Our Legal Challenge To UVA BIPOC-Only Program: “It’s Indefensible in 2024 to be Discriminating Against Somebody on the Basis of Their Skin Color”
My appearance on the Rob Schilling Show regarding the Civil Rights Complaint filed by the Equal Protection Project against the University of Virginia BIPOC Alumni-Student Mentoring Program.

I appeared on Friday, October 4, 2024, on the Rob Schilling Show based in Charlottesville, VA. I’ve been on his show several times in the past – so Rob, have me back more often!
The topic was the Civil Rights Complaint filed by the Equal Protection Project against the University of Virginia, as outlined in our post earlier this week, U. Virginia BIPOC Alumni-Student Mentoring Program Challenged By Equal Protection Project:
In our latest action, we have filed a Civil Rights Complaint … with the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education, against the the University of Virginia (“UVA”), a public university located in Charlottesville, Virginia, for creating, sponsoring and promoting a racially discriminatory program called the BIPOC Alumni-Student Mentoring Program (“BIPOC Mentoring Program”).
I wish I had a transcript, but I don’t have time to generate and proof it, but you can listen below (my segment starts at 19:10, and the embed player should start at that point).
Reminder: We are a small organization going up against powerful and wealthy government and private institutions devoted to DEI discrimination. Donations are greatly needed and appreciated.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Justification has changed to DEI, which specifically is anti-white.
his……. Take back our pronouns.
How could they possibly have thought that they could get away with such blatant discrimination? I know they’re ba*****rds, but why do they have to be such stupid ba*****rds?
DEI/CRT is such a fraud. There will be no reparations.
The problem isn’t the BIPOC Alumni-Student Mentoring Program: the problem is why is it necessary.
It has been my experience that a lot of their mentors still need a lot of mentoring.
In the name of diversity, our local medical school hired new faculty who were not capable of writing fundable grants, and now they have buildings with little activity, and their graduate student programs are failing because there are no research opportunities. You simply cannot put people in positions for which they are not suited and expect success in the long run.
On another note, a local, long-standing, starbux brick and mortar which went homeles-woke (read: unsafe for normal people) and out of business in a few months has reopened as a privately-owned coffee shop and is thriving under new policies. Sometimes attitude is more important than location location location.
And on a further note, 😉 I just finished “Bretz’s Flood” which is a story about how J. Harlen Bretz sorted out the geology of NE Washington State, and how he was basically shut-down by the entire science community. It is a perfect example of how the official position can be completely wrong, and in the case of USGS, it appears to be their standard operating procedure. So when someone challenges opposition to climate change by saying “but all the scientists agree,” ask them if they know about Bretz and to get back to you after they have finished reading the book. We had our own version of Trofim Lysenko in the US at the same time.