RCP Polling Averages Flipped MI, WI to Harris; Here’s Why It Doesn’t Matter
“If a poll at this stage of the game will not give you the methodology behind it, it’s in all likelihood a voter suppression poll.”

After becoming very comfortable with former President Donald Trump’s leads in the RealClearPolitics polling averages of all seven battleground states, I was alarmed to see that Michigan and Wisconsin had flipped into the Harris column on Tuesday.
The reversal in Wisconsin was caused by the release of a CNN/SSRS poll that found Vice President Kamala Harris up 6 points in the Badger State. This result, most definitely an outlier, flies in the face of surveys taken by all other pollsters since Labor Day. Of the nine additional polls included in the current RCP average, four show the race to be tied, three show Trump up by 1 point, and he is up 2 points in another. In the remaining poll, Harris leads by 1 point.
New polls in Wisconsin:
Marquette: Harris +1 (last poll was Harris +4)
CNN: Harris +6
Atlas Intel: TIED (last poll Harris +1)Harris leads by 0.2% in the RCP Avg. https://t.co/nPh4lZbRcx
— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) October 30, 2024
It should be noted that this was the first time during this election cycle that CNN had commissioned a poll in the state. So what, if anything, did CNN see that nine other pollsters had missed? Hot Air’s Duane Patterson, who follows polling trends closely, provided some insight into this anomaly on Thursday morning.
First, he looked at the accuracy rate, or more precisely the inaccuracy rate, of CNN/SSRS polls in 2020. Patterson found, “They missed in the six states they polled, including Wisconsin, by an average of 7.3%. They were as bad as Quinnipiac in that cycle, and only Monmouth was worse.”
Next, he focused on the poll’s “methodology.” In other words, what was the breakdown by party affiliation of the participants?
He notes that CNN does not provide this information in the print story that accompanied the poll. “If a poll at this stage of the game will not give you the methodology behind it,” he said, “it’s in all likelihood a voter suppression poll. Polls have to have transparency behind them, especially when they’re released in the last week. There is none of that in the CNN poll.”
Here’s what CNN told readers about the new polls:
Interviews were conducted October 23-28, 2024, online and by telephone with registered voters, including 726 voters in Michigan, 819 in Pennsylvania and 736 in Wisconsin. Likely voters include all registered voters in the poll weighted for their predicted likelihood of voting in this year’s election. Results among likely voters in Michigan and Pennsylvania have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4.7 percentage points; it is 4.8 points among likely voters in Wisconsin.
Patterson zeroed in on the judgment call made by those who conducted the CNN poll and how it may have impacted the results.
So the sample size of Wisconsin is 736 registered voters. And of that subset of registered voters, an unspecified smaller number of people were given weight based upon what CNN/SSRS believes is their predicted likelihood of showing up next Tuesday. We don’t know out of which orifice they’re pulling that prediction out of, but the sample size is somewhere around what, 400? 450?
We are left wondering how many voters CNN/SSRS pollsters believe will ultimately cast a ballot. Judging from the result, they likely think more Democrats will show up to vote compared to their Republican or independent counterparts.
Exaggerating the point to emphasis the poll’s higher than average margin of error, Patterson asks, “Why don’t they just go ahead and say she’s up 10 with a MOE of 9 while they’re at it?”
Similarly, he looked at the Susquehanna poll that catapulted Harris into a 0.4 point lead in the RCP average of polls in Michigan on Tuesday and reached the conclusion. The poll, with a likely voter sample of 400 and a 4.9%, showed Harris up 5 points in the state. Patterson described both surveys as “garbage polls.”
I’d also like to highlight a Quinnipiac poll of Michigan voters released last week that showed Harris up 4 points. A previous iteration of this poll, released two weeks earlier, showed Trump up 4 points, a swing of 8 points. Weird, huh?
At any rate, rather than relying on polls, which can say whatever the pollster wants them to say, Patterson called upon readers to ask themselves the following questions:
When’s the last time Kamala Harris, at least politically, won the day against Donald Trump? When was her last honestly good day? You’d be hard-pressed to name one positive day for her on the campaign trail since her debate with Donald Trump. And that didn’t even move the needle for her very much, and not for very long.
Has the right track/wrong track number moved at all towards parity? By a margin of 64-27%, Americans believe the country is moving in the wrong direction, a spread of 37 points. That’s electoral death for the incumbent party. That number has not moved significantly in the last two years, and Kamala Harris has offered nothing rhetorically to persuade people she’ll be an improvement.
