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Over Five Murdered in Tel Aviv-Jaffa Terrorist Shooting Spree

Over Five Murdered in Tel Aviv-Jaffa Terrorist Shooting Spree

Two men opened fire in the neighborhood.

According to i24, two men opened fire in the Jaffa neighborhood, located in central Tel-Aviv, murdering eight people and injuring seven.

I’m also seeing six or five murdered, too. I’m going to stick with the i24 report since I watched its report on a livestream.

From i24:

The incident occurred at a light rail station in the Jaffa neighborhood, causing panic among bystanders.

Preliminary reports indicate that two assailants exited the tram and immediately opened fire on the crowd. Eyewitnesses described a scene of chaos, with continuous gunfire echoing in all directions.

Emergency services, including Magen David Adom (MDA), quickly arrived on the scene, transporting the injured—some in critical condition—to Wolfson Hospital in Holon and Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv.

Police confirmed that the two attackers were “neutralized” at the scene, effectively halting the violence. Authorities also addressed rumors regarding additional attackers at the Sharon Hotel in Herzliya, clarifying that there was no threat of a coordinated assault.

According to The Jerusalem Post, police believe another terrorist is still on the loose.

A few eyewitnesses spoke about the shooting:

Eyewitnesses described the terror and chaos. “We were on the light rail when we suddenly heard gunfire from outside,” one witness said. “At first, we thought it was fireworks, but then we realized it was something much worse. There were many gunshots. We dropped to the floor, and people were crying. I saw someone bleeding on the ground.” A nearby shop owner added, “I saw crowds of people running and shouting ‘terror attack.’ I quickly closed my shutters and locked up.”

Iran bombing Israel has taken over the news cycle so not much information about this attack has come out.


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destroycommunism | October 1, 2024 at 2:17 pm

I would expect no less as we best be prepared in this country

Still photo I saw was two guys in black, no masks, one firing an AR/M4 and one with a knife. Moving footage showed at least six bodies on the train platform.

ahad haamoratsim | October 1, 2024 at 2:29 pm

Jaffa has a large Arab population. That didn’t seem to deter the murderers

And this sort of thing has a good likelihood of happening in America, too. Arm up, people. Be prepared. Be vigilant. Be minutemen.

There might be a few more Israelis today who wish they had been more like Nehemiah’s workmen. (Neh 4)

Ironclaw | October 1, 2024 at 3:10 pm

This is unpossible, I have it on good authority that sucks things don’t happen anywhere but the United States because us crazy people refuse to give our guns up.

Peter Moss | October 1, 2024 at 3:17 pm

As I have said before, everything I needed to know about islam I learned on 9/11 and *nothing* in the intervening 23 years has changed my opinion.

I suppose that I should have learned the lesson during the 1972 Olympic Games with the black September group.

Or any of the literally thousands of other terrorist attacks.

Much of this terror emulates from Iran. It’s well past time to put a stop to it once and for all.

    destroycommunism in reply to Peter Moss. | October 1, 2024 at 4:58 pm

    the ’72 olympic massacre should have had the western world vowing never ever to concede to the lefty backed terrorists

    but thats not what happens when lefty is in charge

    they coddle the terrorists to buy more power over the good people

too bad Israel citizens can not
defend themselves they too need
a second amendment …

Apparently two idiots with a gun did more damage than hundreds of missiles from Iran.

In today’s podcast Victor Davis Hanson discussed the current war situation in Israel with a warning to Americans: Iran will retaliate by bringing terror to the U.S. So I expect Americans will arm themselves even more. No problem here in Texas, but some states won’t ease up on their restrictions in defiance of the recent SCOTUS Bruen decision.

In Israel even retired members of the IDF, who are trained in the use of weapons, can’t carry a firearm, although Israel has eased up significantly since Oct 7. An armed citizen might have stopped, or at least limited the massacre at the Jaffa tram station before it claimed so many victims. Exactly that happened in Texas where a shooter was stopped with one shot by an armed citizen in a church. No one else was harmed.

What is it with Jews (I’m one) and guns? Many, especially Reform and secular, have this visceral hatred and fear of guns. One must act collectively under color of authority for protection. Self defense at a personal level is taboo. This attitude begets tragedy as we see in Jaffa.

    gonzotx in reply to oden. | October 1, 2024 at 6:51 pm

    Israel is like , what, 20% Arab, they don’t want them armed I think

    Milhouse in reply to oden. | October 2, 2024 at 12:42 am

    Secular Jews in the USA are only anti-gun because they’re Democrats and that has become Democrat policy. Before it was Democrat policy they weren’t, and if Dem policy ever changes back so will they.

    In Israel the laws are simply left over from the British times, and there’s no RKBA culture to challenge them.

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