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‘October Surprise’: WaPo Newsroom, Leftists Erupt Over Decision Not To Endorse Kamala

‘October Surprise’: WaPo Newsroom, Leftists Erupt Over Decision Not To Endorse Kamala

“Today has been an absolute stab in the back. What an insult to those of us who have literally put our careers and lives on the line, to call out threats to human rights and democracy.”

As Legal Insurrection reported, The Washington Post announced Friday that they would not be making an endorsement in this year’s presidential election nor future presidential elections, capping off a disastrous week for the mainstream media that included a similar announcement from the Los Angeles Times.

“Our job at The Washington Post is to provide through the newsroom nonpartisan news for all Americans, and thought-provoking, reported views from our opinion team to help our readers make up their own minds,” the paper’s CEO/publisher, William Lewis, laughably proclaimed.

As was the case with the Times, the newsroom and opinion sides at the WaPo erupted in outrage, suggesting that the paper was abandoning its alleged responsibility to readers and that the decision was a “stab in the back”:

From Bob Woodward (who is an associate editor at the paper) and Carl Bernstein:

“We respect the traditional independence of the editorial page, but this decision 11 days out from the 2024 presidential election ignores the Washington Post’s own overwhelming reportorial evidence on the threat Donald Trump poses to democracy. Under Jeff Bezos’s ownership, the Washington Post’s news operation has used its abundant resources to rigorously investigate the danger and damage a second Trump presidency could cause to the future of American democracy and that makes this decision even more surprising and disappointing, especially this late in the electoral process.”

Prominent lefties and NeverTrumper types also had their undies in a bunch:

There was also a lot of predictable virtue signaling on the Twitter/X machine with people posting screengrabs of their subscription cancellations:

Some suggested that if the critics were really serious about it then they’d cancel their Amazon Prime memberships, too:

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) got in a chuckle for obvious reasons:

Perhaps most amusing were the calls for “conservative” columnist Jennifer Rubin to step up and practice what she preached after she praised the LA Times resignations and wondered when the rest of the editors at the Times would follow suit:

Cooke’s probably right. As of this writing, the only thing Rubin has done has been to add her name to the following letter from the opinion columnists who objected to the presidential non-endorsement decision:

The Washington Post’s decision not to make an endorsement in the presidential campaign is a terrible mistake. It represents an abandonment of the fundamental editorial convictions of the newspaper that we love. This is a moment for the institution to be making clear its commitment to democratic values, the rule of law and international alliances, and the threat that Donald Trump poses to them — the precise points The Post made in endorsing Trump’s opponents in 2016 and 2020. There is no contradiction between The Post’s important role as an independent newspaper and its practice of making political endorsements, both as a matter of guidance to readers and as a statement of core beliefs. That has never been more true than in the current campaign. An independent newspaper might someday choose to back away from making presidential endorsements. But this isn’t the right moment, when one candidate is advocating positions that directly threaten freedom of the press and the values of the Constitution.

So stunningly brave, right? LOL.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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steves59 | October 26, 2024 at 8:45 am

It’s truly amazing to see how far off the deep end these people have gone. They’re certifiably insane.
The topper is the tweet from Karen Attiah: “What an insult to those of us who have literally put our careers and lives on the line, to call out threats to human rights and democracy.”
Funny… I don’t recall her being shot at by a deranged incel while leading a political rally.

rhhardin | October 26, 2024 at 9:02 am

They seem to be against human rights, not for them.

Whitewall | October 26, 2024 at 9:07 am

These people seem very emotional for a news paper. The brass despises Trump of course but they don’t want to be saddled with Kamala if she wins..

Peter Moss | October 26, 2024 at 9:12 am

It’s cute that these clowns think that their opinions matter.

They don’t.

That which they are outraged about is a movement aimed directly at them.

They, and the NYT, cannot cease to exist soon enough.

DSHornet | October 26, 2024 at 9:29 am

These people have forgotten that their function is to “light the path so we can find our way,” to paraphrase. How arrogant can they be? Very.

