U. Nevada-Reno Female Volleyball Team Forfeits Game Against Team With Male Player

The University of Nevada Reno’s female volleyball team forfeited its game against San Jose State University because of a male player on the team.

UN Reno first said the team would play, but never consulted the girls.

The girls said no:

But most of the Nevada players did not agree with the decision made by the school and decided to take matters into their own hands.”We, the University of Nevada Reno women’s volleyball team, forfeit against San Jose State University and stand united in solidarity with the volleyball teams of Southern Utah University, Boise State University, the University of Wyoming, and Utah State University,” the team wrote in an exclusive statement to OutKick.”We demand that our right to safety and fair competition on the court be upheld. We refuse to participate in any match that advances injustice against female athletes.”—Sia Liilii, a senior and one of two captains on the team, told OutKick that players were frustrated when they found out that the school had committed them to playing the match without speaking to them.”The school released that statement without consulting our team at all,” Liilii said. “We were pretty upset that we were not made aware that a statement was going to come out.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Sports, Transgender