Interestingly, Fox News chief political analyst Brit Hume, who at 81 has covered presidential elections for a very long time, made similar points on Monday night. Hume described how reporters used to assess political candidates in the “old days” when there were far fewer polls available. He said:
We didn’t have the kind of polls and the number we have today. You’d go in to cover a race and polls would be nonexistent or they’d be old. So you’d rely on other things. You’d rely on how the candidate seemed. You relied on their events, how the events seemed to go, how well-organized they seemed to be. You looked at the response of the audience at these events, and how they seemed to be doing. You watched for other signs to pick up a sense of the race. And you could pretty well do it. … There are upsets in every election cycle, but you could get a sense of it.
If I were covering it the same way we used to cover it, I would look at this and say, Trump appears to be in the ascendancy. His campaign seems to have momentum. His events seem to be more exciting. They seem to be going better.
She seems to be struggling. She struggles to answer questions. She’s not doing well in interviews. And so on.
But the polls don’t reflect that. The polls say this is absolutely neck and neck. Judged the old-fashioned way, it wouldn’t appear to be. Judged the way we judge them now because we’re just surrounded by polls, that’s where we’re getting the idea that this race is tight.
I’ll leave you with the following assessment of the race from CNN senior political data reporter Harry Enten:
If Trump wins, the signs were there all along.
No incumbent party has won another term with so few voters saying the country is on the right track (28%) or when the president's net approval rating is so low (Biden's at -15 pts).
Also, big GOP registration gains in key states. pic.twitter.com/knDQ2HOFtJ
— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) October 30, 2024
Just a little something for us to think about as we await the election results!
Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.

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blk fem slaps white man wearing lets go brandon cap
whydidnt headline say that
and it wasnt a maga hat
it was a lets go brandon hat
That’s interesting in a freedom of speech kind of way. Does a slang expression not specifically identifying a party or candidate count under the law? I’d say no. If I wore a sweatshirt in red, white and blue that said “America Will Be Great Again” am I barred?
BTW: Biden isn’t running for office so…?
Nobody here bothered me about my shirt today when I went to vote. It says, ” I still like Ike”.
Ok, so your so old no one knows who Ike is.
If I wore a shirt that said ” Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” I’d bet I’d slip right on through.
Ike’s not a candidate, and he’s not relevant to current-day politics, so there’s no problem promoting him inside a polling place. “Let’s Go Brandon” is relevant to current politics, so it’s banned inside and in the immediate area of polling places.
Once you pass the “No campaigning past this point” sign, you have to remove any clothing that constitutes campaigning for the election. You don’t have to remove D&D stuff, because that’s a different campaign.
I wonder what would happen if I showed up with my right ear bandaged?
Ike was the proto-Emhoff. He bitch-slapped Tina Turner.
By a blk left insane person, oh yes you will
How does/did a law regulating speech on clothing of a private citizen ever be found constitutional?
Try going to a polling place and look over someone’s shoulder and tell them how to vote, That will (or should) get you arrested.
Take nothing for granted. Encourage people who will vote in a sane manner to go vote!!
None of these polls mean a thing. My sense is that Trump has a commanding lead. If he loses, our country is gone.
I wish I could be as sanguine as you that Trump will win. Last week I was somewhat more optimistic, this week I am less so. With what seems to be a tight race, it is quite plausible that Trump’s edge is not beyond the margin of cheating, something the despicable DemoncRats have a decided advantage at.
I presume the “likelihood of voting” was somehow linked to past voting. In other words, if you showed up for the last 8 votes your likelihood of voting would be far higher than someone who skipped years at random. Regardless, if that is what you are building into your model you need to show that.
Standard statistics, to put it simply, have you throw out the highest and lowest numbers which are outliers and only count the numbers within a certain deviation from the mean. I think I have that right as college statistics was a few decades ago.
CNN doesn’t let us know what their model is and since it’s so far outside the average of all other polls should not be taken seriously
In your statistics class, was the textbook, “How To Lie With Statistics?”
That’s actually a very good textbook. It teaches you the shortcomings of the techniques in all the other textbooks.
You took the same class? Small world
I was assigned to read the book for a Graduate School “Research Methods” class to learn how statistics were often misused, so that I wouldn’t misuse them.
