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Speaker Johnson Claims CBS Cut His Answers About FEMA, Voting Rolls, and Illegal Aliens

Speaker Johnson Claims CBS Cut His Answers About FEMA, Voting Rolls, and Illegal Aliens

CBS is not having a good week at all.

Oh boy. CBS is under fire again. We know the network cut Harris’s world salad about Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Speaker Mike Johnson is the latest victim.

Johnson went on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday.

The program cut three of his answers: hurricane relief, Virginia Gov. Youngkin’s removal of noncitizens from voting rolls, and illegal aliens.

It’s odd because CBS included the full interview on its YouTube page. But the network knows no one would fish for the full interview!

I included his full interview.

Hurricane Relief

The part CBS aired regarding hurricane relief:

MARGARET BRENNAN: So that’s a different accounting than this 2% you say was distributed.

JOHNSON: Yeah. So they’ve obligated some funds, but they’ve only distributed 2%. The rescue and recovery effort still going on, and then we address the rest of it.

CBS cut off Johnson’s first-hand experience proving FEMA has failed:

JOHNSON: Yeah. So they’ve obligated some funds, but they’ve only distributed 2%. And when I was there on the ground, and you should go. I mean, bring the cameras and talk to the people there. They’ll tell you, “don’t take politicians words for this or the administration’s word.” Talk to the people there on the ground. They had not been provided the resources. Almost two weeks out from the storm that they desperately need it. And when I was there, 13 days post the storm hitting that state, people are still being rescued. They’re stuck in the higher elevations in the mountains because the roads are down and all the rest.

Gov. Youngkin

The part CBS aired:

*Johnson tried to bring up Youngkin* BRENNAN (talking over Johnson): …for non citizens to vote in federal elections? That’s established law.

JOHNSON: Of course it is. Of course it is. But f course it is. But here’s the problem. There’s a number of states that are not requiring proof of citizenship when illegals or non citizens register to vote. We know that’s happening, but respectfully, everybody should want the law to be followed.

The part CBS cut:

Of course it is. Of course it is. But of course it is. But here’s the problem. There’s a number of states that are not requiring proof of citizenship when the legals or non citizens register to vote. We know that’s happening. Look, Glenn Youngkin in Virginia, I was going to say, he issued an executive order to clean up their voting rolls heading into the election less than 30 days out a couple of days ago. The Obama, I mean Biden, administration, Department of Justice, Biden Harris administration sued the governor and the commonwealth of Virginia to try to prevent them from cleaning out their voter rolls. See, that kind of thing creates a lot of doubt and concern in the minds of a lot of the American people. Why would the do that. Everybody should want the law to be followed.

Illegal Aliens

The part CBS aired:

JOHNSON: Wait a minute. Wait just a minute. It’s not me undermining it. It’s the actions of the Biden Harris administration, in some of these states. Noncitizens are not allowed to vote under federal law.

BRENNAN: So if your issue is with certain governors, shouldn’t you be talking to them?

The part CBS cut:

JOHNSON: Wait a minute. Wait just a minute. It’s not me undermining it. It’s the actions of the Biden Harrison administration, in some of these states. Noncitizens are not allowed to vote under federal law, but the states have prohibited. We passed the SAVE Act in the house. The SAVE Act says you’ve got to have proof of citizenship before you register to vote and Chuck Schumer and the Democrats block that in the Senate. We could have prevented this, the questions that people have about that.

But the Democrats chose not to. They open the border wide. A lot of people theorize that that was so that they could have noncitizens to vote. These are realities, Margaret. I wish it weren’t true, but that’s the concern that people have.

In Wisconsin, for example, some of the counties…

(I couldn’t hear the question Brennan asked but found it on YouTube) BRENNAN: People have a lot of concerns but it is already th law that non-citizens cannot vote in federal elections.

JOHNSON: It is law. But..that’s correct. But we have to make sure the law is followed, and that is the whole point. That has always been the whole point of the SAVE Act and all the measures that we’ve tried to ensure. I believe by my count, we have about 16 million illegal aliens in the country since Mayorkas and Harris and Biden opened the border wide. And because of that there’s concern because those people are distributed all around the country, as you know.

There’s concern some of those people will try to participate in the elections. Look, some of our House races, I believe the Republicans are going to win the House, grow the House majority, win the Senate and the White House. But in some of our House races, I mean, I have a colleague who was elected by six votes in 2020. Some of these are decided by hundreds or a few thousands of votes. So if you have noncitizens participating against the law and you have no mechanism in some states to stop it.


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inspectorudy | October 15, 2024 at 11:03 am

This is why no Republican should ever agree to an interview on the big three if it isn’t aired live. After what CBS just did with Harris and her word-salad answer, the public simply cannot trust any of them to air true responses.

DeweyEyedMoonCalf | October 15, 2024 at 11:08 am

It turns out that there are “deplorables” out there, just not the same people that the Arkansas Shrew was talking about.

The MSM are like semi-socialists giving protection to the Democratic party. Should give them a new acronym– from MSM to the SS.

destroycommunism | October 15, 2024 at 11:17 am

no way !!

that would be like cheating

and the left has said they dont cheat

It looks like Johnson had his team take their own video of the interview.


TargaGTS | October 15, 2024 at 11:20 am

Will this finally add enough pressure to the trainwreck that is CBS News that they’ll finally release the transcript of Harris’ ’60 Minutes’ interview?

In the race to the bottom between national news outlets, CBS seems to be in a slight lead. But, ABC, NBC, WaPo and the NYTs seemed determined to make it too close to call before the wire.

“Speaker Johnson Claims CBS Cut His Answers About FEMA, Voting Rolls, and Illegal Aliens”

LI makes it seem like just an allegation. A better, and actually accurate headline would have been something like “Speaker Johnson shows how CBS Cut His Answers About FEMA, Voting Rolls, and Illegal Aliens to change the context of his interview”.

Remember the accusations of “Cheap Fakes”/deceptively edited video of Joe.
They always tell you what they are doing or would do by the accusations they direct at others.

“don’t take politicians words for this or the administration’s word.”
Brennan clearly thinks that statement is seditious. How do you expect them to do their jobs? Remember, democracy dies in honesty. So they will be sure to exclude that from all their reporting.

Halcyon Daze | October 15, 2024 at 12:43 pm

Of course they did. Haven’t you learned by now? Create your own audio and video record of the interview or don’t appear.

OwenKellogg-Engineer | October 15, 2024 at 12:51 pm

No matter how much you think you hate the media, you still can’t hate them enough.

FinbarOS | October 15, 2024 at 12:55 pm

That’s what you get for going on CBS. “Y’all Come Back Soon”.

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