Tim Walz at Fundraiser: The ‘Electoral College Needs to Go’

Tim Walz in Wisconsin

But I thought former President Donald Trump is the one true threat to our republic!!

Democrat VP candidate Tim Walz is up on that list. From CNN:

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said the Electoral College “needs to go,” while acknowledging “that’s not the world we live in,” during a campaign fundraiser in California on Tuesday, according to a pool report.“I think all of us know the Electoral College needs to go. We need, we need national popular vote, but that’s not the world we live in. So we need to win Beaver County, Pennsylvania. We need to be able to go into York, Pennsylvania, win. We need to be in western Wisconsin and win. We need to be in Reno, Nevada, and win,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee told supporters gathered at Gov. Gavin Newsom’s private residence in Sacramento, according to the pool report.

VP Kamala Harris’s campaign immediately tried to explain Walz’s thoughts:

Walz’s call for eliminating the Electoral College is not an official campaign position, a Harris campaign official told CNN.“Governor Walz believes that every vote matters in the Electoral College and he is honored to be traveling the country and battleground states working to earn support for the Harris-Walz ticket. He was commenting to a crowd of strong supporters about how the campaign is built to win 270 electoral votes. And, he was thanking them for their support that is helping fund those efforts,” a campaign spokesperson said in a statement.

These people want to ban guns. They want to destroy the First Amendment. They want to pack the court.

They want to end the Electoral College.

Who poses the greater risk to our republic? Gee, I’ll have to get back to you on that.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Democrats, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz