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Trump Team Blasts Harris’s “Dangerous Rhetoric” Remarks

Trump Team Blasts Harris’s “Dangerous Rhetoric” Remarks

“The fact is that Kamala’s dangerous rhetoric is directly to blame for the multiple assassination attempts against President Trump and she continues to stoke the flames of violence all in the name of politics.”

The Trump campaign hit back after Kamala Harris’ 3-minute speech repeating a disputed story from The Atlantic, saying Trump wanted “a military that is loyal to him,” and “anyone who refuses to bend a knee or dares to criticize him would qualify in his mind as the enemy within” among other things.

The Trump campaign sent out an email saying Harris is desperate because her campaign is “in shambles.” And her “dangerous rhetoric is directly to blame for the multiple assassination attempts against President Trump” and claims she stokes violence for political gain.

“Kamala Harris is a stone-cold loser who is increasingly desperate because she is flailing, and her campaign is in shambles. That is why she continues to peddle outright lies and falsehoods that are easily disproven. The fact is that Kamala’s dangerous rhetoric is directly to blame for the multiple assassination attempts against President Trump and she continues to stoke the flames of violence all in the name of politics. She is despicable and her grotesque behavior proves she is wholly unfit for office.” – Steven Cheung, Trump Campaign Communications Director

Many on X are calling her remarks reckless, especially from behind the VP seal at the Naval Observatory.



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rhhardin | October 23, 2024 at 5:05 pm

Claiming that the other side are moral inferiors doesn’t work on either side. Now Trump is one down instead of one up.

John Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, warns that Trump exhibits fascist traits and recalls him praising Hitler. Kelly, along with other former Trump officials, cautions against Trump’s re-election bid, highlighting his authoritarian tendencies. Trump denies the accusations.

— Imagine if we Republicans had the wisdom to nominate anyone other than Trump as our nominee. We would be 10 to 20 percent points ahead of Harris in the polls. But because of Trump we are now in a dead heat. What a sorry pathetic mess we are in.

    Stop with the we. You do not speak for hardly anyone here other than you.

    Anyone other than Trump? Liz would have been a great choice, eh?

    Pretending others would have been better is the notion of a fool. Not to mention that Trump, despite having to deal with haters like you, was quite effective and will be again. Unlike your candidate, Harris, that is as dumb as the pathetic mess of those who preach with their TDS.

    destroycommunism in reply to JR. | October 23, 2024 at 5:43 pm

    the losers always give in to the mob ( when they dont have to)

    dont be them

    I’d take an HONEST trump lost vs another left loving pos gop like Obama winning

    yes,, thats right gop/obama

    b/c thats about where this country is at now-a-days

    Paddy M in reply to JR. | October 23, 2024 at 5:43 pm

    Is this a real quote, JR? Or did you make it up again?

    steves59 in reply to JR. | October 23, 2024 at 5:46 pm

    Aw, shaddup, Pony Boy. You keep posting the same warmed-over dogsh*t.

    “Imagine if we Republicans…”
    I know Republicans and you, sir, are no Republican.
    What was it again that they call you over at Althouse?
    Oh yeah… “LLR,” i.e. “Life Long Republican,” said in a mocking tone.
    Get the hell out of here.

    mailman in reply to JR. | October 23, 2024 at 5:56 pm

    You’re a low information Democrat if you believe that ANY Republican would be treated any differently to Trump.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to JR. | October 23, 2024 at 6:08 pm

    Stop upvoting yourself, its masturbatory.

    oden in reply to JR. | October 23, 2024 at 6:09 pm

    Most likely we would not see the enthusiasm that Trump draws with another candidate. Many voters are simply tired of the old do-nothing GOP who only give us talk, talk, talk and no action. Basically the establishment GOP are a bunch of losers who don’t really want to win. To wit: Romney and the 2012 election. Watching his campaign was like watching a prizefighter throw a match. Remember the first debate where he did well, and scared the Democrats? He scared himself too as one could see in the subsequent debates where he went limp. He just couldn’t hit hard.

    No other candidate would draw the crowds Trump does. Does he have faults? He sure does like the rest of us. Every election is basically a binary comparison. Henny Youngman (king of the one-liners) would pose the question: “How’s your wife?” The answer: “Compared to what?” So who is your candidate who would be 10-20 points ahead the polls? BTW in American elections we never see gaps like that.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JR. | October 23, 2024 at 6:36 pm

    Whatev dimwit.

