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Trump Hilariously Explains Why He Wore the Orange Work Vest to Crowd in Wisconsin

Trump Hilariously Explains Why He Wore the Orange Work Vest to Crowd in Wisconsin

“I may never wear a blue jacket again.”

After Trump trolled Democrats and the media by riding in a campaign-branded garbage truck yesterday, he proceeded to a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, continuing to wear an orange work vest.

At the rally, he got huge laughs explaining to the crowd why he decided to keep the vest on for the event.

FOX News reports:

Donald Trump wears garbage worker vest to rally in critical swing state

Just six days until Nov. 5 and the day after President Joe Biden called Trump supporters “garbage,” Former President Donald Trump addressed several thousand supporters in Green Bay, Wisconsin, while wearing a garbage worker high visibility vest.

Trump explained that his decision to arrive at the rally in a dump truck, dressed in a garbage vest, was made spur of the moment. He joked that the vest made him look thinner and quipped that the vest could become part of his everyday attire.

“When they said I’d look thinner, I said in that case, I’ll wear it onstage,” he joked. “I may never wear a blue jacket again.”

He criticized Biden, Democrats, and most especially his opponent Vice-president Kamala Harris for “running a campaign of hate, vitriol and retribution.”

“This week Kamala has been comparing her political opponents to the most evil mass murderers in history and now speaking on a call for her campaign last night crooked Joe Biden finally said what he and Kamala really think of our supporters, he called them ‘garbage,” he said.

Watch the video, this is really funny:

Trump haters can complain all they want, but they can’t deny that the man is funny.

Just a week ago, people wondered how Trump would ever top the image of him working the drive-through at a McDonald’s.

Somehow, he did it.

Featured image via YouTube.


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destroycommunism | October 31, 2024 at 11:15 am

trump the stud

Genius. Looks like a campaign of joy!

Who else is wearing a safety orange/neon yellow vest Tuesday?
I wonder if I’ll get kicked out?

This is the guy Putin and Xi worry about going against.

“And this is the guy they said was Hitler?”

Maybe the Dems mean Vic Hitler, not Adolf.

amatuerwrangler | October 31, 2024 at 12:38 pm

Tom Cotton’s X-post wins a Kewpie doll.

I saw that clip earlier, it is priceless! Nice effort too by Cotton but right now Trump is the King of Comedy. Not just in politics.

Heard this on the Clay and Buck show. Nearly spilled my drink laughing. Brilliant.

Slightly off topic but still important campaign news. Buzz Aldrin just endorsed Trump, and his endorsement is an inspiring read-

“They said, well, it would be unbelievable if you could wear it onstage.”
Because the CIA’s DEI assassin/patsies need all the edge we can give ’em.

I’m a big fan of accuracy in reporting, even if it’s a story about “our guy”.

Trump didn’t “arrive to the rally in a garbage truck”. He simply used the garbage truck as a photo op while on the airport tarmac.

There is no way the Secret Service was going to let a stranger drive Trump to the event in an unprotected work vehicle. But it is a cute, but inaccurate sttory, none the less.

I predict that he will wear that orange vest on Inauguration Day.

Those with TDS will go batshit.

What will Brandon wear? Depends.