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NY Times Twists Itself Into a Bind to ‘Prove’ Harris Worked at McDonald’s

NY Times Twists Itself Into a Bind to ‘Prove’ Harris Worked at McDonald’s

The NY Times: “Birtherism, meet burgerism.”

Former President Donald Trump worked at McDonald’s on Sunday, pointing out that VP Kamala Harris never worked at one.

The left, media, and Democrats lost their minds, grabbing any straw to make Trump’s stop look bad. Quite pathetic.

You know, this wouldn’t be such a big deal if Harris didn’t bring it up or drone on about how she grew up in the middle class.

It’s that simple!

The New York Times published an editorial as a straight news piece (but what else is new, right?!), claiming that Harris worked at McDonalds because “her campaign and a friend say she did.”

That’s a fact check, you guys.

You guys, Heather Knight and Nicholas Nehamas, started their article with, “Birtherism, meet burgerism.”

Is the NY Times a mainstream media outlet or a blog? I mean, seriously.

You guys, I cannot because the NY Times makes itself look awful while trying to degrade Trump (emphasis mine):

But former President Donald J. Trump has repeatedly accused her of inventing it. Lacking a shred of proof, he has charged that she never actually worked under the golden arches — recalling his earlier false claim that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

Mr. Trump’s latest allegation also appears to be false.

Whether a presidential candidate actually flipped burgers as a college student is a far less serious allegation, of course. But Mr. Trump’s seeding of doubts about Ms. Harris’s story, while insidious and outside the lines of traditional fair play in politics, advances his goal of portraying Ms. Harris as a fraud.

It exploits the fact that her life story is not as well known or as well documented at this late stage of the campaign as those of most presidential nominees have been. And it gives voters who may already harbor doubts about her another invitation to dismiss her and doubt what she says.

So, the New York Times admits that no one knows much about Harris.

Then why don’t you ask Harris, NY Times?! Why don’t you guys do some digging?!

Knight and Nehamas made excuses, though:

As with the birtherism conspiracy theory, this one puts Ms. Harris and her aides in something of a bind. Tracking down pay stubs or other documentation from so long ago would be a difficult task for almost anyone. McDonald’s corporate representatives have ignored media requests for corroborating information. And trying to knock down Mr. Trump’s claims could also breathe life into them.

Yeah, they even took a dig at McDonald’s for staying silent, which adds fuel to the fire.

The NY Times interviewed a friend who knew about Harris’s McDonald’s job from her mother:

The campaign did not make any of Ms. Harris’s friends or family members available for interviews about their recollections of her experience there.

But The New York Times interviewed a friend who had known Ms. Harris as a teenager and remained in touch with the family for years afterward. Wanda Kagan, a close friend of Ms. Harris’s when they attended high school together in Montreal, said she recalled Ms. Harris having worked at McDonald’s around that time.

Answering questions by email, Ms. Kagan said that Ms. Harris’s mother, who died in 2009, had told Ms. Kagan about the summer job years ago. Ms. Kagan said she herself had also worked at one of the fast-food chain’s many franchises in those years.

“That’s what us regular folks did,” Ms. Kagan wrote. Still, she indicated that it had not been a frequent topic of conversation for Ms. Harris. “We didn’t talk much about our McDonald’s days back then,” she said.

Knight and Nehamas wrote that Harris rarely talked about her time at McDonald’s and didn’t mention it in her memoir.

The job didn’t come up until 2019 during her presidential run.

I just cannot believe a publication like the NY Times cannot track down anyone who worked with her or knew her during that time.

The NY Times also ignored the fact that there are no records of Harris working there.


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ChrisPeters | October 21, 2024 at 11:04 am

Harris can’t even SPELL “McDonald’s”.

rhhardin | October 21, 2024 at 11:10 am

I showed a McDonald’s cashier how to make change when the machine is down, which is sort of working for McDonald’s.

destroycommunism | October 21, 2024 at 11:10 am

more proof was offered by the fact that there were

grease stains on her clothing

but further dna testing pointed to man named willie

Peter Moss | October 21, 2024 at 11:18 am

“ …while insidious and outside the lines of traditional fair play in politics, advances his goal of portraying Ms. Harris as a fraud.”