    Show us all on the dolly where Trump hurt you.

    When Democrats talk to voters like they are children, they are talking directly to you.

    gonzotx in reply to JR. | October 23, 2024 at 7:08 pm

    Stop voting yourself up

    Crawford in reply to JR. | October 23, 2024 at 7:28 pm

    Life-long Republican, seriously concerned?

    Seminar commentor.

    Hodge in reply to JR. | October 23, 2024 at 8:03 pm

    Sorry JR, the Democrats literally forced the choice of Trump as nominee. The attacks on him did exactly what they were supposed to do: rally his base to him so that they would vote for him in the primaries.

    The Democrat thinking was that he was so distasteful to the general public that he would lose to Biden again for the same reason(s) he did last time. People thought that they would get political peace by having “Sleepy Joe” snooze away his term.

    But: a bad economy and weariness of the public with some of the loonier policies of party started an awakening of the indifferent. The problem was that Joe wasn’t reining in the crazies in his party at all. It all began to get a bit bizarre. I also believe that the Stalinist persecution of Trump began to alarm some people.

    When the exposure of Biden as a fraud as big as “The Great And Powerful OZ” came about, people had only two choices left to them:

    Trump or Harris.

    The Democrats forced that choice on America. They made Trump the Republican nominee, and after allowing Biden to be the Democrat nominee hand-chose Kamala as Biden’s replacement.

      jb4 in reply to Hodge. | October 23, 2024 at 8:32 pm

      You could not find anything more authoritarian and anti-democracy than the stunt the Dems pulled with Biden – covering up his apparent years long dementia and allowing him to run; and then pulling a coup on him and installing Harris, who got not one vote. Trump is a saint compared with these people and did not even have “crooked Hillary” prosecuted while in office..

        bev in reply to jb4. | October 24, 2024 at 4:09 am

        This was truly the ultimate Big Lie, right? I’m hoping that someday, perhaps years from now, someone in the inner inner circle spills the beans. Right now it’s like an onion, layer upon layer of deceit.

        And it provides the “When did you stop beating your wife?” question when posed to Harris, or really anyone, including the compliant media.

      Danny in reply to Hodge. | October 23, 2024 at 8:56 pm

      The only part I disagree with is

      “and after allowing Biden to be the Democrat nominee hand-chose Kamala as Biden’s replacement.”

      There are plenty of Democrats they could have chosen who would not be neck and neck with Trump right now (i.e. Joe Manchin) they didn’t have to select Kamala.

      The incredible thing to me is they managed to select one of a tiny number of people Trump could win against (I suspect they had and have Bernie Sanders lined up in case Kamala gets a stroke).

      bev in reply to Hodge. | October 24, 2024 at 3:52 am

      In addition the Democrats always believed that their yammering about J6 was their ace in the hole. “But the insurrection!”

      These Lefties are flabbergasted that most of the electorate, including most independents, has simply processed J6 and moved on.

    Trump, responding to Kelly and you:

    “Thank you for your support against a total degenerate named John Kelly, who made up a story out of pure Trump Derangement Syndrome Hatred! This guy had two qualities, which don’t work well together. He was tough and dumb. The problem is his toughness morphed into weakness, because he became JELLO with time! The story about the Soldiers was A LIE, as are numerous other stories he told. Even though I shouldn’t be wasting my time with him, I always feel it’s necessary to hit back in pursuit of THE TRUTH. John Kelly is a LOWLIFE, and a bad General, whose advice in the White House I no longer sought, and told him to MOVE ON! His wife once told me, at Camp David, John admires you tremendously, and when he leaves the Military, he will only speak well of you. I said, Thank you!”

    Interesting that you invariably believe and sanctimoniously parrot those virtuous people that say the worst about Trump. If only you were not so scripted and predictable. It never adds to the discussion, but has the ring of The View. Not very impressive, try as you might.

    Sanddog in reply to JR. | October 24, 2024 at 12:50 am

    Are you insane? Do you really think Kamala and her leftist flying monkeys would behave themselves if another republican were at the top of the ticket? You don’t understand who she is and you don’t understand who the democrats have become.

