UPenn Working With Kamala Harris Adviser’s Group to do ‘Non-Partisan’ Voter Outreach

Kamala Harris

Wow. Do you think they’ll register many Republican voters? What a joke.

The College Fix reports:

Penn works with Harris adviser’s group for voter outreachUniversity of Pennsylvania nursing students will register voters as part of a “non-partisan” “civic engagement” initiative – in partnership with a group run by a Kamala Harris adviser.The School of Nursing will use the Vot-ER platform, according to a news release.The group aims to register voters through medical providers, including in doctor’s offices, a practice which has drawn scrutiny from a former Department of Justice official.The founder of the Vot-ER initiative, Dr. Alister Martin, was a White House Fellow in the Office of Kamala Harris. According to Massachusetts General Hospital, he (pictured) worked “directly with Vice President Kamala Harris.” He also has donated $255 to Harris’ presidential campaign, according to Federal Election Commission records.Dr. Martin did not respond to two emails this week from The College Fix about the group’s nonpartisan stance and the ethics of registering voters in the doctor’s office.“Vot-ER hopes to reach even more of the voters who are least likely to be heard by democratic systems – young voters, low-income voters, and voters of color,” according to a Democracy Works case study.The Fix reached out to Dr. Elizabeth Cohn, an advisor to Vot-ER and the vice president of health equity research at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, as well as Dr. Judith Salerno, another advisor. The Fix did not receive a response to two emailed requests or voicemails left to their offices in the past two weeks about safeguards in place to ensure the outreach remained nonpartisan and concerns about Dr. Martin’s ties to Kamala Harris.The Fix also reached out to fellow Vot-ER advisor Jonathan Kusner, a cardiovascular disease fellow at the Duke Department of Medicine. The Fix did not receive a response to two emailed requests or a voicemail left to the Duke Department of Medicine Fellowship office.Monique Howard, the senior director of community engagement for the nursing school, did not respond to similar questions sent via email and a voicemail reminder in the past several weeks.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, College Insurrection, Kamala Harris, Pennsylvania