New Hampshire Girls Soccer Team Forfeits Game Against Opponents With Trans Player
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New Hampshire Girls Soccer Team Forfeits Game Against Opponents With Trans Player

New Hampshire Girls Soccer Team Forfeits Game Against Opponents With Trans Player

“It’s unfortunate that these young women have to sacrifice opportunities to play the sport that they love, but until those in charge put rules in place to protect them, many are left without any choice.”

This is becoming a trend. Young women have been pushed to this point.

Outkick reports:

New Hampshire Girls Soccer Team Forfeits Against Trans Opponent

More and more females are standing up for their right to fair play and refusing to face opponents that were born males.

A high school soccer team in New Hampshire became the latest team to forfeit a match rather than compete against a transgender (biological male) opponent.

Bishop Brady high school in Concord, NH was scheduled to play Kearsarge High on Friday night, but the girls elected not to compete.

This appears to be a problem in New Hampsire.

As OutKick reported last month, several parents were banned from attending girls’ soccer matches for handing out pink armbands with the letters “XX” sewn into them.

Those parents were protesting the inclusion of a biological male on the Plymouth High team, which is a different school than the one that the girls from Bishop Brady opposed.

It’s unfortunate that these young women have to sacrifice opportunities to play the sport that they love, but until those in charge put rules in place to protect them, many are left without any choice.

We’ve seen this type of story gain national attention thanks to the San Jose State volleyball team, which has transgender player Blaire Fleming.

Five schools have so far refused to compete against SJSU and Fleming, with four Mountain West schools accepting forfeit losses rather than play.


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NorthernNewYorker | October 20, 2024 at 11:57 am

This is the way.

destroycommunism | October 20, 2024 at 12:18 pm

female soccer player to mommy:

mommy are you still going to vote for harris?

mommy: well she does want murder to still be legal

Instead of forfeiting, they should get 3 or 4 of the best male players to “identify” as girls for the day, and play on their team. Their team should look like the East German Women’s Olympic Team in “Top Secret.”

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to OldProf2. | October 20, 2024 at 7:13 pm

    Question: What is to prevent a team from fielding all trans, or a league from all of its teams fielding only trans players? Then women’s sports would be a meaningless phrase.

    tbonesays in reply to OldProf2. | October 21, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    That is a logical solution.
    Exposing their hypocrisy would likely get the school banned entirely.

      George_Kaplan in reply to tbonesays. | October 22, 2024 at 12:43 am

      But if multiple schools run a female squad and a ‘trans squad’, with females playing in female matches and males er I mean trans players playing in the trans matches, what’s the competition going to do, expel all the ‘now pro-trans’ teams and force them to form their own competition?

        tbonesays in reply to George_Kaplan. | October 22, 2024 at 3:14 pm

        In that scenario are there separate athletic leagues? One for real women and an open league?

        I don’t think that is what he was taking about. I think. OldProf had the nerd plan. If a women’s basketball team comes with a male member, the other team conveniently transitions one of the male players for that game. His/her job is only to guard the other guy/girl.

        In that hypo, I believe the second team would be banned from play simply for exposing hypocrisy.

“Young women have been pushed to this point.”
Because they had to be. Except for a few atypical maverick leaders like RIley Gaines, the bulk of them will do only what they see the rest of their cohort doing. Being the nail that sticks up? Horrors.

Young Ladies and your parents:

please consider

1. Walk away
2. Form your own league
3. Yes, you’ll have to start small
But you have a lot of people with money already interested in your situation prolly willing to help

It should not be very complicated
Prolly a few parents are lawyers
Prolly a few parents played HS or NCAA sports

Ask yourselves — Even if the schools bend or back down on this particular issue at this particular time….. do you really want to always be under their control? What’s the nonsense that they’ll subject your kid sister to?

Please — just walk away.. like, from a bad relationship. Like, from a bad job. Like, from a bad smell.

Bishop Brady was the smaller less well off Catholic School up north. There were rumors that they would have to shut down due to a lack of enrollment. I am glad to hear that they have the wherewithal to go against the trend.