Insidious as in suggesting that a presidential candidate urinates on beds during rounds with ladies of ill-repute while working on behalf of the Russian government?

I guess, paraphrasing Whoopie Goldberg, isn’t insidious insidious.

The thought of a daughter of a Marxist economics professor working at a bastion of American capitalism is absurd on its face.

Now, if you told me that Kamala has interned at Pravda during her sophomore year…

TargaGTS | October 21, 2024 at 11:19 am

The media knew and reported more about Joe the Plumber within 24-hours of his famous exchange with Obama in 2012 than they know about Kamala Harris after being a national politician and incumbent VP. That the media can publish no photos of Harris, on-the-record eye-witnesses or simply just the name of the specific McDonald’s location where she allegedly worked speaks volumes about the incredibly low probability that the her claim is factual. There are more pictures of Bigfoot than there are of Harris working anywhere that required a uniform.

Walter Duranty destroyed the Times’ credibility back in 1932.

But Mr. Trump’s seeding of doubts about Ms. Harris’s story, while insidious and outside the lines of traditional fair play in politics, advances his goal of portraying Ms. Harris as a fraud.

Hilarious, I mean they <EM<TOTALLY played honorably with Trump, right?

    Groty in reply to Hodge. | October 21, 2024 at 12:20 pm

    They are shameless. I’m not Jewish but the chutzpah it takes to write that sentence fragment is strong.

    Obie1 in reply to Hodge. | October 21, 2024 at 2:14 pm

    You mean that the screed coming from my TV calling Trump unhinged, unstable, and unchecked is inside the lines of fair play, but saying she didn’t work somewhere that she claims with no evidence she did is outside of them? Got it.

MoeHowardwasright | October 21, 2024 at 11:31 am

Why not just show your W-2 and end the suspense Kameltoe? Oh she can’t, because she did not work there. I never worked there but I know that you don’t just work there fry station. They all rotate to different stations so that everyone can do any of the jobs inside a McDonald’s. FKH

    I did work there – Pass Road, Biloxi MS, just outside Keesler AFB Gate 7, late 1970s. You are correct; everybody rotates, but most have a primary station where they spend most of their time. I was lead cook.

    CommoChief in reply to MoeHowardwasright. | October 21, 2024 at 3:06 pm

    Yeah this doesn’t seem complicated. I can name half a dozen people who worked with me in my summer jobs while in HS off the top of my head. Give me a day to think about it and I can probably get you close to 2 dozen names.

    Maybe ‘working at McDonald’s’ is a euphemism?

alaskabob | October 21, 2024 at 11:33 am

The simple story is that she is an upper class kid who lived in an upscale area of Montreal and whose only credentials were burnished by the oldest way of climbing the ladder .. not by who she was but what she was.

E Howard Hunt | October 21, 2024 at 11:44 am

Maybe she turned some tricks in the parking lot.

Idonttweet | October 21, 2024 at 11:45 am

Wait. Harris’ now-dead mother told the fact-check source (Kagan) that Kamala worked at McD’s. Do I have that right? So, Kagan has no direct knowledge that Harris did, in fact, work there. I don’t care if she was Sponge Bob Fry Cook or swabbing decks. This has as much validity as Fouxcahontas’ mother telling her she was an Indian because of her cheekbones.

Dolce Far Niente | October 21, 2024 at 11:51 am

Her campaign could easily mock Trump for his silver spoon, never-had-to-work in high school background as opposed to Kamala’s “middle class lawn mowing” teen years.

The fact that her silly McD story isn’t corroborated even by identifying which store she worked at or what year she worked, and the sole talking point about The McDonald working the fryer in PA is criticized on the basis he didn’t REALLY work there!!! It was all fake and staged!!! leads a person to an inevitable conclusion.

