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MSNBC’s Brzezinski Fears Trump is Winning: ‘I Think it’s Fair for Democrats to be Incredibly Depressed’

MSNBC’s Brzezinski Fears Trump is Winning: ‘I Think it’s Fair for Democrats to be Incredibly Depressed’

“I mean, the polls seem so close every time a new one comes out, neck and neck.”

Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC’s Morning Joe suffered a bit of an on-air breakdown this week, lamenting the fact that Trump is doing so well and seems to be winning. She also struggled to imagine what more Kamala Harris could do to increase her odds.

The Morning Joe program has become something of a one-stop shop for Trump Derangement Syndrome in recent years. It’s no surprise that Mika seems upset, considering how deeply invested she and her colleagues are in beating Trump.

Real Clear Politics provides a transcript:

MIKA BRZEZINSKI, ‘MORNING JOE’ CO-HOST: My attitude, if you will. So that’s the thing, is this morning and also all week, we’ve been talking about the frustration among a lot of Democrats that maybe the message isn’t breaking through to key voters. I mean, the polls seem so close every time a new one comes out, neck and neck.

And there’s this fear that Donald Trump is poised for victory. I think it’s fair for Democrats to be incredibly depressed. I think it’s fair for them to be discouraged.

I think it’s fair for them to explore whether Kamala Harris should be doing more. Feel free to do that. These things are all legitimate.

I don’t know what more she can do, especially given what happened, though, in 2016, because that was a trauma for anybody who loves this country and a trauma that didn’t end that day. Obviously, Democrats want to make up for lost time as Kamala Harris has just days left to truly introduce herself to the American people. At the same time, it could be argued she’s doing everything possible.

Rallies with tens of thousands of people, talk shows, radio, late night TV, podcasts, town halls are next. You can’t claim she’s not doing town halls. She wants to debate.

She’s hitting the battleground states multiple times. She’s sending her top surrogates out on the road for a four week blitz through swing states, including former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, encouraging and winning over Republicans, including Liz Cheney, top military brass, top economic leaders, even members of Trump’s own administration, trying to tell Americans that she is for them.

Watch the entire video below:

Do you remember the media meltdowns we witnessed after Trump won in 2016? Consider Mika’s performance here a preview of what we might see in November if Trump manages to pull off another win.

The good news for Mika is that she is already in therapy. So she’s got that going for her.

Featured image via YouTube.


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diver64 | October 13, 2024 at 5:06 pm

So much heavy lifting on the corporate press’s part and they still can’t hide what a horrible and incompetent woman she is from America. Really sucks, you know?

    guyjones in reply to diver64. | October 13, 2024 at 5:14 pm

    The Dhimmi-crat media shills/lapdogs/propagandists/trained seals have toiled mightily, 24/7, since 2015, to vilify and denigrate then-candidate, later President, and, now-candidate, Trump, while simultaneously bestowing the most fawning, obsequious and dishonest coverage upon Dhimmi-crat candidates and officeholders, yet, they can’t put lipstick on a pig and change the stark reality that is the huge swathe of impoverishment, misery, strife and violence that have been unleashed by the wretched incompetence and destructive policies of the Biden-Harris Administration.

It’s fair for them to be depressed. They deserve it. But it may just as easily be a ruse where they are fed misinformation because the fix is in.

In any event, she is not a particularly nice person. Quite the norm among her peers. They are not living the life they dictate to others or the pain they inflict for sport.

Those two should be doing the program in strait jackets.

drsamherman | October 13, 2024 at 5:31 pm

Oh, poor pitiable Mika…doing everything she can to reinforce the stereotype of the “dumb blonde” trope and succeeding so spectacularly, and then cosmically going into overdrive as the “hypocritical suburban rich AWFL Karen” to boot…

healthguyfsu | October 13, 2024 at 5:34 pm

Harris doesn’t want to debate on a truly neutral forum.

What they should do if they insist on having partisan fact checkers is a red team/blue team style where the debate among the checkers brings context. In fact, I think doing this in lieu of another debate (if it were truly neutral and not a farce) would be even more reasonable.

Take all of the combined issues from both debates and put two teams of conservatives and progressives up against them to fact check.and give context.

Paddy M | October 13, 2024 at 5:37 pm

Mika in therapy? You don’t say.

windyfir | October 13, 2024 at 6:02 pm

I’ve been watching and listening but I don’t see a problem. I don’t want a tight race. I want a win greater than the possibility of fraud,

CommoChief | October 13, 2024 at 6:19 pm

Well if they stepped outside the bubble of the ACELA corridor and left coast they might be better informed. The lack of pushback when HRC and Obama were deriding middle America and rural America as ‘deplorables’ clutching guns and bibles show what the legacy media believes about the rest of the Nation. These mediocre frauds don’t understand that they are part of the ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ and the rest of the Nation is tired of their BS, spin and blatant propaganda.

ghost dog | October 13, 2024 at 6:37 pm

“Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me.”

Crawford | October 13, 2024 at 6:37 pm

They should be depressed. They can’t win. Shouldn’t even bother voting.

Mika is worried the message isn’t breaking through to key voters. The problem is Kamala isn’t delivering any message.

destroycommunism | October 13, 2024 at 7:28 pm

they dont mind if trump wins

then they can CLAIM
see there is no cheating by the left

and of course with their behind-the-scenes sabotage of america

trump will have heavy sledding

but we’ll take it


Sanddog | October 13, 2024 at 8:00 pm

Democrat’s “love” of country is like an abusive spouse’s love.

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