the puppet on stage might be…
I’ve said it before but it bears repeating – if you’re complaining about the Electoral College and want to do away with it, you’re the reason the Founders put it in the Constitution in the first place.
I dare say that the Founders would be utterly shocked that a buffoon like Walz was anywhere near the levers of power.
Without the Electoral College, LA, Chicago and NYC would be electing our presidents. Which is exactly how the left would like it.
no one works harder to take away the one person one vote then the leftists
rank choice voting is their current propaganda piece to “save money”
what a lie!!!!
Ranked choice voting does not take away “one person one vote”. On the contrary, it is the only system that actually implements that. It’s the current system that takes people’s votes away just because they supported someone who came in third.
And no, saving money is not the reason for it. The reason is that it’s the only method that is truly just and fair.
His position is a passion that embraces everything that surrounds him. He can’t help it that he’s a confused knucklehead with real bad grammar.
Well I guess we now know which candidates are the “danger to democracy” as now prescribed in our constitution for our republic.
The guy is crap as a speaker. I suspect “what he meant to say” in that last sentence was “My official position is the campaign’s position,” but he said it so badly that that’s not the way people would interpret it.
His meaning is pretty clear. “Position” is not the same thing as “opinion”. He never said that abolishing the electoral college is his position. At the fundraiser he expressed his private opinion that the EC ought to go, while making it clear that that is an impossible fantasy, at least in the short and medium terms, and that it’s not the campaign’s position. Now he told the interviewer that he accepts the campaign’s position. “My position is the campaign’s position”.
You would probably get a similar statement, though more articulately worded, from J.D. Vance about a national six-week abortion ban. I don’t know it for a fact, but I would guess that he privately supports such a ban and wishes it were doable. But the campaign is against it, and as the VP candidate that is his position.