Although the possibility exists that although she was HIRED at a McDonald’s once, she didn’t finish her first week. You pick the reason.

BREAKING: Former FBI Director James Comey says that former President Trump “is coming” for the FBI and the Department of Justice.

What would make him think that ?

scooterjay | October 21, 2024 at 12:00 pm

The McDonald…hilarious!
He seems to enjoy poking the collective left in the eye without having to lift a finger.

destroycommunism | October 21, 2024 at 12:20 pm


fjb/dnc sends “migrants” into the small towns to change the once secured trump votes into dem votes

texas you know this is true they are looking for a huge upset against cruz

I see in Indiana they are pushing small town gop into new migrant voting block

see the same in Illinois

    I can understand how a sixty-year-old may not have kept her Form W -2 from her teenager years.

    However, she has access to her own social security earnings record. This record shows each year separately, where there are earnings for the year.

    Harris could produce her earnings records.

    If her records show earnings from her teenager years, it would be evidence that there is a chance that she may be telling the truth.

    On the other hand, if she does not have any teenager earnings, her SS record would be evidence that she is deceitful.,

bobinreverse | October 21, 2024 at 12:25 pm

CBS shoulda paid Rather to provide Harris / 60 mins the required w2.

Real American | October 21, 2024 at 12:32 pm

The notion that Trump has no basis to say Kamala is lying is nonsense. He doesn’t have to prove she didn’t work at a McD’s. She made the claim and has utterly failed to corroborate it. He can rightfully infer from that failure that she’s full of crap and lying about it to embellish her thin resume and weak bio.

The NYT’s evidence is that Kamala’s now-deceased mother told a friend years ago that she had worked at McD’s and they never talked about it. Hearsay is all they have and they’re claiming Trump has no evidence? Nonsense.

I worked in a chain restaurant years ago. I could tell you exactly where it was. Unless Kamala identifies the McD’s she worked at and corroborates her work there, it’s completely fair to say she’s lying about it.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | October 21, 2024 at 1:07 pm

The left, media, and Democrats lost their minds, grabbing any straw to make Trump’s stop look bad.

Shame they banned all the straws. Now, they have nothing.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | October 21, 2024 at 1:13 pm

We all know (and the dems all know) that Komrade Kamala lied about having worked at McDonald’s … the same way she lied about how some “family friend/small business owner” living next door took care of her and her sister – such a family friend that Komrade and sis called her their “2nd mother” … that “2nd mother” ran a friggin day care!! She wasn’t just some neighbor who had 5 hours a day of free time on her hands that she was able to take over motherly duties for the junior commies. It was a job!!

Komrade Kamala lies about everything. And so does her pathetic running comrade, Tim Schmaltz. But, then again, lying is part of every commie’s personality and political playbook.

Should be easy to prove by tax records, right? The employer would be required to report all wages paid to employees.

If Harris wanted to prove her story, it would be quite easy for her to recall some of the more memorable characters at the store and operating procedures at the time and publishing it. People who worked at the store would come out of the woodwork in a few hours to validate her story. At least tell us which store it was.

As a teenager, I worked at the McDonalds on Route 18 in East Brunswick, NJ during summer breaks in high school and college from 1965-69. Wikipedia states that the stores went to frozen fries by 1967 but our store still used fresh potatoes through 1969 because the store was too small to install a freezer. Since we were on a shore route, we did a tremendous volume. The standard “circus’ store only had 2 order windows and registers. In order to accommodate the volume, the owners opened up the entire front for 4 register positions and 8 order lines. On summer weekends, we had 60 kids working in that tiny store. A middle aged man weighing about 300 lbs named Big Red was the burger cook. He could turn out 60 burgers every 3 minutes with the help of 6 bun prep guys. The manager was famous for his cryptic lot cleanup duty order with the phrase “Son, you look like you need a little fresh air.”

