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Trump on Males in Female Sports: ‘We Stop It. You Can’t Have It’

Trump on Males in Female Sports: ‘We Stop It. You Can’t Have It’

“You can’t have it. It’s a man playing in the game.”

At a town hall with former President Donald Trump, Harris Faulkner asked the all female audience how many “are worried about biological men and boys competing against women and girls.” The whole room raised their hands.

A grandmother of nine, six female, asked Trump how he planned to address the issue.

TRUMP: Right. It’s such an easy question, and everybody in the room and you know that answer, we’re not going to let it happen. You look, just yesterday they had a volleyball match. You see that? Where a person that transitioned…okay, we have to be very careful because this can terminate your political career if you say it’s slightly off, all right, but transitioned from man to female and was on a volleyball and I saw the slam. It was a slam. I never saw a ball hit so hard. Hit the girl on the head, but other people even in volleyball, they’ve been permanently, I mean, they’ve been really hurt badly. Women playing men. But you don’t have to do the volleyball. We stop it. We stop it. We. Absolutely. Stop. It. You can’t have it. It’s a man playing in the game. I mean physically from a muscular state, even if it was a little bit less, maybe they do, all sorts of tests and drugs and everything else. Look at what’s happened in swimming. Look at the records that are being broken.

FAULKNER: How do you stop it? Do you go to the sports leagues? Do you go to the Olympics?

TRUMP: You just. Ban it. The president bans it, you just don’t let it happen. Not a big deal.

Honestly, I don’t know how to fix it. The NCAA, teams, leagues, etc., have to do something. I guess an executive order?

I cannot believe this is even a discussion.


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gonzotx | October 16, 2024 at 1:33 pm

He’s right, it needs to be banned, the women must stop competing with the men
They are not women
They are not women
They are not women

TargaGTS | October 16, 2024 at 1:41 pm

This is where Trump his handicapped by his inability to understand the basics functions of the federal government which compounds his already less than granular understanding of complicated issues. The correct answer is: We work with a GOP Congress to strengthen Title IX protections for women’s sports which undercuts progressive states from allowing this by state law and makes it more difficult for progressive judges to allow it by judicial fiat.

A Trump Executive Order to ‘ban’ this wouldn’t survive until the weekend before it was struck down by some leftwing federal district court judge.

    Bruce Hayden in reply to TargaGTS. | October 16, 2024 at 2:31 pm

    Why wouldn’t an EO survive? Biden/Harris implemented Egos a lot more egregious than that, on, for example, immigration. He can’t, of course, actually ban it, because EOs only bind Executive Branch employees. But what he can do is order the Executive Branch to oppose, and not support biological men in women’s sports, in their restrooms, prisons, etc. And then fire, for cause, any Executive Branch employee supporting them, for violation of his EO.

      TargaGTS in reply to Bruce Hayden. | October 16, 2024 at 2:59 pm

      You ask why an EO wouldn’t survive and in the very next sentence cede that ‘it can’t actually ban it?’ You’ve answered your own question.

      The woman asked Trump how he was going to keep men from playing in female sports. The only way that can happen is if Title IX is amended in a way that statutorily prohibits biological males from participating in female sports. While this wouldn’t solve the problem entirely, it would solve the problem in any school that receives ANY federal funds, which is all but one or two colleges in the country.

    Bruce Hayden in reply to TargaGTS. | October 16, 2024 at 2:34 pm

    Let me add that District Court judges do a lot of stuff that they shouldn’t. Just look at the judge in the DC Trump case. That’s what appeals courts are for.

    AbrahamFroman in reply to TargaGTS. | October 16, 2024 at 4:37 pm

    Anyone who believes the transgender/women’s sports problem can be solved by an Executive Order has a child-like understanding of how government works. Ultimately, this debate will be settled by the USSC. There needs to be robust statutory guidelines on this issue that can be used to steer the court towards the correct answer. A Trump EO doesn’t do anything towards that end. Congress has to act, soon.

JackinSilverSpring | October 16, 2024 at 4:32 pm

Here’s the real conundrum: what’s to stop a team from having an all trans roster? And, then, what’s to stop a league from having all teams having all trans rosters? This would be women’s sports without women. Women’s sports would become an oxymoron.

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