    Olinser in reply to JR. | October 24, 2024 at 1:23 am

    They printed posters in German with Romney as Hitler. McCain was Hitler. Freaking Family Guy made a ‘joke’ where a literal Nazi was wearing a McCain Palin pin. We suffered through 8 years of Bushitler.

    Saying they wouldn’t be doing this to anybody else is just delusional.

    wendybar in reply to JR. | October 24, 2024 at 3:32 am

    And he is just coming out NOW about it, 2 weeks before the election?? WHY didn’t he publish this gem in his 2023 book?? Did he just forget, and suddenly remember, or is he making Gatesbucks, spewing lies to get Kamala across the finish line to finish the fundamental transformation???

2nd Ammendment Mother | October 23, 2024 at 5:31 pm

U.S. General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, admitted to calling General Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army to guarantee he would let the Chinese know if Trump ordered any actions against them….. Who exactly were the traitors in those years?

MarkSmith | October 23, 2024 at 5:40 pm

” whoever invokes Godwin’s law has lost the argument”

destroycommunism | October 23, 2024 at 5:40 pm

after the trump win prepare for the leftist intifada to gain steam

if harris were to win

the same

    mailman in reply to destroycommunism. | October 23, 2024 at 5:59 pm

    Actually one of the first things Trump needs to do is ensure every single person who signed the Hunter laptop letter has their security clearances removed ASAP.

    The he can sick his weaponised DoJ on Democrats so they can enjoy some of their own medicine.

      oden in reply to mailman. | October 23, 2024 at 6:12 pm

      He tried that while he was president. The order to carry pull the clearance was disobeyed. Normally you lose your clearance when you no longer have the position. I don’t know why we have these exceptions. It’s some kind of courtesy.

        destroycommunism in reply to oden. | October 23, 2024 at 6:18 pm

        its going to take a tea party like movement against lefty

        nothing less will do

        Gremlin1974 in reply to oden. | October 23, 2024 at 7:35 pm

        Most lower rank military members lose their clearance after discharge. The sad truth is that since these bureaucrats usually go to work for companies and “Think Tanks” that work with the government, most are allowed to keep their security clearances because they will need them in their new job.

          jqusnr in reply to Gremlin1974. | October 23, 2024 at 10:46 pm

          true … or they work for one of the alphabet agencies …
          however if those are private companice instead of govt the companies pays the govt
          for the clearance rather then go thru everything to get the clearance again.

        Danny in reply to oden. | October 23, 2024 at 9:02 pm

        A tweet that is highly ambiguous, does not state names, has not been submitted to anyone as an order, and that is not aimed at a particular individual to read is in no way shape or form an order, and has no legal validity.

        If anyone including the president wishes to give an order it has to unambiguously be an order, and be addressed to the people who will be enforcing that order not the general public.

        Trump says a lot of things, he has never been someone to take literally when he is on the campaign trail.

        That he wrote his fair share of executive orders shows he knows exactly what to do when he wishes to issue an order, and that he knows tweeting is not it.

        I wish he had revoked the clearances of people who abused it, but Trump may have thought it is a bad look to appear to be retaliating against an opponent.

        Maybe he was right that such an action would be perceived as persecution of his rivals and was right not to do it at that time.

        Trump was not ignored, his orders are what made his presidency successful.

TargaGTS | October 23, 2024 at 6:02 pm

The best, most compelling evidence I’ve seen that Harris is losing is she acts like she’s losing. They’re credibly inciting the next person to try and take out Trump. No one does this who believes they’re winning.

destroycommunism | October 23, 2024 at 6:16 pm

anyone else notice the front page blaringness of the

McD Coli outbreak

sure its no doubt true

but it is blaring now

..b/c they are attacking not only trump for his obvious brilliant pr move against the once-again-lying Harris


the left wants to set up the maga patriots with the conspiracy,,over reporting the McD issue,, hoping that the maga patriots will point out this obvious msm propaganda move against trump with their latest

warfare/lawfare/foodfare attacks

star1701gazer | October 23, 2024 at 7:27 pm

Gee, the demoncrats seem to have forgotten how the military, starting under Obama, was purged of conservative, right leaning officers, leaving only left leaning, DEI enthusiast officers.

Oh, right, always accuse your enemy of doing the things you yourself are doing…

Use RICO to permanently abolish the Democrat crime cabal
Seize co-conspiring media assets

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