Capitalist-Dad | October 26, 2024 at 9:30 am

The leftist flacks squealing about Trump’s authoritarianism, but bow and scrape to the Democrat Party—the only one to actually have political prisoners (for example, J6 protestors, some still rotting in jail, without bail, in pretrial detention; and pro-life protestors in jail for the “crime” of praying near abortion abattoirs).

    henrybowman in reply to Capitalist-Dad. | October 26, 2024 at 3:39 pm

    “Trump says he’s going to put everyone in prison when he becomes president who he determines has engaged trying to rig the election. If you use his 2020 standard, that would mean people like Ruby Freeman, Shaye Moss, Marc Elias, Zuckerberg, and hundred of others would be jailed.”
    My submitted ballot looks better every day. This would be like winning a raffle you didn’t know was included in the ticket price.

rhhardin | October 26, 2024 at 9:38 am

The October Surprise reminds you of their numerous winnings of the Beulah Surprise.

nordic prince | October 26, 2024 at 9:54 am

How about this novel concept:

If you don’t want to be prosecuted for rigging an election, DON’T RIG AN ELECTION.

Lucifer Morningstar | October 26, 2024 at 10:05 am

The role of an Editorial Board is to do just this: to share opinions on the news impacting our society and culture and endorse candidates to help guide readers. ~~Washington Post Guild

No, it isn’t. Your job as an editorial board is to see to it that the “news impacting our society and culture” is reported in a neutral and non-biased manner so the reader may be informed and come to their own conclusions/opinions on the days news that might impact them. It is not your job to give your opinion on the days news. And it certainly isn’t your job to endorse any given candidate even to “help guide readers”. Your job is to report the news. And nothing more.

scooterjay | October 26, 2024 at 10:05 am

Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and wail wail wail!

destroycommunism | October 26, 2024 at 10:10 am

good move by bezos

One word for the whole situation: Hilarious.

My interpretation. I think the Harris campaign and the DNC in general know the real facts on how the race is going. IMO, just having Harris lose isn’t going to get their panties in a bunch all that much. If you are one of the 435 + 100 elected or work for one of the 535 you care first and foremost that YOU keep your job. Having the WH is a “good thing”, but way behind keeping YOUR “good thing”.
I think the DNC knows Harris is losing and is sort of OK with it. Things are a mess (economy, two wars not going well, inflation, etc., etc.) Let Trump win, blame the mess on him starting the day after the election. (I am old enough to remember that the Viet Nam War–a JFK/LBJ invention–became “Mr. Nixon’s war” immediately after he got elected)
I think their real polling data shows a down ballot problem. Those 435+100 and hangers-on will throw Harris to the wind in a microsecond if it means keeping their job.

Oh, is WaPo still in business? If not for headlines about their antics, I wouldn’t have known. And I still don’t care.

Dolce Far Niente | October 26, 2024 at 11:15 am

I do find these non-endorsements by two of the three leading members of the left’s propaganda arm to be surprising.

Its not as if the press has hesitated to publish the most fanciful, ugly and distorted ideas about Trump and MAGA for the last 8 years, so why would their masters be pulling back on the leash this close to the election?

I see Elon Musk’s smiling face in the background, for some reason.

We should ask ourselves why Bezos would have taken this unusual step of blocking their “standard” endorsement of the Democrat. I can’t see anything but that he believes Harris is not in the ball park of being qualified. Can anyone think of another motive?

    henrybowman in reply to jb4. | October 26, 2024 at 3:44 pm

    The obvious answer is that he doesn’t want to post another L… but it just doesn’t seem like enough motive. At this point it would be like falling on your cocktail garnish sword.

CommoChief | October 26, 2024 at 11:35 am

Just FYI Robert Kagan (opinion editor who resigned) is the husband of Victoria Nuland former #2 at State Dept and largely speaking the author of the decade and a half debacle of Ukraine. She and Kagen are very emblematic of the DC establishment culture/Rich Men North of Richmond where everyone in positions of real power or influence behind the scenes has multiple ties to each other in a sort of ‘incestuous’ web of favors, mentors, colleagues, current/former bosses and marriages.

It’s not like we can’t tell which they support just by reading some of their “news articles”.

E Howard Hunt | October 26, 2024 at 1:21 pm

Does anyone really vote according to a newspaper endorsement? What if WAPO had endorsed Trump? Now that would be fun.

Nice to be so self-important. Ceatures of The West Wing yet incapable of understanding that it was fiction and the real world does not act that way. Nice to be so smart.

I am happy about all the enjoyment Stacey had writing this post, and all the enjoyment her readers are having reading it!

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