I am sure that if anyone reading my experience saw it, they would make it known. She could do the same but then again, is she smart enough to do that?

GOAT troll

Petrushka | October 21, 2024 at 1:50 pm

“ Then why don’t you ask Harris, NY Times?! ”

Petrushka | October 21, 2024 at 1:57 pm

McDonalds has officially denied having a record of her employment.

All she has to do is narrow their records search by stating the year and location.
I had several summer jobs. I don’t remember the years exactly, but I could work it out.

hopp singg | October 21, 2024 at 2:19 pm

There are pics of her and Willie Brown together at McDonald’s. Late at night. In the back.

See? She was working there.

alaskabob | October 21, 2024 at 2:31 pm

On a side note…. The Governor of North Carolina is warning Trump to not bring lies and misinformation to the state when he visits Asheville. Party hack…. He might want to be neutral as any investigation into the mismanagement of FEMA might be revealing. Of course, a Harris admin would parrot whatever.

amatuerwrangler | October 21, 2024 at 3:19 pm

I took a dive into the Wikipedia article on Harris. Ignoring most of the accolades for this and that, I built a bio-timeline from the wiki, noting that if this was incorrect or even contradicting something she has previously claimed, it would have be edited…

She was born in 1964 in Oakland CA. Her mother was a post-grad at UC Berkeley studying endocrinology. Her father studying Developmental Economics and later landing a teaching position at Stanford (Economics). They lived in Berkeley until 1966 when the parents took teaching and research at unnamed colleges in “the midwest”. The marriage soured and parents divorced in 1970, mother moving back to CA with the kids. [Her father to Stanford, mother in Berkeley. The details of who was where, etc go to Wiki.]

In 1976 mother took kids to Montreal where she got a job at McGill Univ. She lived with mom there where she graduated in 1981 from Westmount HS, Montreal. She did a year at Vanier College, Montreal, 1981-82 and then to Howard Univ in D.C. where she graduated in 1986 (Degrees in Polotical Science and Economics — Yes, no kidding, economics). Law school a Hastings, UC in SF.

As to the McD job, it would have been in Canada or DC. I don’t know about age limits on hiring youngsters but Kamala was 16 years old in 1980. She was living in Montreal at the time. That’s where the job was. This timing might also cast some shade on the “segregation bus tours” she claims to have been a part of in Berkeley earlier. Someone else can do a timeline on that.

    TargaGTS in reply to amatuerwrangler. | October 21, 2024 at 4:38 pm

    She claims it was a ‘college job.’ So , that means it could have been a job she had from late summer of 1981 to sometime in 1986, presumably before June of that year. With respect to her ‘economics’ degree, I strongly suspect she did not in fact do a double-major. Some colleges (usually liberal arts colleges) have ‘Politics & Economics’ Majors. It’s a kind of combined program. But, the reality is these degree are exceedingly light in the “Economics” and much heavier on the Poli-Sci aspect. These are 100 and maybe 200-level Econ classes.

OldProf2 | October 21, 2024 at 3:37 pm

If Harris worked at McD, Social Security would have a record of the dates, how much she earned, and how much SS tax she paid. When I applied for SS, it was amazing how much information they had going back all the way to my first job where I paid SS taxes.

Sanddog | October 21, 2024 at 3:40 pm

If Kamala worked at McD’s, there is evidence. It will show up on the IRS tax return for that year. It will also show up as income earned on her social security earnings statement. While that doesn’t show the employer, it will show income earned during the time she claims she worked. Kamala does have a way to prove her claim and the fact that she’s not, is all the evidence you need, considering her personality.

For the record: McDonald’s Corp. having no record of Harris working for them is a non-starter. If the McD’s was owned/operated by a franchisee, corporate would not have records for individual employees.

IRS/Social Security, on the other hand… even the Canadian equivalents.

Ironclaw | October 21, 2024 at 4:26 pm

I got a feeling that there must be a McDonald’s off the freeway where a lot of truckers congregate and she was actually a lot lizard.

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