I never finished my Thesis because the original that my professor said had red ink all over it with a recommendation that I get fresh data got lost in the mail after working on it for 5 terms. In the mean time, the school added a 39 Hour Option, so I didn’t tell the Dean I had backups on 51/4″ Floppies, when I asked if I could switch to the 39 Hour Option and take whatever 2 courses were offered in the upcoming Summer Term that I hadn’t had before.
@Diver, I presumed they asked ‘How likely are you to vote? ‘
The outliers are voter suppression polls plus “cover the steal” polls to make the steal plausible.
Heres the thing.
Polls don’t matter, votes do.
Get out and vote. Get others to vote. This year will be too big to rig.
“The outliers are (to)…“cover the steal” polls to make the steal plausible.”
Yes, they’re preparing the post election battlefield. Hiding the steal will be made difficult if public expectation is such that it denies Harris had a chance of winning.
They are definitely preparing for something.
Votes used to matter. For the last four years it’s who amasses and tabulates more ballots that matters.
The usual reason for dem outlier polls is to support cheating – see? the poll even said she’d win.
It’s also about depressing voters. They don’t think their candidate has a chance to win, so why bother voting.
PA, WI, and MI all have Dem Governors and Dem Supreme Courts. NV has a Dem supreme Court. If it is close on election night, I expect the democrats to steal it later or in the recount. NV already ruled that late mail ballots without a postmark count. What if 30,000 such ballots show up at the last minute, and they are all marked for Harris? They will count. If a bag of ballots turns up in PA in an election official’s car during the recount, they will count them too (this happened in a 2008 Senate race). Point is – the Democrats can blatantly cheat, right out in the open, in the states they control. Trump may need VA to win.
When I read what the NV Supreme Court did, I could not believe it. They used precedent law concerning non-postmarked letters etc to show that mail-in ballots should be treated similarly. The precedents were only about a letter some single thing, not a trunk full of Harris unmarked ballots. Then throw in the three-day after polls close and it is a perfect formula for cheating. All Dems have to do is count the actual ballots to decide how many Harris needs to win and then manufacture them.
God awful
And that’s the way they win
They will sue to keep counting votes until Harris wins. They did a trial run years ago down in Florida with Gore.
And DJT has to take a northern state (or NV) to win, because, Harris gets a free electoral vote from Omaha NE.
Trump’s doing so much better in the final weeks is going to make Harris’s inevitable win all the more depressing. That a lazy makeweight can giggle her way through an election, employing childish distractions and screeching about how much she loves abortion, means that our culture has sunk so low that the old Republic is dead. The country is ruled by a cabal of rootless cosmopolites who have so feminized the population that manhood is now treated as a disease.
This is my fear that all the capital invested by the Democrats in to fortifying the election will pay dividends next week. They have spent time and effort getting people in to all the right positions to count the votes to ensure the right result is delivered.
Having said that, what will make that job hard for the Democrats is if people turn out and crush them like they have never been crushed in the past. Then stealing an election becomes such a monumental task that not even the Democrat media will be able to cover it up.
Polls get the result you want. Look at the trends of all polls like Real Clear Politics puts up. Trends are all going Trump’s way but within the margin of error. That’s the hook for all the lawsuits if Trump wins
Wear a safety vest when you vote and if questioned say you just jumped off the garbage truck to vote, and have to return to work.
R c p is an aggregate of the other poll, so if the other polls are cricket and we know they are of course, they’re poles will like that.
CNN’s propaganda polls have no place in a serious analysis of any election.
Wait! You mean CNN is doing something hinky to try to influence the election?
In other news, water is wet!
I am worried about vote fraud in Pa, and the Marxists won’t go without a fight long after if they lose, and reek vengeance again on anyone protesting if the pull off a fraud win.
I am too. And in other states as well. The Democrats cannot be trusted. It’s sad but true.
I guarantee if he had on a BLM tshirt
No problem
Even if Trump beats the margin of fraud and wins the election, the next thing I think we will learn more about then we want to know is “faithless electors”. The best thing for the country would be if he also wins the popular vote.
Raskin has already promised insurrection for Jan 6 next year.
“Faithless electors” will be justified on the grounds that Trump is a convicted and sentenced felon (by that time). Their base will eat it up and IMO it will be a big issue if the election is close in the Electoral College and Trump does not win the popular vote.
Trump also has to win by an absolute landslide so big any attempt by Democrats to steal it will be impossible (because the steal will be so glaringly obvious). Anything close is asking for trouble.